
《that 系列》

1. despite the fact that

2. according to / based on the fact that

3. due to the fact that

4.The more...., the more is is likely that....

5.it's well-acknowledged / worth acknowledging that... / everybody knows that

6. I am enough of a realist to know that 我自己知道

7. I am confident that 我有把握

8. You are not alone in thinking that / many people concur that... / many people are of the same opinion that / it is generally agreed that / it is deemed that 許多人都認為

9. it is hoped that / it is advisable / it is suggested that 建議、希望

10. fall prey to the pernicious evil / malign effect that 導致不好的效應

11. it is not hyperbole to state that / it is no exaggeration to say that 這樣說並不誇張

12. I am of the opinion that / I hold the opinion that/ I firmly believe that 我認為

13. It is obvious that / it goes without saying that / there is no denying that

14. has voiced alarm at the fact that 提出警告

15. Chances are that / It is likely that

16. Rumor /Legend / The grapevine has it that.... / I heard it through the grapevine that....

1. be served as a stepping stone helping them to climb (get access to) the ladder to ....

2. illuminate a path for those who get lost in the mist of ....

3. Blind pursuit of fame and fortune turned out to be futile.

4. sb's brilliance as a mathematician makes sure that she shine the brightest among .. (among a constellation of Hollywood celebrities)

5. ignite one's passion for ... / spark enthusiasm

  1. enrich our life , broaden our perspective, and raise up our spirits to see the infinite potential of the future and whimsical fantasy of the past.
  2. Language and knowledge are like two wings that help you fly. And you stand like an A. That's attitude.
  3. remember / review / reorganize
  4. enrich you language / advance your knowledge / and help you cultivate the right attitude
  5. to see the infinite potential of the future, and the whimsical fantasy of the past
  6. it is just like that – there is an angel and devil on your shoulders and you have to choose one
  7. so why learning grammar is so important because when you go to the battlefield of examination. Your vocabulary is your weapon. You grammar is the navigation system, helping you target the audience and kill (annihilate) the enemy.
  8. so we cannot judge a person by his or her appearance / we cannot judge a book by its cover / that means all that glitters is not necessary gold and something that stinks to out to be a delicacy / delicious / maybe he is ugly outside but beautiful inside or he is handsome outside beautiful inside just like me.


1.on the one hand / on the other hand

2.for one thing / for another thing

3.sunny side / dark side / on the flip side

4.look the other way, though, and there are plenty of potential pitfalls

5.a mixed blessing / two sides of a coin / a double-edged sword

6.has its own pros and cons / merits and demerits / advantages and disadvantages

7.like a Janus with two faces looking in opposite directions


a kaleidoscopic variety of

a colossal amount of

overwhelming advantage

crowned the best of the county

take off and soar above the mundane, lifting our spirits

a more pragmatic and aromatic part of my brain / mind


  1. be in a frenzy of excitement 瘋狂的興奮
  2. enjoy a great feeling of solidarity 感受到團結的感覺
  3. shout out words of encouragement 說出鼓勵的話
  4. the atmosphere is heating up here because of the outburst of enthusiasm 氣氛因熱情的爆發而高漲
  5. provide them with an outlet for their excess energy and allows them to relieve their stress 發洩多餘的精力並釋放壓力
  6. get the same feeling of satisfaction 得到同樣的滿足感
  7. get cold feet just from the thought of singing up for a marathon 想到要加入馬拉松就感到害怕
  8. overloading yourself with greasy food or too much protein 讓自己吃太多油膩的食物
  9. increase one's fitness 增加健康


1. go all the way back to

2. be traced back to

3. date back to

4. find its root / origin in