Jozi's Tin Man's Wargaming Shelf

This is an adjunct to my blog, Jozi's Tin Man, for storing scenarios, rules and rules modifications and anything else of interest that should be less transitory than a blog post. Enjoy!

Areas of Interest in Chronological Order

The Normans and their enemies in Britain and the Mediterranean, Circa AD 800 - AD 1100

Age of Colonialism and Victorian Scientific Romance, circa 1850 - 1900

Ruritanian-Elbonian War of 1925 (Imaginations)

Pulp Adventures, 1920 - 1938

World War 2, Eastern Front 1941-45

Korean War, 1950-53

Cold War, circa 1985

Stryker Brigade Combat Team, near future

Mercenary Armor Regiment (Hammer's Slammers),