動詞 / 片語

《 努力》

1. spare no efforts / make every effort / make (launch) an all-out effort / double one's efforts / try hard / strive for sth. / strive to V / try every possible way to / make the utmost effort

2. leave no stones unturned in Ving

3. manage to 設法 / go out of one's way to V 特地、花心思 / go to great length to 費心力 / with a great deal of starch 費力


1. pay (call) attention to / put (lay) focus (importance) on / attach importance to

2.accentuate / highlight / stress /


1. set limits (restrictions) on / there are restrictions on


  1. be full / redolent (香味) of
  2. be suffused / fraught (負面的) / replete / filled / brimming / teeming with


  1. it means / represents / suggests / indicates / symbolizes / implies / connotes / signifies (that)
  2. it refers to (stand for ) N / Ving
  3. it refers to / stand for (the fact) that
  4. it is a signal / symbol that


1. want to / long for (to) / be eager for / be eager to / attempt to

2. in order to / so as to / with a view to / for the sake of / in an effort to / in an attempt to / in a bid to


1. happy / delighted

2. be in a good mood / in high spirits / in a good frame of mind

3. lighten / raise / lift one's spirits

(foster the spirits of ....)

4.lighten / boost one's mood

5. the downward spiral of his life was halted / ways to help you get rid of your gloomy mood / beat the blues


1. feel the blues / feel depressed / feel blue

2. be in the blues / be in a bad mood

3. experience the blues / lead to feelings of depression / suffer from depression / cause one's mood drop

4. make sb. sink into depression


1. benefit (v)

2. be benefitial / conducive to

3. do good to 對…有好處

4. have a positive effect / impact / influence on

5. work wonders / miracles for ... 有奇效

6. foster the process (progress ) of ... 幫助…的進步(過程) / help assist


1. deserve (merit) further consideration / await further clarification 有待確認

2. do streamline communication 有效溝通

3. be half the battle 事半功倍

4. there is no magic bullet / silver bullet for sth; there is no loyal way to sth.

5. incessantly come up with innovative ideas / get one's creative juice flowing / conceive ingenious idea

6. set sb. aprt 使與眾不同 ( it is ... that sets him apart)

7. have a tendency to / tend to

8. A tend to beget A and ... has a ripple effect

9. remain stark / could be staggering / tremendous effect

10. the concept remained deeply-rooted in sb's mind

11. further one's success


1. fall short in .... department

2. get in the way of / hinder A from B / stymie

3. face the dilemma of … / be (caught / wedged) between a rock and a hard place / fall into a quagmire of …


1. sth is enticing / intriguing

2. sb is enthralled by / be transfixed by (目眩) / be obsessed with / be fascinated by

3. stand in awe of / be awestruck by

4. be obsessed with


1. radically alter the way we .... 大大的改變…的方式

2. joint venture between academia and industry 產學合作

3. unravel mysteries sealed by the passage of time 解開長久以來的謎團


1. To deal with the problem

2. To address the problem / issue / needs of ... 處理…的問題

3. To reverse the trend 為扭轉此一趨勢

4. overcome obstacles / discrimination / hurdles / difficulties / adversity 克服困難

5. fight / break / smash the stereotype 打破刻版印象


1. astonishing / staggering / startling

2. compelling / appealing

3. stark

  1. …flash into people's mind / come to one's mind
  2. on the spur of the moment 一時衝動之下
  3. my life had come / returned full circle 辛苦了一大圈又回到原點