Toda Behavioral Data Science Lab.

Graduate School of Data Science and School of Data Science, Yokohama City University

This laboratory is engaged in research to model and predict people's behavior and social situations and to lead them to a more wll-being state by analyzing a wide range of data related to human behavior, such as life logs, service usage history, movement trajectories, and social media, while taking human characteristics into account.

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In this laboratory, we are engaged in research in the area of Behavioral Data Science, with a focus on approaches in the field of computer science, such as data engineering and machine learning. Behavioral Data Science is a research area that aims to understand the characteristics of human behavior and psychology and to utilize human behavior data by combining "knowledge related to behavior in the behavioral sciences such as psychology, economics, sociology, etc." and "approaches in the field of computer science such as computer science, data engineering, information systems, etc.". Currently, we are mainly focusing on the following human behaviors, but we plan to conduct research on a wide range of human behaviors, including but not limited to the following.

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Address:Yokohama City University, Kanazawa-Hakkei Campus, Education and Research Building 215 (22-2 Seto, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama 236-0027、Kanagawa, Japan)


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