Blood Moons Over Fatima II

As Pertains To Trumpet Judgments And The Shemitah

And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, by reason of the confusion of the roaring of the waves; Men withering away for fear, and expectation of what shall come upon the whole world. For the powers of heaven shall be moved; And then they shall see the Son of man coming in a cloud, with great power and majesty.” (St. Luke 21:25~27.) When in 1999, Fr. Malachi Martin was asked how we could tell when the chastisements mentioned in the Third Secret of Fatima which he had had the privilege to read were about to happen, his reply was: “Keep your eyes on the skies”. He repeated this over and over again.

“And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Say to the children of Israel: The seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall keep a sabbath, a memorial, with the sound of trumpets, and it shall be called holy. You shall do no servile work therein, and you shall offer a holocaust to the Lord.” (Leviticus 23:2~25) This is all that the Bible has to say about the Jewish feast called Yom Teruah, or the feast of Trumpets.

When we look closely at the other feasts delineated in Leviticus chapter 23, we find that Jesus, as the Pasch/Phase/Passover Lamb, Unleavened bread of sincerity, First fruits from the dead, fulfilled the first three feasts, Himself. He is also the Buck Goat of Yom Kippur (atonement). The feast of tabernacles foreshadows the events of Palm Sunday. Verse 40 in Leviticus 23, gives us a pretty fair description of that day: “And you shall take to you on the first day the fruits of the fairest tree, and branches of palm trees, and boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook, and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God”. “And it came to pass, that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the infant leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost: and she cried out with a loud voice, and said: Blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? " (St Luke 1: 42~44) The fairest fruit of the fairest tree? How sweet the wood, how sweet the tree...on which hung the Saviour of the world? Our sweet Lord Jesus, of course!

That only leaves Yom Teruah, the feast of Trumpets without a visible fulfillment by Jesus. Throughout the Scriptures, from Genesis chapter 3 through Apocalypse chapter 12, there are two main character threads which run all through the Bible...The Redeemer/Christ, and The Woman! Since God the Father chose to bring the New Adam into the world Incarnate that is 'in the Flesh', and Eve was “seduced” and therefore “in the transgression” (I Timothy 2:14) the New Eve was a necessary part of the equation. Also, since Jesus could not offer sin to redeem sin, the New Eve had to be sinless. We, as Catholics have the best vantage point on this truth because we believe in transubstantiation and receive the SINLESS Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. The New Eve had to be sinless as the first Eve was before the original sin. It would likewise take a 'man-god' to make up for Adam's part in the transgression. (Genesis 1:27 tells us: “And God created man to His own Image: to the Image of God He created him: male and female He created them.”Once Adam and Eve sinned together, there was NOpossibility of there being another man-god in the human race...ever! After all, they were the only two humans on the face of the earth! Their progeny would all carry the original sin. Our only chance was for God to take on flesh and offer Himself as our propitiatory in Adam's stead. How can we not be grateful? How can we say that Our Lady was a sinner like everyone else? How can we say that She has other children besides Jesus when She had had the great privilege of having Jesus incarnated into Her womb by the Holy Spirit Himself through the power of the Most High as we are told in St. Luke 1:35? The beginning of Their role in salvation history is recounted in Genesis 3:15 “I will put enmities between thee and the Woman, and thy seed and Her Seed: She shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for Her heel” No wonder Satan hates Her so much! She is going to crush his head with Her heel. We should all want to be a part of Her heel! Jesus has already conquered Satan as the man-god, now we must crush him as humans through the imitation of Our Heavenly Queen who also was totally human. NOTE: Being human doesn't mean being sinful, God did not create Adam and Eve to sin, that was their choice! “I'm only human” is simply a cop-out. If we were the humans that we were created to be, we would be like 'Blessed Mary, ever virgin and be without sin. The protestants say they believe in a virgin birth when they really believe in only a virgin conception. Mary was a virgin both before and after She conceived Jesus, and before and after She gave birth to Him. This is not 'figurative' virginity, but 'physical' virginity. This is the belief of the True Faith! Traditional Catholicism, a miraculous birth without use of the birth canal. Light from light, True God from True God! As in the Nicene Creed.

In the Scriptures The Woman, Mary, has only 7 speaking lines. Her place in Salvation history is a supporting role. She is not a woman-god but the human instrument of God to bring His Son to earth to effect our salvation through His suffering and death on the cross. The rules of engagement in the war between the Heavenly forces and the demonic forces is that each side must use a human instrument in all of their enterprises. That is why God used such men as Abraham, Moses and Peter, and such women as Esther, Ruth and Mary while Satan used Core (Numbers 16), Haman (Esther) and Judas. In particular, we see The Woman in Genesis 3:15, John 2:1~11 at the wedding feast of Cana, in Jesus' “Woman behold thy son “ John 19:26 and in Apocalypse 12 as Holy Mother Church, the title given Her at the foot of the cross by Jesus Himself. Jesus had already instituted the Church, It's head-Peter, and the Sacraments. He, with His sufferings and death on the cross put all in the bank of Salvation that would be necessary for every human being to be saved...if they would, ask, seek, and knock while obeying the commandments which includes the whole Bible. Just as She was the depository of Our Saviour in Her virginal womb, She is also the bank in which Her Son deposited His legacy for us, in Holy Mother Church. She continues to be that human instrument even to this day and should be venerated and taken care of as described in Apocalypse 12. She still points the way to Her Son through Her apparitions as well as admonishing Her children of the Cross to adhere to His word.

Yom Hakeseh is another description for Yom Teruah (9 short blasts on the shofar, a rams horn with the marrow removed) the feast of Trumpets. Jesus fulfills all the other 'types' of the other feasts, but this one seems a mystery. Yom Hakeseh means 'the Hidden Day'. Certainly with the foregoing description of Our Lady's role, we can legitimately call Her hidden. The description of the feast in Leviticus 23 is quite reminiscent of when Pharoah finally let the people of Israel go out into the desert to pray. We can only imagine the joy undoubtedly mixed with anxiety of the Hebrew people as they sounded their shofars/trumpets as they left Pharoah and his army behind. The shofar was used in ancient times to sound the alarm, or to call to assembly the Hebrew people. It is symbolic of the ram (a figure of Christ) which was caught by its horns in a thicket and became a substitute for Abraham's son Isaac when God stopped Abraham from sacrificing him. This is a picture of the Divine substitution of Jesus for Adam by Our Heavenly Father. He wasn't willing to make a creature take on the sin debt of mankind but gave us His Only Begotten and suffered the loss Himself. If this Story of the Hebrew children in the desert sounds somewhat familiar, it should, it is a foreshadowing of the happenings in the desert in Apocalypse chapter 12 as the Red Dragon goes out after the Woman clothed with the sun and those who will “nourish” the Woman for a time and times and half a time from the face of the serpent. "And the serpent cast out of his mouth after the Woman, water as it were a river; that he might cause Her to be carried away by the river. And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the river, which the dragon cast out of his mouth.” (vs 15~16) The Hebrew children were exactly the Church of that time. Obviously it was a wild ride from that point on in the desert for 40 years until the 'chosen' people finally got to fight their way into the 'promised' land. The river mentioned above is exactly the river of filth, blasphemy and degradation with which Satan, the Red Dragon, has been trying to envelope Holy Mother Church and Her children since the Bolshevik revolution during World War I. The color red is fitting for the dragon as we are about to confront 'Red Communism'.

Let us now make that connection. Apocalypse chapters 8 and 9 contain the prophecy of the 7 shofar/trumpet judgments. When the first angel sounded the trumpet...”there followed hail and fire, mixed with blood, and it was cast on the earth, and the third part of the earth was burnt up, and the third part of the trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.” If you look at the nations of Europe which were involved in WWI even with adding the USA's soldiers, the 12 million dead was approximately one third of the actual combatants including the 'Resistance'. At the time of the beginning of WWI Russia was the most populous, the most Catholic nation on the face of the earth. The Czars were making progress through secret negotiations with the Vatican to bring the Orthodox Catholics of Russia under the Pope. One can only imagine what kind of conniption fits the Red Dragon was having with these developments! The Catholics of Russia numbered 175,000,000 at the beginning of the war. M. Edmond Thery, the distinguished economist, wrote with good reason in 1914: “If affairs in the European nations continue between 1912 and 1950 as they have done between 1900-1912, Russia will dominate Europe both politically, economically and financially”. Can the Red Dragon possibly allow such a situation to exist where this nation would be at the liege of the Pope of the Blessed Virgin's Church?! The Catholic Church would not only be the most influential entity on the earth, but also the most powerful political entity. The true Holy Roman Empire would re-emerge. Europe which subsequently lost all of it's Catholic monarchies would remain Catholic. The wrecking ball of the U.S.S.R would never come into existence!!! The Catholic Church/Faith would dominate the earth with the graces coming to it through the Pope instead of the murderous, atheistic communism. The Bolshevik revolution was the real story of WWI. The Catholics who are still being killed for their faith behind the scenes in Russia were being murdered by the Communists who declared Russia an atheistic state. The conservative number of casualties during the Stalin years alone is 17,000,000! And that is just in Russia. The Jewish holocaust pales by comparison. The Rothschild backed Communists were the focus of Our Lady's visit to Fatima, Portugal in 1917 the final episode of which was a miracle of tremendous proportions with 70,000 witnesses to the 'Miracle of the Sun'. How important was this to God Our Father? He sent The Mother of His Son to convince us of our dire straits. He had already sent His Only begotten Son whom the ungrateful inhabitants of the vineyard of the world killed. Then He sent His Holy Spirit the Paraclete to replace Him and He has been ignored. Who was left but the Blessed Virgin? She was given the totally unenviable task of announcing that the situation was so dire that we, although in the throes of WWI, were already staring down the gun barrel of another war, and a worse war.

The sun danced, Our Lady was ignored, the consecration of Russia wasn't done and the second Trumpet sounded!

Now, this tremendous nation of 175 million was put to work building armament, training soldiers, and blaspheming God... a 180 degree turn. The death toll of WWII would be 52 million, nearly 5 times that of WWI! “And the second angel sounded the trumpet: and as it were a great mountain (Communist Russia), burning with fire, was cast into the sea (of nations), and the third part of the sea became blood: And the third part of those creatures died, which had life in the sea, and the third part of the ships was destroyed" (the barque of Peter). How many Catholics throughout the world have died with the Communist successes in countries all over the globe? How many Catholics have had their faith murdered by 'State' run churches in Russia, China, and many other countries. How many countries have been infiltrated by communism, socialism and its ilk? Remember the McCarthy affair right here in the good old USA?

“And the third angel sounded the trumpet, and a great star fell from Heaven, burning as it were a torch, (the Red Dragon was literally booted out of Heaven Apocalypse 12:12 and came down to earth 'having great wrath, knowing that he hath but a short time'): and it fell on the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters: And the name of the star is called wormwood. And the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter." In many countries around the world, the Marxist philosophy has been so inculcated into the population that 'liberation' theology has taken hold because the way of Peace taught by Jesus makes the Church seem feckless and unwilling to lift a finger to help the common man like communism/socialism/marxism seems to. Atheism only has effect where military might makes it the 'state religion' that the US constitution was meant to exclude. Instead it, the Constitution, is being used to exclude Christianity which was just what it was meant to foster! What has happened? Most people don't seem to recognize that communism has a 'Siamese' twin in Free Masonry.

Communism is the 'in your face' Wormwood. Free Masonry is the 'behind your back' Wormwood. The center for both is the Kabbalah which is defined as: “an esoteric (hidden) method, discipline, and school of thought that originated in Judaism”. Another way to put it is that communism is exoteric, out in the open, and Free Masonry is esoteric or stab you in the back. The one works with guns, bombs, torture, etc. the other works with ideas, word smithing, smoke filled back rooms, etc. Since 1917, both have been working overtime on the Catholic Church! At it's core Kabbalah is Satanic. They believe that you have to get past the demi-urge that created everything to the real power source, Lucifer. These are the descendants of the Pharisees who are still trying to get back at Christ by eliminating the True Christ from the hearts and minds of men. The most forceful, real-life example of this is the Novus Ordo catholic church, now 50 years into its task of “opening all the doors and windows of the stuffy old church" and letting the communists and Free Masons in. Its counterfeit of the real Christ is personified in Benedict XVI and Francis I. They use the tactics that were learned during the Babylonian captivity from the Babylonian priests. Nebuchodneser is the grand daddy of all world conquerors. His tactics were not only to conquer, but to take dominion by forced inculturation over a long period of time. The Jews were not allowed to go back until they had been in his process for 70 years or 4 generations. (Looking back, we can now understand the words of then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger on the day of the death of Pope John Paul II when asked by a reporter how much longer before Vatican II will become totally realized. This was a legitimate question of Cardinal Ratzinger since at Vatican II he had been peritus of Cardinal Frings, the head of the Rhine River Bishops who had commandeered Vatican II, discarded the original schemas, and then came up with their own with Fr. Ratzinger taking the lead. This was absolutely a schism from what had been the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church; forced on that Council by Cardinal Frings and Fr. Joseph Ratzinger. His answer to the reporter was that it takes 80 years for a Council to take full affect.) No one who was abducted from Israel ever saw their homeland again, and during that time Nebuchodneser had a golden statue made of himself which he forced all to worship. When we read of the communists taking the babies from their mothers so that they can put them in special schools, including seminaries, and brainwash them we can see that they did the champ at least one better. By the way, the grand daddy of all masonic grand Lodges is located in Jerusalem! In the 50 year aftermath of Vatican II, the Novus Ordo Church has done likewise.

And the fourth angel sounded the trumpet, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars, so that the third part of them was darkened, and the day did not shine for a third part of it, and the night in like manner.”

In Church imagery the Sun is Jesus Christ, Lumen Christi, the Light of the world. As in nature the moon receives her light from the Sun, so Our Heavenly Queen receives Her light from Her Son Jesus. Therefore, if the Sun loses a third of its light, so does the moon. It is commonly understood that, in prophecy, the stars stand for bishops. This Scripture can only describe a catastrophic event in the Church by which She lost a third of Her Light, Christ. We all know this to be Vatican II. Unfortunately this event was just for openers! At this time, it's more like She has lost two thirds of Her Light. We need to make clear that the sun doesn't cease to shine just because we go into our house and close all of the shutters, curtains and doors. We may 'pretend' that it isn't there, but if we reopen everything, we find that the sun is still every bit as bright. When the Rhine River Bishops commandeered the second Vatican Council, they effectively closed the shutters, curtains and doors (as opposed to opening them) so the Light from the deposit of the Faith and the Tradition from previous Councils and Papal pronouncements couldn't come in. They then proceeded to dilute the Faith so it no longer had any nourishing strength all in the name of ecumenism, to make ready to turn the Catholic Church into the 'big tent' that could house the 'one world church' that Francis I is preparing now by throwing out the last doctrinal impediments to Satan's plan.

Humanae Vitae said that the right end of marriage is either children or unity (sex). It stated that the exigencies/pressing issues of our times required that married couples should be given this choice and that they were mature enough to decide without Church guidance of any kind! The book of Tobias in chapter 8:9 states through Tobias : “And now Lord, Thou knowest, that not for fleshly lust do I take my sister (distant cousin) to wife, but only for the love of posterity, in which Thy Name may be blessed forever.” Even the casual observer of that time could see same sex marriage coming from that bogus reasoning. If a marriage didn't require children, then two men or two women is no problem. Now Francis and Dolan are paving the way for even priests to perform such marriages and to baptize their illegitimate children. What can grow out of a marriage between two spiritual eunuchs? I sure don't want to go to the heaven that Francis wants to go to where he will be with his atheistic friends. It's called Hell! Francis made a video on his Episcopalian bishop friend's smart phone for him to play for the Evangelical christian conference that he was going to. In it Francis boiled everything down to love God, love your neighbor. If you throw all other doctrines and dogmas out, all differences among Christians disappear. Implied with this is that if you spell God with a small g, now all religions are on an equal footing!!! Lets go back to Free Masonry for a moment. When you join one of their lodges, they tell you that they don't care what religion or denomination you belong to as long as you don't bring it up and cause differences between your fellow masons. After all, all religions fall under the domain of GAOTU the great author of the universe. In other words, you have to get past the demi-urge of creation to the real power, Lucifer. Is Francis a member of the Craft, a Mason? Does this effectively remove the light of the True Faith from the world except for what is being taught by legitimate Traditional priests and Bishops? If so, then at least two thirds of the light is gone!!!

And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth: by reason of the rest of the voices of the three angels, who are yet to sound the trumpet.” (v. 13)

Did Our Lady simply drop her bombshell warning message and fly away as some protestant authors suggest...that She was really a UFO when She appeared at Fatima? Has She simply forsaken us? We think it is worthwhile to take a long and discerning look at the purported apparitions at Garabandal Spain from 1961 to 1965 to four young ladies at a place called the Pines. These apparitions remain unapproved by the local Bishops of the Diocese of Santander, Spain, and with good reason. When we break down what occurred at Fatima in 1917 very simply, there was a warning and a miracle. And what a miracle, with 70,000 witnesses! At Garabandal, all 4 seers were given the two messages that Our Lady said should be made public. Here they are:

October 18,1961—We must make many sacrifices, perform much penance, and visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently. But first, we must lead good lives. If we do not a chastisement will befall us. The cup is already filling up, and if we do not change, a very great chastisement will come upon us.

June 18, 1965—As My message of October 18 has not been complied with and has not been made known to the world, I am advising you that this is the last one. Before, the cup was filling up. Now it is flowing over. Many cardinals, many bishops and many priests are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls with them. Less and less importance is being given to the Eucharist. You should turn the Wrath of God away from yourselves by your efforts. If you ask His forgiveness with sincere hearts, He will pardon you. I, Your Mother, through the intercession of Saint Michael the Archangel, ask you to amend your lives. You are now receiving the last warnings. I love you very much and do not want your condemnation.. Pray to us with sincerity and we will grant your requests. You should make more sacrifices. Think about the Passion of Jesus.

Only Conchita got the message regarding the Miracle and the Warning. Another one!!!? How can we believe in the motherhood of the Blessed Virgin to us Her children and accept that if we are disobedient we will simply get rewarned and remiracled??? Come on now, it had been 2,000 yrs since Jesus had died on the Cross for our sins. We were in the midst of a world war-a punishment for sin, and we were being warned of another world war only worse, and if we don't get it right we will be warned again and again, and shown another miracle so we will know that this time She really means it? Can you really blame the bishop of Santander for not approving the apparition when the purported messages contradict themselves? All four seers got these messages and all four were shown what the chastisement would be-no contradictions. If you want to know about the chastisement for yourself read 2Peter 3:10~13. As to the other sufferings of the chastisement please read Lamentations chapters 4 and 5. You will then know what awaits us on the other side of the Blood Moons.

Up until Vatican II, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, Divinely instituted by Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, was armed and defended as a fortress and bastion of Catholic Christianity. every pronouncement, every word in defense, and every revealed teaching had to be scrupulously checked against the Scriptures, and against the traditions, and against previous pronouncements of the Faith. In other words, everything that Holy Mother Church put out to Her children to feed them in time and eternity had to be an "organic outgrowth"of previous Dogma and Doctrine.

All private revelation had to stand up against the very same scrutiny. (Isn't Francis's magisterium "private revelation"?) All who were inside Her, Holy Mother Church's, walls could have a feeling of safety and security knowing that Her hierarchy were being thusly so diligent for their eternal well being.

John XXIII's "aggionamento", which found its ultimate expression in Vatican II. was aided by John XXIII as: "The opening up of all the doors and windows of this stuffy old church and the letting in of fresh clean air from the outside world."

The result:

(To set the stage of your understanding, Apocalypse 1:20 defines "stars" as the "angels" or "heads of the churches".)

"And the fifth angel sounded the trumpet, and I saw a star fall from heaven upon the earth, and there was given to him the key to the bottomless pit." (As Cardinal Roncalli, John XXIII was a thirty second degree Freemason.) "And he opened the bottomless pit: and the smoke of the pit arose, as the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke of the pit. And from the smoke of the pit there came out locusts upon the earth. And power was given to them, as the scorpions of the earth have power." (Apocalypse 9:1~3)

Pope Paul VI, who was in charge of ratifying Vatican II, is quoted as saying that "We now have the Church of Man" (VII), and also that the smoke of Satan had entered the Church to Her very pinnacle. I submit to you, my brothers and sisters, that with the ratification of Vatican II, and its promulgation, that both these Scriptures from Apocalypse 9, and these quotes from Paul VI, were absolutely fulfilled!

The fresh air of aggiornamento was rather the smoke from the bottomless pit!

These two "stars", Pope John XXIII, and Pope Paul VI, and their roles in Vatican II, were the key that opened the bottomless pit and let out Satan and his minions.

Remember, in Apocalypse 12, Satan and his angels are thrown out from before the throne in Heaven, down to the earth in verse 9. One of the most powerful esoteric (hidden) forces in the world today is homosexuality. We Americans feel it very forcibly with the workings of this powerful political group which has viciously attacked the Christian moral fiber of our nation at all government levels of our country. They have turned a biblical moral absolute into a club against us by redefining it as a 'hate' crime with legal fines and penalties and a form of shunning the likes of which is on a par with leprosy. Leviticus 20:13 puts it thus: “If any man lie with a man as with a woman, both have committed an abomination, let them be put to death: their blood be upon them." Go ahead and read the verses in chapter nine of Apocalypse 9:2~11 and see if even the physical description of the locusts describes effeminate men, or lesbian women with strong overtones of sodomy. Psychologists indicate that most homosexual/lesbian tendencies come from a dominant and controlling mother, especially when they have a passive or mostly absent, strong male, father or guardian. Homosexual acts are considered 'unnatural' acts and perversions of nature as they are totally non reproductive and are not found anywhere else in nature. Acts of masturbation male or female, fall into the same category, and so the magnitude of the spiritual impact of homosexuality/lesbianism is much greater than one can imagine on the Christian community.

Remember also, that the angels are called 'the sons of God' in Genesis 6:2 (These are the fallen angels, Satan's angels, demons, or men possessed by demons.), and “seeing the daughters of men, that they were fair, took to themselves all of which they chose.” Can we imagine that they did this in all chastity and purity, or that these women kept it to themselves? In verse six, God announces that due to their wickedness “It repented Him that He had made man/woman on the earth” and in verse seven, He announces that: "I will destroy man/woman whom I have created from the face of the earth...”

We must realize that there is no inclusive language in the Bible because God considers 'MAN' to be a single entity made in God's own image and likeness. Therefore, man is a trinity composed of the man, the woman and the indissoluble bond of love between them which is the child. Genesis 5:2 says: “He (God) created them male and female; and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created." Until God deemed it time to manifest Eve's personhood to Adam, she was the rib which covered Adam's heart. She then became his heart while he remained her head. Genesis 2:24 puts it this way: “Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be two in one flesh.” In the Catholic, Sacramental wedding ceremony, the couple is joined together spiritually just as Adam and Eve had been joined physically”. Their flesh is the Graces from the Sacrament and the Holy Spirit binds them as He binds the Father and the Son. See, no need for inclusive language...they are made one by the Sacrament. Is it any wonder why Holy Mother Church insists that both partners be equally yoked as St. Paul puts it by both being Baptized and practicing Catholics? Or that they have as the confirmation of their union a validly ordained Catholic priest who is 'a persona Christi' in the person of Christ following Jesus' institution of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony at the wedding feast at Cana? Or, that She insists on the 'right end of marriage being to have and raise children? Who else could join a man and a woman in that fashion but God Himself!

And the sixth angel sounded the trumpet: and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar, which is before the eyes of God, Saying to the sixth angel, who had the trumpet: Loose the four angels, who are bound in the great river Euphrates.” (Apocalypse 9:13,14)

Note: It is very strange to think of ...a voice from the four horns of the altar unless we remember that Jesus is the 'Word of God' as well as the Priest, Altar and Sacrifice. Thus the four horns of the Altar can talk! We should also recognize that all events in salvation history are known to God from the conception of creation within the Trinity. These 4 angels are the force of God holding back Islam until 'the fullness of time'. All we have to do is remember the events that have taken place in the Middle East recently with the strong-arm leaders in Libya, Egypt, and other Islamic countries being taken out in favor of democracy and against Sharia Law to recognize that 'time has come' to the Muslim world.

You cannot watch the news on TV, or pick up a newspaper without hearing about all of the problems going on in the Middle East. The manner of warfare as they battle it out over their territorial claims, their ideological and religious differences is what is termed 'conventional' warfare. So far, the only ones who have the nuclear bomb is Israel, and they can't risk using it because it's enemies are so close that it would be tantamount to spitting into the wind. If you read the description of the warfare, you don't need too much imagination to recognize that what St. John is describing is tanks, armored personnel carriers, and pick-up trucks with 50 caliber machine guns mounted in their beds. These are the very weapons that we see in the nightly news. Fire, smoke and brimstone are the means of death. The number of the army that comes up out of the river Euphrates is 200million: “for to kill the third part of men”. This is Islam! It is found in large numbers on every continent on earth! We all have the tendency to believe that what we do privately has only private consequences. That our sins only effect us, or only last a short time, even, only until we confess and are absolved. Islam is the consequence of the sin of Abraham and Sarah just as sure as the 'original' sin with which we are all born is the consequence of Adam knowing Eve, in the Biblical sense. The promise of offspring was given specifically to Abraham and Sarah. Like Adam and Eve, they couldn't wait for God to manifest the way in which He would fulfill His covenant, they took matters into their own hands and Abraham produced a son, Ismael with Sarah's handmaid Agar. “A man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be two in one flesh”. Agar was not Abraham's wife! Ismael is the father of Islam! Like Cain, he was the product of sin, and God commanded Abraham to cast both Agar and Ismael out. Why are we struggling with Islam and threatened with beheading and terrorist attacks from Al Queda and ISIS...SIN!

Why are we all born with original sin and in the clutches of the devil such that the Traditional Baptismal Rite calls for five exorcisms? Because, we are conceived by the very same act that Adam and Eve committed to get themselves kicked out of the Garden of Eden! Thus Abram's circumcision, and the rite of purification after child bearing, how can we miss such clues?

What is man that Thou art mindful of him? Or the son of man that thou visitest him? Thou hast made him a little less than the angels, Thou hast crowned him with glory and honor: and Thou hast set him over the works of Thy Hands”. (Psalm 8:5,6) And He (God) said: Let Us make man to Our image and likeness:and let him have dominion over the fishes of the sea and the fowls of the air, and the beasts, and the whole earth, and every creeping creature that moveth upon the earth." (Genesis 1:26)

The angels were brought into existence by God, as His sons without any sexual activity whatsoever!! In fact, this is one of the reasons why Satan hates humans so much, they were given the faculty to have God's children while the Angels could not but guard them. Lucifer took it as a humiliation especially since they had been shown that Mary would not only be their Queen, but would also give birth to The Saviour. Obviously, the Angels sinned, and some were sent to Hell. The foreseen merits of Christ were to benefit them in their repentance too!

Could God not do likewise with man/woman (womb man) and simply use the womb of Eve to gestate His creation so that man/woman would be able to share in creation? Did He not show us through the Blessed Virgin Mary that this was His preferred method? Why would He exalt the human creature so far above the animal kingdom as to give it reason and a free will, and then take that away from them by letting them 'copulate' like the non-rational creatures, the animals? This is God's answer in Genesis 5:1,2,3: “This is the book of the generation of Adam. In the day that God created man, He made him to the likeness of God. He created them male and female; and blessed them: and called their name Adam. And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years, and begot a son to his own image and likeness, and called his name Seth”. That gives us a much deeper understanding of the 'fall' and the consequences of copulating like animals. From being in God's image and likeness to being in the image of a fallen, sinful man. From being 'just a little less than the angels, to being just a little bit more than the animals. Is it any wonder that nearly all of the sins in the 6th and 9th commandments are mortal? Is it any wonder that most sexual sins are called 'abominations' in the book of Leviticus? Can we now realize why Our Lady of Fatima told little Jacinta that more people go to hell for sins of the flesh than for any other reason. Or why the True Church insists that the 'act' must be open for a child? Is it still such a hardship to live as a celibate, or at least to practice chastity, especially in the married state, when we know what Adam and Eve stole from God in their ingratitude and impatience? If it is this way with holy and chaste heterosexual activity, what can God think of homosexuality, lesbianism, masturbation, premarital sex, pornography etc. Are we not lucky that God even let the human experiment go on so that we would have a chance to exist and gain Heaven for all eternity? We are still so ungrateful and so indifferent to such a loving and forgiving God. No wonder He held off, knowing that the blessed Virgin was on the horizon to give flesh to His Son, so that we could be redeemed and at least ONE human, being, Mary, would live the life that He planned in creating those whose name would be called Adam.

But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound the trumpet, the mystery of God shall be finished, as He hath declared by His servants the prophets.” (Apoc. 10:7)

But chapter 10 has so much more! I mean, it has the man with the book opened up, and the seven thunders, and the re-commissioning of Saint John! You are right, the seventh trumpet seems to be shrouded in more mystery than the rest, so lets look deeper.

First of all, the description of the mighty angel in verse 1 seems to indicate another earth-wide cleansing as in the days of Noah as the angel is wearing a rainbow on his head; the symbol of God's promise never again to destroy the earth by water. St. Peter says that it will be by fire. The whole of chapter 9 is a segue to a/the new era. Verse 2 is reminiscent of Ezechiel chapter 2:7~9 and chap. 3 :1~3where the prophet is commissioned by the eating of a book-see Apoc. 10:9~11 which pertains to St. John—they are nearly identical. The person holding the book seems to be the same person as in Daniel 12:6,7 which matches the description of Ezechiel in Ezechiel 9:2,3. In both cases, the revelation spoken of is ordered to be sealed up. This may seem to be confusing, but you should be in the habit of having your Bible-preferably the Douay-Rheims- at the ready to follow the references. These references also indicate that we are headed into a/the new era. The last trumpet will announce this time, and the Scriptures that were sealed up by Daniel and Saint John will then come to the fore and will be strictly for this new era and Saint John will be the one to prophesy them, v 11. The fact that the only prophetic references for happenings after our current era are either sealed up or indicated to be after the end of this era ex. Ezechiel 38 and 39, as in Apoc. 20, are talking about the ensuing 1,000 years also absolutely confirms the coming new era!

Where do you get this new era baloney??? The protestants don't talk about a new era!!!

Daniel 12:1~3 says that we are coming to a time such as never was from the time that nations began even up to this time...not since the time that the nation began referring to Israel!! again, this is not about Israel! God works through His Word, Jesus. The Jews do not even after 2,000 years believe in Jesus as their Messiah, how can He be considered so stupid as to try to work through those who are still kicking against the goad in spite of the events of AD 70 when almost 1 million Jews were crucified and the rest were scattered to the four winds not to return for 1900 years! After their temple was so thoroughly leveled that not a stone was left upon a stone as Jesus had predicted. St Matthew, in chapter 24:21 almost quotes Daniel verbatim. If you then go to Apocalypse 20, you can't miss the new era. The thousand year reign of Christ mentioned in vs 2, 4, 6, is the new era. It will not be inhabited by people who are raptured from this era, or who have bought a fundamental option from the Jesuits, as verse 4 refers to those who were beheaded...that refers to martyrs, not rapturees or stock brokers! Verse 7 talks of those who are really going to be in the new era, described in Ezechiel 38 and 39. The protestants talk of this being the start of eternity and being there in their glorified bodies. How then do they account for Satan being let loose a little time toward the end of this time. God kicked Lucifer out of Heaven, He now is going to let Him back in? To what purpose? When Gog and Magog come against the 'camp of the Saints, and the beloved city' v8, God takes care of them by sending fire down from Heaven. How does this square with other scenarios which include the antichrist ruling from the temple and causing people to adore him etc. There are two different accounts, including four beasts of Daniel 7, and in Apocalypse 20:9 there is only one beast and a false prophet which is not mentioned anywhere earlier. There will be a new era unlike this one. Isaias has a number of references to the differences in several chapters if you look with the new era in mind, as in the lion laying down with the lamb and the child playing on the adder's nest etc.

"And all that dwell upon the earth adored him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb, Which was slain from the beginning of the world." (Apoc. 13:8)

"And it was given to him to give life to the image of the beast, and that the image of the beast should speak; and should cause, that whosoever will not adore the image of the beast, should be slain. And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand or on their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, but he that has the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." (Apoc. 13:15&17)

We cannot leave this topic without discussing another frightening subject. The devil deals in emotions with which he confuses and deceives those who are unaware. To bury one's head in the sand by ignoring the signs of the times, or by remaining willfully ignorant of them fall prey to them, will allow the devil his opportunity. None of your worldly wisdom or higher education can replace Scriptural awareness of the Truth. The devil is smarter and more cunning than we will ever be!

Some 25 years ago, we had some propaganda from a Maitreya, 'Tara' center in Atlanta, GA that was given to us. The subject was the “Emergence”. It dealt with a charismatic person named Maitreya. He claimed to be a christ. Not the christ, but a christ in a line of christs of which Jesus also was one. He claimed that Jesus was on the descendency and he was on the ascendency. In other words Jesus is finishing His lap as christ and is handing the baton off to Maitreya indicating a smooth transition and a singleness of purpose. This would also indicate that they were of the same mind and Father. Did this mean that the Blessed Trinity was becoming a foursome, or that Jesus was being demoted, as this indicated that he, the Maitreya, should be afforded the same worship? Acts 4: 10~12 tells us by the mouth of Saint Peter himself: “Be it known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you have crucified, whom God hath raised from the dead, even by Him this man standeth here before you whole. This is the stone which was rejected by you the builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under Heaven given to men whereby we must be saved.”

Note: everyone who wishes to get to heaven should memorize St. Peter's description of the ONLY person through Whom we must be saved. DO NOT accept any counterfeits.! 1John 4:3 tells us why. "And every spirit that dissolveth Jesus, is not of God: and this is antichrist." (This denotes a momentous event, salvation is no longer 'of the Jews, but, of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

The mark of the beast is not in some computer chip either in the hand or a tooth or in a prosthesis. The mark consists in the denial of Jesus as our one and only Saviour! As St Paul says in Hebrews 10:26,27: “For if we sin willfully after having the knowledge of the Truth, there is now left no sacrifice for sins, But a certain dreadful expectation of judgment, and the rage of a fire which shall consume the adversaries.” The martyrology or list of martyrs in the early Church, and therefore all martyrs, is replete with those who refused to accept any other Saviour but Jesus. The choice between Jesus and Maitreya is actually and irrevocably the choice between Heaven and Hell. How it is manifested physically is inconsequential along side the Eternal consequences. God is not being arbitrary, we have always to discern. 1John 4:1~3 : “Dearly beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits if they be of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. By this is the Spirit of God known. Every spirit which confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is of God: And every spirit that dissolveth Jesus, is not of God: and this is Antichrist, of whom you have heard that he cometh, and he is now already in the world.” The Maitreya is obviously trying to dissolve Jesus!



We have already noted some ways that God created us in His image and likeness. The Shemitah is another example of a proud Father Who wants His children to learn to live in His ways. He had told the Hebrew people that He wanted to be their God and for them to be His people, and that He wanted to live among them. Family customs are usually passed on from generation to generation. In this case the Hebrew people were the first nation to become the adopted children of the One, True God. He wanted to show them His ways. He set things up so that they could practice in 50 year intervals, and then start fresh with there being no losers. He further broke the 50 year game down into 7 year segments. Each 7 year segment was like the 7 day time period that He used to create all of what they could see and enjoy. In each seventh year they could enter with Him into His rest. He would see to it that their sixth year crops including the wine would last until the next harvest which would be two years. The widows, orphans, animals and servants would live off from what we now call 'volunteers' (stuff that grew from the seeds that were left after the harvest), also in the loving control of our Almighty Father. Note: all who were involved in the harvest knew God's harvesting rule: If it hits the ground, leave it for the gleaners who were the widows, orphans, etc. He would give them the early and latter rains so they would not ever go hungry. As close a situation to the original Paradise of Eden as the original sin would allow!

In addition to the Sabbath or rest for the soil and its tillers, the seventh year was also a Shemitah year. Whatever happened during the 6 previous years that got things off kilter, it would be set back to the original circumstances in the Shemitah year. If someone sold some of his ancestral land given to his family when they entered the Promised land it returned back to its original owner. Even the price was figured upon the crops that could be gotten before the next Shemitah. If someone indentured him/herself, they were restored back to a debt free state on the 7th year. The seventh year was considered the year of settling accounts; even with God! And God with man!! There was even something called a Jubilee every 50 years. This too was a Shemitah year and a Sabbath for the soil and therefore for those who drew their life from the soil—everyone! This was a two year rest, since the 49th year was also a Shemitah/Sabbath year! God was the Employer of all the Hebrew people, he could give them time off or holy days whenever He wanted to, and He sure was generous!

Even with this Patriarchal God, the Jews were not satisfied. They had been working their fields on the Sabbath/Shemitah year for so long that when He finally said enough, He brought the Babylonians in to bring the Jews to Babylon and hold them exile there for 70 years. They burned down the walls, the buildings and the Temple of Jerusalem. The land got it's Sabbath, because there was no one to till the land... (why He created Adam to begin with) it laid fallow for 70 years! The 'industrialized' nations of today's world are by and large not also agrarian. They have mechanized and fertilized their way around any Shemitah/Sabbath. They can even 'seed' the clouds to cause it to rain. They have nearly drained the underground aquafirs, dried up rivers, ex. The Nile and the Jordan, diverted rivers to industrial plants and actually caused ground to lay fallow because it had no water which raised prices to the poor. There is no such thing as gleaning any more. The biggest perpetrators are the super powers, obviously the USA is right up there. Almost every store, restaurant, filling station, club is open on Sunday. There used to be the so called 'blue laws' that prohibited such on Sunday, along with no truck or train traffic except passenger, from 2:00 AM til midnight. It is happening in world wide proportion, not just Israel. Almost 2,000 years after Jesus gave His Apostles the mandate to go forth and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, fully two thirds of the earth's population is still non-christian!!!

With this situation being world wide, who can God use to chasten His people? Who are His people? Where are His people ? Are they obvious in their dress, or speech or prayer habits such as making the sign of the Cross or bowing their heads at the Holy Name of Jesus. Or are most of them 'but' Catholics...I'm Catholic, but... So many have major doctrinal beefs with the Bible and the Church. So many take umbrage with the commandments, or take exception to them. They regard God as a 'lay-down' who would never put someone in Hell for that. Who can't accept this Church teaching, or that. Birth control, drugs, marriage to a non-catholic, divorce and remarriage, abortion etc. They can make up their own minds as to what is right or wrong, and whether or not they should get punished or should have to confess. Just as the Serpent predicted in Genesis 3:4&5: "And the serpent said to the woman: no you shall not die the death. For God doth know that in what day soever you shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened: and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." The extraordinary synod of Bishops who are meeting as we write, is convened to discuss, like Humanae Vitae, issues that came up on a poll of Catholics that are bedrock, mortal sin issues and deserve no consideration if one will continue to call oneself Catholic or Christian. Where can God exile the perpetrators when it is nearly everyone on the earth.

BMOF: I (Click here)

BMOF: III (Click here)

BMOF: IV (Click here)

BMOF: V (Click here)