
Journal Publications

(*corresponding author, underlined: supervised students)

Conference Papers

Other Publications

O'Rourke GeoLegend.pdf

2. Xiao, S., Lin, H., and Jabbour, H. (2016). “Lessons learned from Geo-Legends: Donald H. Gray, Ph.D. M.ASCE.” Geo-Strata, January/February issue.

Gray GeoLegend.pdf

3. Lin, H., Xiao, S., and Jabbour, H. (2015). “Lessons learned from Geo-Legends: George J. Tamaro, PE, F. ASCE, Hon. M. ASCE, NAE.” Geo-strata, May/June issue.

George Tamaro.pdf

4. Lin, H., Xiao, S., Ni, L., and Dong, Y. (2015). “Lessons learned from Geo-Legends: J. Carlos Santamarina, PhD, Ing., AM ASCE.” Geo-Strata, January/February issue.

Carlos Santamarina.pdf

5. Lin, H., and Xiao, S. (2014). “Lessons learned from Geo-Legends: Edward Kavazanjian, Jr., PhD, PE, GE, D. GE, NAE, F. ASCE.” Geo-Strata, May/June issue.

Ed Kavazanjian.pdf