The Two Witnesses of Apocalypse Chapter 11

There are all sorts of theories and rationales as to who the two witnesses of Apocalypse chapter 11 will be. The overwhelming majority of exegetes, seem to agree that they will be from among those who have been “translated” i.e. Henoch and Elias, or those for whom their manner of death and/or remains are unaccounted for, such as Moses or those whose burial place may be known, but there are no 1st class relics like Saint Joseph or Our Lady. As two examples, my Douay-Rheims Bible says in the footnoting: “It is commonly understood of Henoch and Elias” (The two witnesses) and certain Protestant sects believe them to be Moses and Elias. Does this necessarily mean that two of these historical figures will come in some type of glorified body? Holy Mother Church teaches that only Jesus and Mary have the “singular” privilege to have glorified bodies, and so the answer is no. The terminology used for those “others” is that they are still 'attached' to their bodies; in this sense, we can possibly understand what Jesus said of Saint John that he might remain till He comes (St. John 21:21,22). There is no first hand account of the death of Saint John; various historical writers have marked his death at “around” 100 AD. In the absence of historical surety, it remains possible that Saint John was also translated, after all, we have Jesus' comment about his remaining until He comes and the fact that he survived the attempts to martyr him through boiling oil and poison (Tertullian). The Bible tells of several who were bi-located while still in the flesh, such as the prophets Habacuc and Ezechiel as well as Saint Phillip the Deacon. In modern days we know that Saint Padre Pio also bi-located. Not only does chapter 11 of the Apocalypse, or the Bible for that matter, NOT directly tell us exactly who these witnesses will be, but it also doesn't give us any clues as to the requirements to be a 'witness'; nor does the Bible tell us what being in the state of translation means, i.e. waiting for the first resurrection (Apoc. 20:5), in Limbo, in a state of suspended animation or hypo-static union between their souls and their bodies in the ground...?? (Is that a connection with the incorrupt bodies of the Saints?!) We would also be foolish to think that we know all of the names that fit the above categories any more than we know the names of all of those whose bodies remain incorrupt! What exactly can we know about who these witnesses will be? One thing that we do know is that there are two of them, and the most prominent twosome of the book of the Apocalypse is in chapter 12 regarding the “two wings of a great eagle”.

So for the answer to this question we need to go to Apocalypse chapter 12, verse 14 which reads: “And there were given to the woman two wings of a great eagle, that She might fly into the desert unto Her place, where She is nourished for a time and times, and half a time from the face of the serpent”. What is the significance of these two wings of a great eagle? Ezechiel chapter one describes Ezechiel's vision of the four living creatures who supported the throne of God and drew His chariot. There was one with the visage of a man, another with the visage of a lion, another with the visage of an ox, and the fourth one had the visage of an eagle. (Ezechiel 1:10) Exegetes (those who study and explain the Bible, largely as it explains itself) agree that these four faces are of the four evangelists, Sts. Matthew (face of a man), Mark (face of a lion), Luke (face of an ox) and John, with St. John being represented as an eagle. But, Apocalypse 12:14 calls for two wings of a great eagle! Who is the other wing? The main character in Apocalypse 12 is 'The Woman'. She appears first in Genesis 3:15 “I will put enmities between thee and 'The Woman', and thy seed and Her Seed: She shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for Her heel”. Again at the wedding feast at Cana in St. John 2:4; “And Jesus saith to Her: 'Woman', what is that to Me and to thee? My hour is not yet come.” At the foot of the Cross in St. John 19:26 “When Jesus therefore had seen His Mother and the disciple standing whom He loved, He saith to His Mother: 'Woman', behold thy son. After that, He saith to the disciple: Behold thy Mother. And from that hour, the disciple took Her to his own.“ And this Woman is mentioned again in Apocalypse 12:1,6,13,14,15,16,17 She is referred to 7 times! These times of ours are known as Marian times with Our Queen being known as the Apostle of our times. With what the above Scriptures indicate, we can see that these two wings of a great eagle play a vital role in the protection of Holy Mother Church in these last times. It is typical of what Our Lady tells us in The Mystical City of God in terms of Her role in the Church at that time in that it is brief as are the only 7 speaking lines that she has in the Scriptures. She told Mary of Agreda that the reason for the brevity is that it was not Her time, but Jesus', and so she remained in the background till this 20th century.

Not only is She the “Mother of the Christ”, but as such She is also the Mother of the Church which flowed from the wound in Jesus' side from St Longinus' spear to His Heart. These two roles are often confused as is the duel role of Jesus as Redeemer and as Saviour. If you look at the historical, biblical account of redemption in the old Testament, you will find that the first male to part the womb of certain indispensable and therefore priceless, animals owned by the Hebrew children were to be sacred to the Lord and were either to be brought and offered in the temple or their necks were to be broken. The only way prescribed by the Law for them to be kept alive and used by the owner was if the owner went to the temple and paid the redemption tax. There was even a written scale of what redemption price was required for which first born male. Because each of us was under the curse of the original sin, each of us was under a sentence of death!!! The price of redemption was owed to God the Father to appease His wrath for stealing His fatherhood of all human creatures when Adam “knew” Eve in the biblical sense and their offspring were Adam's instead of the Father's. “This is the book of the generation of Adam. In the day that God created man, He made him to the likeness of God. He created them male and female; He blessed them: and called their name Adam , in the day when they were created. And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years, and begot a son to his own image and likeness and called his name Seth." (Gen. 5:1~3) This also explains why Our Lady could confidently and truthfully say that “more people go to Hell for sins of the flesh than for any other reason”. “And you, when you were dead in your sins, and the uncircumcision of your flesh; He hath quickened together with Him, forgiving you all offenses: Blotting out the handwriting of the decree (of eternal Hell) that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He hath taken the same out of the way, fastening it to the Cross...” (Colossians 2:13,14) All of our necks deserved to be broken! This act of redemption, Jesus' suffering and death on the Cross in our places, satisfied the redemption price to the Father (an unspotted Lamb - St. John 1:29). It said that we could live, not that all of our sins were forgiven and we were guaranteed Heaven. We still have to live our lives in the service of Our God per His requirements for our salvation, just as those redeemed animals had to serve their owners in order to continue to live, representing eternal life. Redemption and Salvation are two very different things! One we receive; gratis or for free, the other absolutely requires that we prove ourselves to attain. ("...with fear and trembling work out your salvation." [Philippians 2:12] )

In St. John 19:27, we see St. John (the eagle) obediently and lovingly giving his obedience to Jesus our Saviour : "And from that hour, the disciple took Her to his own.” This gives us a clue as to who the other witness is to be! Surely the other 'eagle' must be as lovingly protective as St. John was with Our Lady. Since no one of our times has seen Saint John, it would certainly be helpful if his fellow witness was a very notable figure of our times, someone with worldwide facial recognition, another canonized saint? God uses who He will. After all, who, but God and the Blessed Virgin Mary can claim to be sinless?

Before we go on, let's look into Apocalypse 10:8~11 “And I heard a voice from heaven again speaking to me(St John), and saying: Go, and take the book that is open, from the hand of the angel who standeth upon the sea, and upon the earth. And I went to the angel, saying to him, that he should give me the book. And he said to me: Take the book, and eat it up: and it shall make thy belly bitter, but in thy mouth it shall be sweet as honey. And I took the book from the hand of the angel and ate it up: and it was in my mouth, sweet as honey: and when I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. And he said to me: Thou must prophesy again to many nations, and peoples, and tongues, and kings. If you will look at Ezechiel chapter 3 beginning in v.1, you will see similar wording commissioning Ezechiel as a prophet. Both ate a book, with the same result. It would seem likely that the book that Saint John ate contained the 7 thunders in 10:4 that he was told to seal up. Was this the book of the Apocalypse? After all, we have the 7 seals, the seven trumpets, the seven vials, and the Beast with the seven heads in the Book of the Apocalypse? If we look at the description of the audience of the two witnesses in Apoc. 11:9 we find a match with the ones that the angel in Apoc. 10:11 told Saint John he would prophesy to: “And they of the tribes, and peoples, and tongues and nations, shall see their bodies for three days and a half: and they shall not suffer their bodies to be laid in sepulchres.” THERE DOESN'T SEEM TO BE ANY DOUBT THAT SAINT JOHN THE APOSTLE WILL ONCE AGAIN WITNESS FOR HIS SAVIOR! After all, didn't Jesus say to Peter in John 21:21,22 “So I will have him (John) to remain till I come, what is it to to thee?

So, who is the other eagle? Hint: The country of Poland has the white eagle with a golden beak and talons, wearing a golden crown in a red shield for its national emblem. (The Bishop in White of Lucy and Jacinta's vision; being martyred?) The papal colors are white and gold. His papal motto could be taken from St. John's response to Jesus in St. John 9:27 to taking Her to his own: 'TOTUS TUUS' to Our Lady from the 'Fatima Pope'! His commitment to protecting Our Lady was every bit as strong as Saint John's. Of course, this can be none other than Pope Saint John Paul II! Two wings of an eagle, two saints called John, two who perfectly match the description of the Pope in another Saint John's dream, that of St. John Bosco, with the Barque of Peter tied up to the pillar of the Eucharist and the pillar of Our Lady, Help of Christians. Two Protectors of the Eucharist, Saint John, the Apostle in the person and love of the Living Eucharist, Jesus, through his gospel, his epistles and the book of the Apocalypse; and Saint John Paul II in Redemptionis Sacramentum, correcting the blasphemous way in which the Eucharist is treated with communion in the hand, glass or pottery chalices, female Eucharistic ministers. ( The Bible is quite clear in both the Old and New Testaments that women were not allowed to handle the sacrifice; only the Levite men and at the first Mass on Passover, they were conspicuous by their absence, not man's rule, but God's.) He also decried daily communion under both species, especially with children handling the Chalice and mothers with babies receiving both the Sacred Host and the Sacred blood one handed with babies in their arms, and all of them standing in pride instead of kneeling in humility and meekness as the example of Christ Himself. Pope John Paul II defining what should be done with the person and consecrated hands of the pedophile priests....defrock them and turn them over to the authorities instead of praying with their victims and moving them to another parish!!! Both of them staunch defenders of the Faith in their writings and in the face of terrible persecution.

It would be a terrible mistake to try and consider any of what you will read in this booklet unless you look at it through the teachings and beliefs of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We know, for instance that the Body that Jesus came out of the grave with was not a glorified body, but rather was as the bodies of Adam and Eve before the Original sin. It had preternatural attributes such as “passability” which allowed solid objects to go through it without injury, and as Easter Sunday night, Jesus came through the wall of the upper room to be with the Apostles could also go through solid objects. After all, He had not yet ascended to the Father. Mary Magdalene could not touch Him because He was as yet the sacrifice, and “menstruous” hands could not touch the Sacrifice without defiling it. He could however, travel in the spirit as Adam did when God took him throughout creation to name everything. His body couldn't survive such a trip without oxygen or heat. They actually had to be moving at “spirit speed”, to get it accomplished in a reasonable time frame! The story of Saint Phillip the Deacon in Acts Chapter 8 demonstrates the point, along with Habacuc taken by the hair from Judea to Babylon to give Daniel his pottage so Daniel wouldn't starve in the lions den in Daniel Chapter 14. And, whatever you do, don't forget Padre Pio! Thanks to modern technology, you can easily look these folks up on the internet and discover Truth. These same preternatural gifts, plus, will also be what the witnesses will have. Whatever Jesus does in the Bible between His resurrection and His Ascension in His pre-fall body, these witnesses will also be able to do. There will be no need for fast cars, airplanes body guards etcetera. Even though Saint John Paul II has much experience from his days in Poland and the techniques that he and others learned to stay out of the clutches of the communists while remaining in the public eye will be unnecessary. Between his preternatural gifts and the other powers of being able to call fire and/or plagues down from Heaven, no one, even the Antichrist, will dare take him/them on. In fact, a close reading of Apocalypse chapter 11 indicates, as much by what it doesn't mention as by what it does, that the Antichrist won't show his face until the 3.5 years of the witnesses is over. Then he will have them killed, and even then, not until he watches on TV and sees them both be assumed into Heaven.

Let's clear up what happens next. Just as the outward sign in a sacrament is just that, the indication for the senses as to what has happened in the individual's soul, the microchip will be just that an indication of what the individual has agreed to in his soul. No matter how many chips you might have due to a dental or other physical implant, prosthesis or injection, that will not be the mark of the beast. We are talking about an individual, an egomaniac, the vicar of Lucifer, “...who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he sits in the temple of God, showing himself as if he were God.” (2 Thessalonians 2:4) Once the witnesses are done away with, it is time to get on with his plan and to enforce his deity! He will mandate that ALL of the Jesus worshipers are enemies and must die. To weed them out, he will threaten all those who his agents have identified over the past three years as Jesus people with extinction...can't buy or sell without the mark. You will worship the Antichrist... or else! Each individual will know exactly the choice that they are making. They will have to decide if they will continue to worship Jesus as God, or denounce Him and worship the Antichrist. The mark will denote the free and willing choice that you made and mystically your name will be stricken from the Lamb's book of life...forever! See Hebrews 6:4~6: "For it is impossible for those who were once illuminated , having tasted also the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, having moreover tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, and are fallen away: to be renewed again to penance, crucifying again to themselves the Son of God, and making Him a mockery." The real winners will be those who are killed for choosing Jesus while in the state of sanctifying Grace. Mortal sin is never erased by death! A last minute confession may not, if you have hidden it for a long time from your confessor. It should also be duly noted, that those who are Free Masons, or Satan worshipers, or those who are in a moribund state of mortal sin already have the mark and must denounce his/her membership, or confess their unrepented mortal sin for them to be eligible for martyrdom.

From a Scriptural standpoint, we defer to noted Catholic Scripture scholar Father Sylvester E. Berry and his treatise on chapter 12 of the Apocalypse verses 1~5 (“The Apocalypse of Saint John”, Father E. Sylvester Berry, 1921) as follows: “In this passage there is an evident allusion to some particular son of the Church whose power and influence shall be such that Satan will seek his destruction at any cost. This person can be none other than the Pope to be elected in those days. The papacy will be attacked by all the powers of hell. In consequence the Church will suffer great trials and afflictions in securing a successor upon the throne of Peter." The Bible tells us that we can tell a true prophet by whether or not what he says comes true.

I submit to you the following, which is our understanding of the events, post-conciliar, which verify the truth of these words:

Giuseppe Siri - waylayed before he can accept the Papacy in 1958; the true Paul VI - elected by the Holy Spirit and then supplanted by an Italian actor, imposter; John Paul I - murdered; John Paul II - substituted for by several different imposters (check out the Newsweek and Time special issues after John Paul II's supposed death and see if you can agree that each of the pictures is of the same man, especially those with wine marks on their faces, and compare the last imposter, with the tracheotomy, with the earlier pictures of JP II in the early part of his papacy, bearing in mind the nearly successful attempt on his life, so close to his election). Is it merely coincidence that his last encyclical, Redemptionis Sacramentum in which he took the lid off from the saying of the Latin Tridentine Mass by saying that any priest could say it, or any Church approved Mass, in Latin and at any time without needing the permission of his Bishop was so soundly negated by Benedict XVI in his Motu Proprio which did not even reference Redemptionis Sacramentum? This encyclical was made to disappear like Hillary's e-mails shortly after Spirit Daily posted it to the internet, and Saint Pope John Paul was made to disappear shortly after as well!

If you will read “Windswept House” by Father Malachi Martin and/or “The Man of the Century” by Johnathan Kwitny you will easily be able to see the connection of St. John Paul II's papacy and the following by Father Berry:

“The words of St. Paul to the Thessalonians may be a reference to the Papacy as the obstacle to the coming of the Antichrist: 'You know what withholdeth, that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity already worketh; only that he who holdeth do hold, until he be taken out of the way. And then that wicked one shall be revealed.' “...It is now the hour for the powers of darkness. The new born Son of the Church is taken 'to God and to His throne.' Apoc. 12:5 (Translated as Enoch and Elias?!) Scarcely has the newly elected Pope been enthroned when he is snatched away by martyrdom (dry martyrdom by the cardinals, and attempted blood martyrdom by Ali Agca; his Cardinals later forcing him to consider the enactment of the 'resignation protocol' that he had been forced to initial--same as what was used on Benedict XVI, McCarrick and the Sankt Gallen Mafia?). The 'mystery of iniquity' gradually developing through the centuries, cannot be fully consummated while the power of the Papacy endures, but now he that 'withholdeth' is taken out of the way!" He is saying that the Papacy is what holds, and that the Antichrist will not reveal himself until the two Witnesses are assumed into Heaven! This makes it all the more necessary for one of the Witnesses to be also the last true Pope named John, Saint John Paul II!!! The second “wing of a great eagle”!

If you are at all familiar with the encyclicals of Saint John Paul II entitled Fides et Ratio or Veritatis Splendor or any of his Eucharistic Exhortations (handling the Eucharist is the privilege of the ordained) then you know that what he wrote and had printed was a brilliant defense of the Faith, the Eucharist, and the Scriptures. He insisted that priests wear their clerical garb when in public and that nuns wear their habits. Because he spoke 8 different languages, he did not rely on interpreters when he spoke in public and therefore didn't have to worry about his words being changed. Note: Most of his travels were to countries where he was fluent in that language. To make the point, he was a formidable opponent to the Novus Ordo Cardinals who made every attempt to “handle” him. When he was able to stay out of their clutches, that is when they brought in the imposters and drugged him to sleep and enforced their own agenda making it look like he was complicit. Again, I would urge you to read “Windswept House” and “Man of The Century”! Saint John Paul II has to be the very Pope during this very trying period for Holy Mother Church who is described by Father Berry.

This period of Salvation History marked by the Blood Moons and the Solar Eclipse also coincides with Saint Malachy's description of Saint John Paul II in which he is described as 'De Laboris Solis', or the work of the sun. He was born during a solar eclipse and entombed on the day of a solar eclipse. An integral part of this event which will not astronomically happen again for another 500 years, was the total eclipse of the sun which happened on March 20, 2015 right in the middle of the 4 Blood Moons event. In each solar eclipse, the sun's light is blocked from view when the moon passes between the earth and the sun, the blockage is at max when the orbit of the moon brings it closest to the earth, called a super moon, and because of its proximity to the earth which enhances its size. So we have a conjunction of the Moon which our Church uses as a metaphor for Our Lady who has no light of Her own, but reflects Her Son's Light. She is seemingly blocking out Her Son in an eclipse, but in reality, because of the size differential, the light of the sun forms a 'corona' or crown around the dark or facing us side of the moon which looks very much like the “Woman clothed with the Sun” of Apocalypse 12! This happened in the middle of the tetrad of four Blood Moons, caused by 4 lunar eclipses of 4 'super' moons. Could this be one of the ...signs in the sun, and the moon, and in the stars...mentioned in St. Luke 21:25 announcing the end of this era? Or is the sign of the eclipsed Pope Saint John Paul II, 'De Laboris Solis' (of the Labor of the Sun) coming out of the dark side of the eclipse of his life and back into the role of Witness for Christ and Our Lady and therefore back onto the world stage?

Let's look and see if there are any signs in nature which concur with the heavenly and Scriptural signs. One of the most talked about climatological anomalies of our times is 'global warming'. Believe it or not, the State of California is literally drying up. Many major rivers in the US are doing likewise. The glaciers that feed the great rivers of Europe are receding as they melt as are the Nile, Tigris and Euphrates etc. As world population in these areas is growing in leaps and bounds, the water supply for drinking and/or farming is drying up! Scientists estimate that at today's usage rates the glaciers will be gone in less than 100 years. They also say that a great deal of this evaporation and receding have taken place in the last 100 years! In other words, we are fast running out of the legacy that the Great Flood of Noah's day left to us! “...And the flood was forty days upon the earth, and the waters increased, and lifted up the ark on high from the earth. For they overflowed exceedingly: and filled all on the face of the earth: and the ark was carried upon the waters. And the waters prevailed beyond measure upon the earth. AND ALL THE HIGH MOUNTAINS UNDER THE WHOLE HEAVEN WERE COVERED. THE WATER WAS FIFTEEN CUBITS HIGHER THAN THE MOUNTAINS WHICH IT COVERED.” (Genesis 7:17~20) Every mountain gorge was filled with water which froze and became glaciers which are still in the process of melting today!

Having been raised in the North, I am quite familiar with the phenomenon of how quickly the surrounding snow starts to melt when the sun strikes a dark colored substance, such as an asphalt road, or a rock or pine cone or green grass. The point is that the process causes further exposure of darker colors which further accelerates the melting process and so on. The more that the underlayment of the snow is exposed, the warmer the area is and the faster the snow melts. Where the glacier has melted away, this phenomenon is sped up even more. With the population growing at the rate that it is, there is less and less water available for human necessities, for livestock or for farming and irrigation the further they are away from the source, and the more the evaporation is sped up by the increased warmth. Scientists for the most part blame this on the increase of greenhouse gases caused by the increase in use of fossil fuels...mankind's carbon footprint. The demographics of today's world situation shows that the population is growing despite the attempts to slow the birth rate, which further exacerbates the situation. The earth's atmosphere being designed by God as it has been since the flood, has moisture coming down from the clouds in the form of precipitation, and this moisture then being evaporated and brought back up into the sky for another round trip, keeping the amount of available water a constant. One can easily see that God did not intend for the life here on earth to last but a specific amount of time.

The indication in the Scriptures is that this time would be divided into two segments just like His Creation, 6,000 years and 1,000 years. He created for 6 days, and on the seventh day, He rested. In 2 Peter 3:8 Saint Peter informs us thusly of God's conversion factor: “But of this one one thing be not ignorant, my beloved, that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” It doesn't take a mathematician to realize that we don't have enough water to last us through a 1,000 year rest!!! Did God miscalculate? Heaven forbid! Man's inability to “...abstain from fornication; That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour: not in the passion of lust, like the Gentiles that know not God...” (1Thessalonians 4:3~5) is the real culprit. Imagine how it would be if mankind actually sought God's permission and pleasure as to children instead of taking it into his own hands as Adam did with Eve. In the writings of Saint Anna Catherine Emmerich in her book about Our Blessed Mother, she gave a tutorial on the group in Old Testament Israel called the Essenes. You may have heard of them recently if you have followed anything concerning the Dead Sea Scrolls. They kept themselves apart based on the prophesy that the Mother of the Christ would come from their ranks. They sought the prophet's intercession with God to find out when they should marry, whom they should marry, and when they should come together to conceive a child. By leaving everything in God's hands, He, God, was in complete control, and He put Saint Joachim and Saint Anne together and of course, because of their complete obedience, Our Lady was conceived, Immaculately, God having pre-applied the merits of the Cross of Jesus to Her soul to prevent the “original” sin from staining Her, and was born to them and became the Mother of the Christ. With this type of population control, there would never be ANY concern for water, food, or any necessity for mankind. The premise of blaming mankind and his carbon footprint begs the question. It is not the ecology and the not taking care of 'mother earth' that is the answer, but the not taking care of our relationship to our God. HE IS THE CREATOR, AND WE ONLY HIS CREATURE. HE IS PERFECTION ITSELF, WE, ONLY HAVE A FALLEN, SINFUL NATURE. Wouldn't we be infinitely better off if we did it HIS way? Unfortunately, it appears that there is no correction that we are willing to take to remedy this obvious blunder!

Do you think that Our Lady is ignorant of the above? Could She have been sent by God to remind us of our place in the pecking order of creation, to get us to make a course correction before it was too late? She showed the children Hell-- irreversible, eternal! Our scientists and politicians warn us of the dire consequences of global warming, also irreversible and eternal, for the same reasons!!! She told us that war was the punishment for sin and told us that if WWII came we would know that God was not at all pleased with our efforts at making a turn around. The result? More wars, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and now against ISIS! Has mankind turned himself around at all!!?

Our Lady gave the youngest and purest of the three seers what would seem like a whispered hint of what the problem was with God when She told her that “More people go to Hell for sins of the flesh than for any other reason, and that there were clothing styles coming that were designed in Hell!” Was Our Lady whispering because of Jacinta's tender age and purity, or was She just plain tired of repeating Herself and the Scriptures? Where did the Baby Boomers in the US come from with the men off to war? There were no foreign soldiers on our soil raping our women! Where did the Baby Boomers come from in the European Theater Of War? Were our men and their women intent on avoiding fornication or possessing their vessels in sanctification? Fatima is in Portugal and Western Europe is the center for the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. It is the home of all of the accuser Protestants who say that the Catholic Church is not biblically based. Where did all the babies come from? Did we humans show God our willingness and capability to possess our vessels in sanctification? Were any of the succeeding wars any different? Are we any different in any positive way for God's warning through Mary or His Chastisement through war???

In previous Blood Moons Over Fatima we spoke of both Catholic and Protestant novelties that have become popular since WWII, especially the Rapture. We spoke of the waves of iniquity that have made their beachhead since WWII with a tremendous impact on the morality of all countries involved in the war: the concurrent invasion of rock and roll from Europe, the sexual revolution in the US and Vatican II with its devastating effects on the doctrine and practice of the Catholic Faith including the Universal rite of Mass. What damage it did in its outward form was small compared to the infinitely more crippling damage done to “Possessing your vessel in Sanctification and avoiding fornication”, in the attitude of rebellion that it promoted in both the laity, and in the inner forum(the confessional) in the priests and bishops, against the authority of the Scriptures, the Traditions handed down to us from Christ through the Apostles, and in the Hierarchy set up by Jesus and The Eternal Father, especially regarding the Papacy. (See St. Matthew 16:13~19 especially ...”Blessed art thou Simon Bar-Jonas: because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but My Father Who is in Heaven.”) When the sede-vacantists say that the Chair of Peter is empty, they obviously don't recognize it as the earthly throne of the Father and the Son; the entry-way of God's Graces into the world, the Cathedra of Their rule of Their Church, the Papacy being only the scepter of Their Rule! Did Jesus not say that the gates of Hell would not prevail against It? Can any man, no matter how Grace endowed, make such a guarantee? Can God's throne and Power be empty? Who is bold/rash enough to declare it so!?

In addition, we have the veritable death knell of Sanctity/Chastity in marriage, with Humanae Vitae, allowing couples to become a veritable “Dish Network” in choosing if they will have children at all or will depend on the contrived, Anti-Scriptural, 'other right end of marriage' with Anti-Scriptural 'natural family planning' being the only regulator of how, when and where couples will copulate. There is nothing natural about it! The instinctual response to chemical stimuli in the female body is the 'natural' call to the male to accomplish the preservation of the species, NOT to take a cold shower until the urge passes lest you get the woman pregnant during the three days of ovulation. The timing called for in Scripture calls a woman off limits during her “flowers”/menstrual cycle, and 'unclean' for the first two weeks after her monthly cleansing. God set His timing so that the act would result in a conception (thus the pre-Vatican II teaching of each act being open for a child) to more closely coincide with the lowered status of becoming a copulator like the animals which came through the Original Sin. REMEMBER, Jesus was conceived of the Holy Ghost, NOT Saint Joseph! Remember, man was made to be just a little less than the angels (they are spirits and have no sexual parts) and not just a little bit less than the animals! (The animals simply follow the way that God gave them. In other words, they are doing the Divine Will. The way that Jesus was conceived/incarnated did not use copulation, but rather incarnation by God's Holy Spirit and, therefore, made Him a "Child of God" and not of man.) The whole thing must really anger and disgust the “God of all creation” and His Holy Spirit; the Lord and Giver of Life. REMEMBER: Our Lady told Jacinta that “more people go to Hell for sins of the flesh than for any other reason”. What do these sins of the flesh calculate out to?

There is an old “tried and true” saying: “AS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH GOES, SO GOES THE WORLD”! Was Our Lady making reference at Fatima to 2 Thessalonians 2:8~11? "...And then that wicked one shall be revealed whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of His mouth; and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming, him Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs and lying wonders, And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the Truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the OPERATION OF ERROR, to believe LYING (NFP? Two right ends of marriage?): That all may be judged who have not believed the Truth, but have consented to iniquity”! And this with the Catholics leading the way! She wasn' t just referring to Catholics or Protestants etc. but to the whole world!

NOTE: We think it quite appropriate to teach the un-married to practice abstinence and to avoid the near occasion of sexual sin, but married couples consider it a right to sleep in the same bed every night and dress/undress/shower together and therefore require an artificial way to keep from conceiving, never stopping to consider abstinence let alone separate bedrooms even after they decide not to have any more children???

Does the Bible tell us when to expect these two Witnesses? The Scriptures only give us reference points and does not set dates. The main reference is in Daniel 9:27 which reads:

“And He shall confirm the covenant with many, in one week: and in the half of the week the victim and the sacrifice shall fail: and there shall be in the temple the abomination of desolation: and the desolation shall continue even to the consummation, and to the end.”

When we read Apoc. 10:1, we read: “And I saw another angel come down from Heaven, clothed with a cloud, and a rainbow was on his head, and his face was as the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire.” “Clothed with a cloud and a rainbow on His head” surely is talking of the Word of God, Jesus, when He made His covenant with Noah, and “His face as the sun” a description of Jesus on Mount Tabor, and “feet as pillars of fire”, the description of Jesus in Apocalypse 1:15. Throughout Scripture, Jesus, (or His Vicar) as the Word that expresses the thoughts of The Father is the guarantor/confirmer of all covenants, and therefore this has to be Jesus Who is “confirming the covenant with many”. (I.e. Jesus' circumcision as a confirmation of the covenant between God and Abraham involving circumcision; and Jesus becoming the Lamb of God confirming the covenant of the Passover. His is the Blood on the lintels of our hearts.) All we have to do is remember the Prayer for the consecration of the Chalice at the Tridentine Mass: Take and drink ye all of this, FOR THIS IS THE CHALICE OF MY BLOOD, THE NEW AND ETERNAL TESTAMENT; WHICH SHALL BE SHED FOR YOU AND FOR MANY UNTO THE REMISSION OF SINS. According to Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. Eleventh Edition, the word testament is defined as a “covenant with God”. THAT is the covenant that is being confirmed by Jesus, through His Witnesses, with the same MANY as in the transubstantiation prayer. The one week is a week of years or 7 years so in the half of the week would be 3.5 years (also known as a time, times, and a half a time...Daniel 12:7).

The passage most important to our understanding of this passage however, comes from Malachias 1:11 which reads: “For from the rising of the sun even to the going down, My Name is great among the Gentiles, and in every place there is sacrifice, and there is offered to My Name a clean oblation; for My Name is great among the Gentiles, saith the Lord of Hosts.” The animal sacrifices of the Jews on Mount Sion, ceased in AD 70 when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem as Jesus had predicted: and of the Temple, there was not left “a stone upon a stone”. The “Oaks of Basan" which adorned the hillsides around Jerusalem were denuded from the landscape to make crosses with which to crucify as many Jews as were captured, and close to a million Jews were killed in the process of taking the then walled city. No sacrifices of the Old Law have been carried out since, not one! In fact, the Talmud required that each new sacrifice had to start over the ashes of the previous sacrifice, and the old ash pit hasn't been found. The Jews are not allowed by the Muslims to even conduct as much as a prayer service on the top of Mount Sion! There the Muslims have two mosques, one of which is considered the third most holy spot to Islam in the entire world...the Dome of the Rock, with the golden dome easily seen from all of Jerusalem. To put this in perspective, the Jews would have to win a war with ALL of Islam to be able to construct a third temple on the Mount before they could even look for the ash pit, let alone renew the sacrifices, even though they have already duplicated all of the vestments, altars, and utensils that will be needed and found all the male Jews named Cohen who would be of the Levite tribe! In no way does this meet the requirements of Malachias 1:11! This would not be “among the Gentiles", but among the Jews and Muslims! Also, this would not meet the prophecy's requirements of being offered “in every place” and certainly would NOT make the name of Jesus “great among the Gentiles”, let alone, among the Jews.

So, what does fulfill this prophecy? I can remember when I was in Catholic grammar school being told over and over again that at that time, a transsubstantiated host was being offered at a Catholic “Sacrifice of the Mass”, 4 times a second all around the world, literally from the rising of the sun unto it's going down! No, Jesus was not being crucified all over again, but as the High Priest of Saint Paul's letter to the Hebrews, He, through His priests of the tribe of Juda who are alter-Christus during this sacrifice, re-presents His very Sacrifice...His sufferings and death on the Cross to the Eternal Father on our behalf. We read in Saint John 1:29 from Saint John the Baptist: “The next day, John saw Jesus coming to him, and he saith: Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him Who taketh away the sin of the world.” He, continuously offers Himself as this Lamb of God through His “Judaic Priesthood” established by His laying on of His Hands on His Apostles and Disciples who act "a Persona Christi" (in the Person of Christ) whenever they offer the Sacrifice of the Mass and transubstantiate the bread and wine into Jesus' Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in fulfillment of Jesus' mandate to “...Do this in remembrance of Me”. This “privilege of the Ordained” as Saint Pope John Paul II called it in his encyclical “Redemptionis Sacramentum” is verified in 1 Timothy 4:14.

This is the "...Victim and the Sacrifice (that) shall fail”. The basis upon which Jesus built His Church was His promise “never to leave us or forsake us”, the fulfillment of which He put into existence through the institution of the Holy Eucharist; His True and Physical Presence, on Holy Thursday night with the mandate to " this in remembrance of Me". That is what is in the Tabernacle of every True Catholic Church, just as a piece of Manna was in the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies in the Jewish temple. Our Ark of the NEW COVENANT contains The Bread Come Down From Heaven of St. John 6:31~59. Therefore, Jesus has never left us! What Peace and Joy and Order etc. that still exists here on earth, whatever love of God and neighbor that remains, is not defined by man's goodness, but by the fact that Jesus' TRUE PRESENCE is in the Eucharist of the True Catholic Church. Imagine the “ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION”, NOT ONLY IN THE TEMPLE, but throughout all of creation if He is suddenly gone! We haven't really lived as though in appreciation of this fact! Most of the people who call themselves Christians at this time, are really “practical atheists”, who call themselves Christians, but in reality live as though there is no God. I learned a saying when I lived in Georgia from a Protestant friend that asked the question: If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” Of course, the only valid investigation to be made would be the Bible and how closely you adhered to it to Its commands; we are to live by EVERY WORD that comes from the Mouth of God, are we not? Is the same not true of how closely our worship and beliefs about that worship conform to the Holy Bible and Jesus' commands/mandates. Most, I am afraid, would receive a failing grade! Jesus NEVER made any allowances for “but” Catholics or Protestants, NO “conscientious objectors allowed”!!! The timing of this is the same as the Assumption of the two Witnesses into HEAVEN, in the middle of the week which is the 7 years of Tribulation, or 3.5 years into it. THIS IS WHEN THE ANTICHRIST ENTERS THE SCENE!

Why do we understand the timing to be thus? Just look at Apoc 11:5~7. In actuality, the Antichrist (Maitreya), is absolutely no match for these Witnesses! With all of the powers that the Witnesses have, he would do nothing but humiliate himself by trying to go against them. That is why verse 7 says: And WHEN they (the Witnesses) shall have finished their testimony, the beast, that ascends out of the abyss, shall make war with them, and shall overcome them, and kill them”. After all, Lucifer knows the Scriptures forward and backward and will know when their powers will cease. Antichrist is nothing without the power of the Red Dragon or his second in command, Beelzebub, and thus we have this new character entering the drama as “The Beast that ascends out of the abyss”. Where does he come from, and who is he? In the beginning, there were 9 choirs of Angels, each led by an Archangel. Apocalypse 1:4 tells us that there are seven "spirits” before God's throne. The Bible tells us of Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael, and Lucifer and Beelzebub. The first three over Heavenly choirs, and the other two over choirs in Hell. We hear of Beelzebub in St. Matthew 12:24~29, specifically verse 24 which reads: "But the Pharisees hearing it, said: This man casteth not out devils but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils." Of course, we all know who is the king of the devils...Lucifer! So Beelzebub ascends up out of the abyss to remove the Witnesses in such manner as to preserve Maitreya, since he, Beelzebub is a spirit and doesn't need to fear the powers of the Witnesses, who Apocalypse 11:3 says will “prophesy a thousand two hundred sixty days, clothed in sackcloth", 3.5 years. That leaves 3.5 years to the prophecy of the 7 year length of the tribulation which Jesus said in St. Matthew 24 will be so bad that nothing has been like it since the beginning of the world, neither shall be. So bad, in fact, that ”...unless those days had been shortened, no flesh should be saved: but for the sake of the elect those days shall be shortened”. (24:22) He had to be referring to the first 3.5 years, as there will be a great purge of the “elect” by the Maitreya after the Witnesses are assumed into Heaven as announced in 24:31. All will enter Heaven wearing a martyr's crown, and as in Apocalypse 20:4, “live and reign with Christ a thousand years”, in the New Era!. NO RAPTURE!!! More detail on what happens to those who are “Truly Left Behind” in BMOF VI.

What is the “Abomination of Desolation” and the desolation that “shall continue even to the consummation, and to the end” in Daniel 9:27? Jesus lovers vs Maitreya

The dictionary definition of the word Abomination includes ...”a feeling of hatred; detestation, loathing, aversion, antipathy, revulsion, repugnance, abhorrence, odium, disgust, horror, hostility. The earth, according to the Bible, is now just a little over 6,000 years old. Lucifer and Hell are, in Catholic teaching, located in the molten center of the earth. He and his minions were kicked out of Heaven just after the Creation took place. God doesn't need a place to exist, since He is Pure Spirit, but each of His rational creatures (endowed with the capacity for logic and reasoning) is made in His image and likeness at least to the extent of being MADE of body, soul and spirit and being an intelligent free will. Created beings need a place to live, God doesn't! When the time of testing, another thing that rational beings are all SUBJECT to, was finished, the Angels remained in “created Heaven” and God created a place in the Bowels of the Earth for the Demons (fallen angels) to exist where they were remanded to as their eternal sentence. There, even they must Work at God's purposes by being the instrument of God's testing of Humans here on earth, and providing punishment for fallen humans when they are remanded to Hell, again for all eternity, to share its punishments with and from the demons. What God creates, He never takes out of existence, and so Hell and its torments will last for all eternity along with its inhabitants, who will never again see the light of day once the Last Judgment has been established. Never again to feel any human OR DIVINE love, EVER again!!! Its, Hell's, inhabitants will experience the most profound Abomination of Desolation possible!!!

Satan and his minions HATE us humans because we can still get to Heaven, and they know that we were created to fill their vacated spots in Heaven. They are also extremely jealous of us because God made us “male and female”, and gave us the capacity to have His children, which is why Satan worked so hard at causing Adam and Eve to “know” each other sexually and spoil God's plan to incarnate His Own children in all the Eves. The result, is that Adam's children (and therefore ours) are in his/our image and likeness and not GOD'S...remember, God is Pure Spirit! See Genesis 5:3, and understand why it is that Our Lady at Fatima, said that : ...More people go to HELL FOR SINS OF THE FLESH THAN FOR ANY OTHER REASON. Then look at 1 Corinthians 7:1~7, and understand where Saint Paul, who was taught directly by Jesus in his three days in the third Heaven (2 Corinthians 12:1~9), got his teaching “by indulgence, not by commandment” from and note the way in which this Scripture has been falsified by modern theologians by calling it a mortal sin if either spouse says no for any reason!!! Do you think that the Antichrist, Maitreya, can feel comfortable reigning as long as there is a single Jesus Christ worshiper left on the face of the earth? As long as there is even one validly consecrated Host in any tabernacle in any church, anywhere in the world? Do you think that Satan could let any valid priest with the power of transubstantiation remain alive on the face of the earth? Do you think that either Satan or Maitreya could rest easy until they wiped out even the memory of What and Who the Eucharist is?


Many so-called exegetes will try to tell you that the part of this verse (Dan. 9:27) which speaks of “confirming the covenant with many, in one week” speaks to a “peace pact” between Israel and Islam. One in particular, has built a University of “end times studies” in Jerusalem to teach the Jews, and has spent millions of dollars to send magazines to Israel's residents to warn them of the coming holocaust while he and his organization keep tabs on the progress of this peace pact. In St. Matthew 5:25,26 Jesus admonishes us to “Be at agreement with thy adversary betimes, whilst thou art in the way with Him: lest perhaps the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. Amen I say to thee, thou shalt not go out from thence till thou repay the last farthing”. This, like the statements on the condition of the world made by Our Lady of Fatima, call out ALL of mankind and has reference to ALL of those who have made or who think of God as their adversary. This certainly applies to ALL who are in agreement with freemasonry, satan worshipping, witchcraft, abortion, euthanasia, contraceptives, adultery, fornication, uncleanness/masturbation, homosexuality of any kind, same-sex marriage or any of the multitude of immoralities that are practiced in today's world and refuse to examine their consciences and make a good confession or to amend their lives. See Romans 1:18~32, paying special attention to verse 32! See also Galatians 5:15~21 and Apocalypse 21:8&27, and 22:15.

If there is to be a meaningful “Peace Pact”, it needs to be between each individual heart and God Almighty! He can put us, body and soul, in Hell forever!!! He watches daily to see if any of His children are returning to Him with sincere hearts, or if they are at least, giving Him a valid excuse to have Mercy on them. Remember, Heaven is a place of Refreshment, Light and PEACE!

BMOF: I (Click here)

BMOF: II (Click here)

BMOF: III (Click here)

BMOF: IV (Click here)