Gallery of Jobs

Social distancing glue residue removal.

Stretching to repair carpet can extend the useful life of a carpet.

Here the constant walk to and from the kitchen, wore the carpet fibers off of the backing.

By stretching the carpet, we were able to repair the worn carpet; keeping the owner from replacing it.

Mop water carries dirt to the lowest spot - the grout!

The grout becomes full of DIRT and GERMS.

Mopping makes it worse, no matter how often you clean, it gets dirtier!

We clean the tile and grout.

Then we seal the grout.

Spills sit on top of the grout, NOW mopping wipes it away!

Right picture the darker areas are were the dirtiest, so those areas got more chemicals, scrubbing, and moisture.
Because of the extra attention, those areas take longer to dry. Being wetter, they are darker, once dry those areas will lighten to the same color as the other areas.

Tile & Grout

Wood cabinets would expand if they got wet.

So, we cleaned using low moisture tools.