
Todia adopts Catalan as single official language.

On Sunday 30 April 2023 the President signed the Languages act, a new bill that was submitted to the Presidential Council the same day. The voting passed with 2 yes and 1 abstention, the bill was then approved and came into effect on Monday 1 May. The Languages act designates Catalan as the sole official language in Todia and will be used in official documents. The other four previous official languages are designated as "regional recognized languages" meanwhile the status of all the languages that have been recognised in the "Presidential Decree N.1" was not changed. The Governament announced on the  official Governament (now Generalitat) Twitter account that they will post bilingual tweets in Catalan and English. The official website of the Generalitat will remain in English. 

1 May 2023, Christian Laudani.

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Todia will partecipate at Digi Micro Summit

The President of the Republic of Todia requested to the hosts of the Digi Micro Summit, the Principality of Sancratosia and the Democratic Republic of Satoshi to partecipate to this event held in  the end of August (19-20-21 August) in the metaverse. Their answer was positive and the Republic of Todia became one of the attendees. The delegate for Todia will be the President Christian Laudani. This event was organized by the Principality of Sancratosia and the Democratic Republic of Satoshi to help the micronationalists who can't partecipate at events like MicroCon. The event will be held in the Metaverse.

3 August 2022, Christian Laudani.

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President Christian Laudani appoints the new Minister of Foreign Affairs

The President Christian Laudani has appointed this morning the new Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Todia. Christian Laudani has chosen Manggala Alif Prasetia, already Vice-President of Todia and Minister of Environmental policies. The announcement was made on the official Twitter account of the Republic of Todia.

4 August 2022, Christian Laudani.

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Todia Space Agency started its operations on 8 August 2022

The Governament of the Republic of Todia announced that the TSA (Todia Space Agency) started its operations on 8 August 2022. The assosiation requested the membership in the IAC.

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