Why Bodywork?

Do your muscles get sore?

Does your neck or back get kinked?

Does your attitude change when you have aches and pains?

What about your horse? What about your team?

A horse can get sore and off balance just like humans. We(humans) view bodywork as just a reason to relax, but bodywork is so much more than that! Bodywork activates your and your horse's parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for the body's "rest and digest" response. In order for the body to rest, digest and heals it needs to relax and active that system. Once the body is in the "rest and digest" state it can start repairing the damage that has been previously put upon it throughout competition, training, stress or daily life activities.

The benefits from bodywork are endless but these are a few things that bodywork can help with:

  • Improves Recovery Time

  • Restores Balance to the Body

  • Promotes Healing Physically, Emotionally and Chemically

  • Releases Muscle Tension

  • Increases Mobility, Range of Motion and Circulation

  • Improves Performance & Behavior

  • Reduces Pain

One 60 minute massage can do the same to your body as a full night of peaceful sleep.

Bodywork stimulates the release of endorphins, the body's natural pain killers, which is why bodywork is so helpful in relieving pain. This can allow the body to relax and repair itself from the stress put upon it during competition, training or daily life.

  • Information and pictures provided by: https://respondsystems.com/equine/

Low-level Laser Therapy (aka cold laser)

Acute conditions can be resolved with just a few treatments however it is not unusual for a chronic condition to require a number of treatments over a period of several weeks. Most treatments take from 15-30 minutes and are completely pain-free for the patient. In fact, depending on the condition, some horses experience immediate relief.

Optimal treatment protocols are a direct result of the veterinarian or therapist knowing the horse and responding to that animal’s unique condition and needs. We do provide protocol guidelines and are available 5-days a week to answer any treatment inquiries as it relates to your horse’s specific condition.

Laser Therapy can be used either as a preventative to injury, especially for animals involved in competition, or to treat specific conditions such as:

  • Soft Tissue Injuries

  • Arthritis

  • Tendon and Ligament Tears

  • Joint Conditions

  • Neurologic Injuries

  • Suspensory tears (soft tissue injury)

  • Stifle Injury

  • Sesamoiditis

  • Laminitis

  • Degenerative Joint Disease

  • SI Pain

  • Tying Up

  • Kissing Spine

  • Superficial Flexor Tendon

  • Capped Elbow

  • Wounds and more

To learn more follow the link:


Bodywork DOES NOT replace your normal veterinary care for your horses or health care for you.