Pandemic+  in Guatemala  2023

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Map of Guatemala: Confirmed/Suspected/ Recovered/Deaths

This webpage is used to document the efforts of the people of Guatemala in their struggle against Covid-19.    Read more...

The sources of information used are both Guatemalan and Inernational Newspapers, WHO (World Health Organization, UN (United Nations, Arcgis (Covid-19 mapping information)

"JN.1”: What are the symptoms of this new variant of covid-19 also known as “pirola”, Dec. 20, 2023

Guatemala's results in Pisa 2022 are an “emergency alert for the country's development,” according to Cepal. dec. 16, 2023

Guatemala stagnates in mathematics, reading and science and is located at the bottom of the Pisa ranking, Dec. 5, 2023

2023 school year closes: “We need one or two more years for students to reach the level we had before the pandemic”, Dec. 1, 2023

School year 2023: Ministry of Health clarifies whether it will be mandatory for students to be vaccinated against covid-19 to return to school: January 6, 2023

Covid-19 in Guatemala: Young population concentrates more positive cases and epidemiologist explains why the situation is worrisome: January 8, 2023

For Pandemic+  information, from previous years, please click year below