

1. electricity rates will rise by 3 percent (rise / hike / spike)

2. coal-burning power plant / coal-fired power plant / coal-fired generators 燃煤電廠 fossil-fueled powered energy

3. were decommissioned in 2007 2007年已除役

4. planned to reactivate the plant 重啟電廠

5. will only emit about the same level of pollutants as natural-gas-fueled power plant 和天然氣排放的污染一樣

6. called for rejection of the project due to air quality concerns

7.the DEP said it opposes projects that can set back Taipei's efforts in improving air quality. It urges Taipower to consider alternative solutions.

8. EPA issues controls on scooters

9. carbon emission 碳排放

10. pose a contradiction between Taiwan's current state and its commitments in the Paris agreement

11. the substitution of nuclear power with fossil fuel is undoubtedly the main reason for the surge in carbon emission. 用石油取代核能無疑是碳排放飆高的主因

12. this is an inevitable outcome for Taiwan during its transitional phase in shifting towards more environmentally friendly resources

13. being "non-nuclear" and achieving "significant reduction in carbon emission" at the same time is a faraway fantasy that in no way seems feasible

14. remain optimistic for Taiwan's path towards cutting carbon emission

15. heavy reliance on theses fuels which supports almost 45 percent of Taiwan's energy

16. reduce the pollution caused by state-run corporations

17. although the efforts are in place


1. a cloud of unhealthy haze has settled across the Thai capital

2. issued warnings over about the poor air quality / issued (flashed) red alerts 發佈紅色警戒 / has hit (reached) a hazardous level 到達危險層級 / flashed orange, signaling unhealthy air for Kaohsiung and Pingtung 閃橘燈 / level red pollution alerts

3. issue a level one air quality deterioration alert and authorized local government to restrict two-stroke scooters

4.the DEP said it opposes projects that can set back Taipei's efforts in improving air quality. It urges Taipower to consider alternative solutions.

5. EPA issues controls on scooters

6. be far from conclusive

7.soupy smog routinely envelops (包含) most parts of northern India

8. particulates PM2.5 ; red indicates unhealthy quality with a range (reading) of 151-200 ; orange means unhealthy air quality for sensitive groups 敏感族群 with a reading of 101-150 (signifies / represent); is followed by purple, red, orange, yellow, and green alerts

9. EPA recommends that residents in the area affected reduce outdoor activities / may experience health effects (problems / impacts)

19, patients with heart, respiratory, and cardiovascular diseases, children and the elderly should stay indoors and reduce physical exertion.

20. it is advisable to wear a protective mask, and people who have asthma may need to increase the frequency ofr their use of an inhaler

21. winds carrying smog from China to Taiwan contribute to 30 percent of the nation's air pollution, the remaining 70 percent is from domestic resources.

22. PM 2.5, tiny particles that damage lung tissue

23. pollution contributed to between 30 to 35 percent of deaths during the winter period

24. deteriorating air quality / smoked-filled skies / with dire consequences

25. a rod enveloped by smoke and smog


1. to further reduce incense burners

2. only one incense burner will remain in the temple to be in line with creating a healthy environment for worshipers

3. strike a balance among the preservation of traditional culture, conservation, and public health 在文化、傳統與公共健康中取得平衡

4. what is worth noting is that... 值得注意的是

5. contemplate whether paper money can be replaced by other offerings and the possibility of reducing incense burners


1. commemorates the destruction wrought by an earthquake off Northeast Japan on March 11, 2011

2. what was originally a natural disaster very quickly transmogrified 變的奇形怪狀 itself into something more sinister and threatening to other countries

3. a nuclear calamity which left homes and villages unfit to live and foodstuffs unfit to consume

4. a larger tremor

5. nuclear calamity, such as radiation lingering for decades

6. bustling Taiwan could for a large part become uninhabitable

7. playing politics with the issue ahead of election

8. the fight to end nuclear energy nuclear energy is not the terrain of a small political elite or a narrow group of outsiders, but has grown into one of the issues most likely to be supported by a broad consensus across society and across regional divides.

9. non-nuclear country 非核家園

10. ultimate excuse

11. it should stop dragging its feet and tackle the problem at its root

12. whitewash the disadvantages of nuclear energy

13. eye (V) business opportunities / with renewable energy

14. to achieve 20 percent renewable energy in the country's new energy mix

15. energy storage industry / a total business of NT$ 200 billion in value


1. UNICEF 聯合國兒童基金會

2. breathing toxic air 呼吸有毒空氣

3. include damage to their lungs, brains, and other organs

4. 300 million kids are exposed to pollution levels more than six times higher than standards

5. the alarming numbers are hardly a surprise 並不另人驚訝

6. those with respiratory or heart condition

7. pollution levels every winter gallop 奔馳

8. children breath twice as quickly, taking in more air in relation to their body weight, while their brains and immune system are still developing and vulnerable

9. commensurately shocking

10. affect their physical and cognitive development

11. means the vast majority 廣大的群眾 are being exposed to levels of pollution considered by the WHO to be unsafe

12. which populations fell into the highest risk areas

13. buy newer cars that meet higher emission standard

14. limiting the number of cars

15. other pollution sources continue unabated