About me

Investing in a professional massage school that required a minimum of 800+ hours was the best thing I ever did. It changed my life for the better. 

Myotherapy college truly taught me how to truly FEEL! My education has taught me how massage can be effected by anatomy, physiology, pathologies and even trauma. I also learned how to identify gait patterns, troubleshoot compensation, how to rebalance the body, activate the parasympathetic system and so much more.  I know when to refer out to a physical therapist, doctor, psychologist, a different massage therapist veterinarian and chiropractor. After massage school I spend time working for as a sports medicine vet-tech. I also have spend time shadowing equine chiropractors, other local veterinarians, and obtained countless hours in continuing education in both humans and horses.

My license and insurance requires me to hold the highest standards of professional conduct and code of  ethics.