Hair Loss Tips

Do you have a hair loss problem? Read our Tips

Do you suffer from hair loss? Then you are just like 25% of all men. The hair usually falls out first in the forehead and in the sleeping area. home remedies for hair fall and regrowth, that really work?

At the back of the head and on the forehead the hair loss continues to the balding part, where the head is bald and only a hair ring is left from one ear over the back of the head to the other ear. People who suffer from hair loss often suffer from mental health problems and even suffer from disadvantages in their private lives.

Different drugs can be used to stop the hair from precipitating, but only partially help, because after the drug is stopped the hair loss occurs again. Hair transplantation is the only way to permanently remove hair loss.

There are different types of hair loss, with heredity and genetics being the most common causes of hair loss. Also known as androgenetic alopecia (male type baldness). This form is relatively common in men, but is not uncommon in women. In the female gender of the hair loss is usually in the middle, near the hair tip. This then becomes thinner over time and almost never leads to extreme or total hair loss.

Receding hairlines are often the beginning of balding in men. That's why many men prefer shaving their heads. Some start hair loss in young adults and others only at retirement age.

Causes of hair loss

Every day people lose between 70 and 100 hairs, which is a completely natural process. The old hair falls out, after which new ones grow. Hair loss is only pronounced if an unusually large number of hairs fall over a longer period of time.

However, the cause of hair loss is not easy. First determine what type of hair loss is: is it diffuse, circular or hereditary and hormonal hair loss? Depending on the species, very different causes can be responsible. Science is still unclear in many areas.

Possible causes of hair loss range from genetically induced hypersensitivity of hair follicles to male sex hormones to infections and frequent stress, iron deficiency, metabolic disorders and immune system disorders. Drugs for chemotherapy also lead to hair loss.

The most common form of hair disorder is hereditary conditional hair loss, also called androgenetic alopecia. Only a self-hair implant is a permanent solution to get rid of this form of hair loss.

Hereditary hormonal:

About 95% of men who suffer from hair loss are affected by genetic hair loss.

Here the steroid hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is responsible for hair failure. The reason for this is a hypersensitivity of the hair follicles to this hormone. DHT is the result of the conversion of the sex hormone testosterone using the 5α reductase enzyme. In women, hereditary hair loss is not uncommon.

Stress and diseases:

Various diseases and frequent stress can adversely affect hair growth. For example, thyroid disease, metabolic diseases such as diabetes and Crohn's disease, anorexia, bulimia and infectious diseases can cause hair loss. Depression and other mental illness or stress can also have a major impact on hair growth. In addition, it must be ensured that there is no vitamin deficiency. In exceptional cases, hair loss can also be the side effect of medication.

Hormone fluctuations:

Women can experience hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, sometimes leading to hair loss. However, this is usually limited in time and again sounds like body recovery.

How can the cause be determined? In the event of unnatural hair loss, a doctor must first be consulted. He can then perform various blood tests. These include checking blood count, thyroid and kidney function parameters and detecting serum iron and zinc.

The exact causes of this disease are not yet known. It is thought that a disorder of the immune system causes an inflammatory response that causes the hair to fall out.

Hair loss treatment:

Depending on the cause, different forms of treatment are used to combat hair loss. Hereditary hair loss tries to inhibit DHT, which is responsible for hair loss.

In the case of circular hair loss, primarily stimulus therapy is used for treatment. Various freely available drugs can be used to combat diffuse hair loss. A doctor or pharmacist must be consulted for this.

A definitive and permanent solution can only be achieved by a hair transplant, which, however, cannot be performed in the case of inflammatory and disease-related hair loss.