Important Information

Cultural Topics

We have a huge list of cultural topics that we discuss during our tours. These discussions certainly makes our tours totally OFAC compliant. Topics we can discuss are boundless. Our guides only speak the truth from our eyes. We are certain that you will learn a lot more about Cuban culture than any state owned cruise excursion! If you have questions that we didn't cover please let us know during our tour. We will share with you as much as you would like to listen.


We feel strongly about safety and comfort for our clients. We DO NOT use poor condition old Classic Cars or poor condition vans with smelly diesel or bad exhaust. Trust us, we will always use the best possible vehicle for our tours. Our vehicles and drivers has to be licensed for tourists. To be "modern" the car / van made from 2005 or newer with air conditioning and seat belts. For our clients interested in Classic Cars we try to source the best available with air conditioning. Please note that sourcing good condition Classic cars is more of a challenge in Cienfuegos vs. Havana. We normally don't hire old cars unless clients ask for them.

Our Guides

We offer the best service, we have the most helpful, friendly, professional and experienced tour guides. We are happy to freely discuss all aspects of Cuban life per your interest. Our guides are trained to satisfy our clients' need as the top most priority. For example if you need assistance with mobility issues our guide and driver are there to assist as needed. We will always suggest adjustments to our itinerary according to our client's wishes. We will always try to move heaven and Earth to try to get what you need and try to please you.

Pick up time for cruise passengers

We normally pick up cruise passengers outside of the Passenger Terminal as soon as you are able to disembark. Please let us know if you would like an alternative pick up time. Depending if this is your first Cuba port of call or if your cruise ship needs tendering, it may take you 15 minutes or 30 or 45 minutes to come off the ship and come out from the terminal gate. Our driver and/or guide will wait at the very small park steps from the Passenger Terminal exit gate holding a sign with the names of the passengers touring with us. Sometimes the gate guard will let our driver inside the gate. If he can go inside he will be holding the sign with the passenger's name around the walkway to the exit gate.

Drop off time for cruise passengers

We will work with you to ensure your itinerary will have you closer to the port near the end of our tour. If you like you can get back to the ship at least 1 hour prior to your sailing to keep it on the safe side.

Reservation and deposits

Please go to the Reserve page to inquire about our tours. We will send you information about availability, deposits and payment.

Money Exchange

If you are coming to Cienfuegos on a cruise it is best to exchange your foreign currency to the Cuban Convertible Peso (CUC) used by tourists in Cuba at the money exchange just outside the passport control at the cruise terminal. If you are taking one of our Trinidad tour a good option is to wait until we get to Trinidad to exchange your money. The state operated CADECA money exchange almost always have NO lines in Trinidad!! This can save you 15 minutes or more not having to line up to exchange your money.

Payment accepted

Tour pricing and payment are in Cuba's tourist currency: CUCs. Payment is due on the day of our tour. For your convenience we accept USD, Euro, Canadian, British Pound at the current exchange rate if you don't have CUCs. Let us know if you will not have CUCs ahead of time so that we can help you with the exchange on the day of your tour. Please note that the Cuban government charges a 10% penalty for USD. It may be worthwhile for you to change to Euros first to spend money in Cuba. Entrance fees are included in the price of the tour. However some attractions have additional fees which client pays (e.g. swimming with the dolphin fees, museum photo fees etc.) We would appreciate a single payment from your entire travel group vs. individual payments.

Paladares (Private Restaurants)

There are several excellent private restaurants in Cienfuegos specializing in Seafood and Cuban dishes. Dining in a Paladar can be a very good Cuban experience. We can help you with reservation ahead of time as part of your Cienfuegos tour. We can also assist with finding the best available on the day of our tour. We only recommend paladares with good service and good value. However sometimes delays can happen. If so we will shift our tour schedule accordingly.

OFAC Compliance

The U.S. Department of Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has a set of Cuba Sanctions Rules that people traveling to Cuba must comply to. "Support the Cuban People" is one of the US government’s approved general licenses categories related to Cuba travel. The tour itineraries we have are fully compliant with Support the Cuban People: you are supporting a local guide vs. government owned tour operators, you will have “enhance contact with the Cuban people, support civil society in Cuba, or promote the Cuban people's independence from Cuban authorities". We recommend only privately owned Cuban restaurants (paladares) and will bring you to shop at privately owned stores run by self employed Cubans (cuentapropistas). In addition with the time we have together you will be learning a lot about Cuba's society and our day to day struggles. We will have discussions for your understanding that state owned tours (like the ones cruise lines uses) may not be opened to talk about. For cruise passengers coming via US port, if you are taking private tours or going outside of the ship on your own you should be selecting the “Support for the Cuban people” category in the Affidavit for travel to Cuba. You can print off our itineraries to help document with your documentation of activities to comply with US regulations for traveling to Cuba. Please see this video for a good explanation of the US government's general licenses for Cuba travel general licenses categories The video has good explanation of "Support for the Cuban People" for taking private tours vs. "People to People" license which you would use if you are taking cruise line's excursions exclusively.

See also

Communications with us

Please note that satisfying our clients are utmost important to us. We will always try to move heaven and earth to get what you need and try to please you. Internet services are extremely poor in Cuba. At times we may be on extended tours with our clients without good Internet access for days. We will try our best to get back to you as soon as possible. Please excuse the poor communications!

Phone numbers: 0053 5240 6499, 0053 43 556329


What's App +53 5240 6499 mornings (07:00 - 08:00) and evenings (18:00 - 23:00)

Havana Memories our Affiliate Partner

If you are looking for an excellent tour operator in Havana, please contact our affiliate partner Havana Memories. The owners Roly and Cristy are good friends. They offer very best service for tours in Havana and Varadero. They have also received TripAdvisor's Certificate of Excellence Award. Please contact them here: Their Website is at