Pandemic+ in Guatemala 2021

“I won't be able to do anything here”: young graduates from Quiché are preparing to migrate irregularly to the United States: Nota: TEW is currently trying to continue supporting 2 schools in Quiché. November 8, 2021

Covid and Medical Interns: September 28, 2021

Health explains cause of decrease in covid-19 cases and announces that it will continue delivery of Sputnik V: September 28, 2021

"We are fighting with death": the desperate call of a doctor from Xela for the coronavirus and whose image went viral September 10, 2021

The main hospital for COVID-19 in Guatemala closes: September 2, 2021

No space for patients, cases of delta variant and saturation: several hospitals in Guatemala are at maximum capacity due to covid-19: September 1, 2021

"It is up to us to decide who has already lived a little longer and who has not," the dramatic testimony of the doctors who fight against covid-19: August 28, 2021

COVID-19: Guatemala is experiencing the worst outbreak in the entire pandemic | Telemundo News: August 12, 2021

Without oxygen, without beds and without space: the critical situation of hospitals that care for patients with covid-19: August 6, 2021

WHO asks countries to vaccinate 10 percent of their populations by September and this is the critical situation in Guatemala : July 15, 2021

What is known about the guajero who was dragged by a current in the landfill in zone 3? 16 Apr 2021

The Longer Schools Are Closed, The Lower Student Achievement Apr 14, 2021

Increases Cases of Children With Advanced Stage Kidney Disease: April 1, 2021

Guatemalan families mourn death of children as hunger spreads: Jan-12-2021

For Pandemic+ information, from previous years, please click year below.