Đề thi IELTS Writing 2023 mới nhất kèm bài mẫu chi tiết

Bài viết sau đây, Tiếng Anh người đi làm sẽ tổng hợp tất cả đề thi IELTS Writing 2023 đầy đủ Task 1 & 2 được cập nhật liên tục và mới nhất tại IDP & BC, để các bạn có thể tham khảo qua về xu hướng ra đề hiện nay và luyện viết thử tại nhà nhé!

1. Đề thi IELTS Writing Tháng 1 2023

Đề thi IELTS ngày 02.01.2023

Task 1: Bar chart

Task 2: It is a natural process for animal species to become extinct. There is no reason why people should try to prevent this from happening. Disagree or Agree?

Đề thi IELTS ngày 03.01.2023

Task 1: Bar Graph

Task 2: The growing number of overweight people is putting a strain on the health care system in its efforts to address related health problems. Some people think that the best way to deal with this is to include more physical education lessons in the school curriculum.

Đề thi IELTS ngày 04.01.2023

Task 1: Table

Task 2: Some people say that the main aim of advertising is to improve the sales of products that people do not really need. Agree or disagree?

Đề thi IELTS ngày 05.01.2023

Task 1: The bar chart below describes some changes about the percentage of people were born in Australia and who were born outside Australia living in urban, rural and town between 1995 and 2010.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting this main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Task 2: Rich countries often give money to poorer countries, but it doesn’t solve poverty. Therefore, developed countries should give other forms of help to poor countries than financial aid.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Đề thi IELTS ngày 06.01.2023

Task 1: Bar chart

Task 2: Some people believe that a lot of research is a waste of time and money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Đề thi IELTS ngày 08.01.2023

Task 1: The graph below shows the amount of UK investments in clean energy from 2008 to 2015.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Task 2: In many countries, it is becoming more and more common to pay for things using mobile phone (mobile phone) apps.

Đề thi IELTS ngày 12.01.2023

Task 1: The graph below show the number of hours each teacher spent teaching in different schools in four different countries in 2001. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Task 2: Some people think that certain old buildings are more worth preserving than the other ones. Which types of old buildings should be preserved?

Do you think that the advantages of preserving these old buildings outweigh the disadvantages?

2. Đề thi IELTS Writing Tháng 2 2023

Đề thi IELTS ngày 04.02.2023

Task 1: Bar chart.

Task 2: Some people think that government should ban dangerous sports, while others think that people should have freedom to do any sports or activity. Discuss both view and give your opinion.

Đề thi IELTS ngày 07.02.2023

Task 1: The graphs below show how people in a European city reached their office and got back home in 1959 and 2009. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Task 2: Some employers believe that job applicants’ social skills are more important than their academic qualifications.

Đề thi IELTS ngày 11.02.2023

Task 1: The world health organization recommends that people should eat five or more portion of fruit and vegetables per day. The bar chart shows the percentage of males and females in the UK by age group in 2006.

Task 2: Some experts believe that when a country is already rich, any additional increase in economic wealth does not make its citizens any more satisfied. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Xem đầy đủ Bộ đề thi IELTS Writing 2023 mới nhất kèm bài mẫu chi tiết

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