Pulp Era Adventures

I started diving in to Pulp gaming around 2015 and have not looked back... See the Useful Links section for some of my inspiration, and Battle Reports and Pulp Alley Leagues for some of my gaming


I have played multiple Pulp Rules. My current favorites are Astounding Tales! , which I have used many times for convention games and my new favorite for at home is Pulp Alley.


There are many manufacturers of 28mm Pulp Figures, here are a few that grace my collection


Pulp Alley Leagues

I did a quick count and I think I can field about 30 unique Pulp Alley leagues... all at the same time (I really need to stop buying lead) So, here I will eventually document all of them with stat cards. Check back for updates.

  • Miskatonic University

  • German Institute of Theosophical Studies (G.I.T.S.)

  • Doc Savage

  • The Sinister Dr. Tso

  • Dr. Nefario

  • The Cult of Everlasting Life

  • USMC Special Detachment

  • Hercule Poirot

  • Zorro

  • Sultanate of Zanzibar

  • The Grey Ghost

  • Manduck the Magician

  • US Rocket Corps

  • Professor Hardlove

  • Bugy and Bunny Gang

  • US Treasury Agents

  • King's African Rifles