


2)指定された時間にRADの場所(Knowledge Square)に来てください。

3)他のメンバーに挨拶をする: 参加者に名前、所属、選んだ本の名前を言ってもらいます。






The Reading And Discussion (RAD) event is designed to bring students and faculty together in communication around books. As we emerge from the social isolation of the COVID pandemic, rebuilding social ties is more important than ever. However, given the power of online media, making time for long-form reading and discussion is becoming more and more difficult. This event is designed to help solve this problem. It is inspired by this article from The New York Times, which describes the popularity of similar events in New York city. Here's how our event works:

That's all. The goal is active listening and engaged communication. The discussion phase should be a nice, respectful discussion in which all parties seek to learn from each other. Even if you've read the book someone else chose, you should strive to understand his or her interpretation of what he or she has read (so far). Your partner will extend you the same courtesy. Obviously, let's avoid spoilers.

If you understand these guidelines and are interested in joining, please fill out the form below so we can gauge how many people will show up (and plan accordingly).