
担当:Andrews Dale(非常勤講師)

セメスター:1,2  単位:各2


A study of ghostlore in America


In this class we will examine various examples of folk belief in America, with a particular focus on ghost stories, known as "ghostlore." We will read English language texts written on the subject of ghosts and the supernatural. In this class, we will study one aspect of American folk belief, but it is hoped that students will gain greater insight into contemporary American society, and be challenged to re-examine through the critical lens of folklore studies their own culture's folk beliefs regarding supernatural phenomenon.


After completing this course, students should have acquired the following skills: (1) Be able to summarize English text. (2) Be able to make basic translations of English text. (3) Be able to express an opinion in English. (4) Be able to identify ghostlore. (5) Be able to explain the features of religious folklore (ghostlore) on in America.


1st semester
1. Class Guidance.
2~14. Discussion of the text and/or presentations.
15. Test. Followed by a review discussion.

2nd semester
1. Class Guidance.
2~14. Discussion of the text and/or presentations.
15. Test. Followed by a review discussion.


Written assignments 50%; In-class discussion & activities 30%; Test 20%.
Specific evaluation criteria will be explained in class.


Reference texts: "Haunted Halls: Ghostlore of American College Campuses" (University Press of Mississippi, 2007); "Haunting Experiences: Ghost in Contemporary Folklore" (Utah State University Press, 2007)


3 to 5 hours per week of out of class study is required.


An English/Japanese dictionary is necessary. 3 to 5 hours per week of out of class study is required. The instructor will be available before and after class for questions and consultation.