Tiffin CSD - Master Planning Session 1

On January 30th, Tiffin City Schools hosted the first Superintendent's Advisory Committee as the district beings exploring how to address their aging school facilities. Attended by a cross section of over 70 community members, it included educators and administrators, city officials, business leaders, students, parents and interested citizens The committee's goal is to review existing building conditions and improvement costs, evaluate site viability, educational adequacy and new construction cost models which drive the creation of district-wide master plan options. This work ultimately results in a preferred master plan recommendation to the Tiffin Board of Education.


This first session acted as an introduction to the planning process and centered on reviewing general information about the district, its facilities, the importance of communication throughout and the establishment of guiding principles for the planning process.


During a feedback activity, when asked what attendees hoped to take from the process, many of their ideas overlapped. However, two major ideas surfaced:

During the session, attendees broke into small groups and collaborated to then define their top 4 priorities for the project. These "Guiding Principles" were then reported to the whole group and cataloged to be referenced throughout the planning process. While each group had slightly different answers, There many core conceptual issues that each group felt should be addressed:

Student Safety and Security: A need to incorporate improved systems and measures that will keep the youngest learners safe inside and outside the building. Additionally, buildings that provide access for those with disabilities or other specialty needs.

Designed for modern education: Buildings in this plan should be designed to adapt with the future of education, collaborative work and modern technology for young students.

Community Based Services: The plan should take into account how the community can use any future buildings after school. There is an opportunity for the district to be the hub of the community and inclusively allow other interests to use them.

Pride and excellence: Tiffin has a legacy of educational excellence and this plan should exemplify a forward thinking district, allow opportunities for community engagement and relationship building among city, private and school stakeholders.

Attendees outlined topics they felt were important to address during these sessions. They included:

As the master planning sessions continue, there will be opportunities to provide feedback and continue to learn more about district needs, and all plans moving forward.