FLOW is a cooperative board game that helps people (age 12 and older) think together about ecological sustainability. The game is based on the history of Japan’s Tenryu River basin in western Shizuoka Prefecture during the early years of the Meiji era (1868-1912). At this time, a man named Meizen Kinpara discovered that good forest stewardship practices along the mountainous upstream portion of the Tenryu River helped prevent downstream flooding. This discovery eventually led to the creation of a sustainable riverine economy in which trees were planted in mountain forests, grown, harvested, and then transported as lumber for trade. The profits from lumber sales were used to plant more trees and build stone storehouses throughout the Tenryu River basin.

Our goal with this game is to highlight practices that enable sustainable relationships between natural systems and human economies. In the spirit of localization, the wood used in this game is sourced from the forests of Shizuoka Prefecture. 

A full explanation of the game and its rules is available in English here.


