Unity is on Life Support... Here is Why

March 10, 2020

With the results of the March general election only 1 member from the Unity Party of Thaecia (UNI) was elected to congress; Zon Island. Last general election Unity had a total of seven seats in congress. In the January midterm election,Unity kept all of their 4 house seats up for grabs. During the February snap election Unity went down to four seats in congress, to be fair a lot of Unity leaders left the party after before that election (Levenax, Terentiland, Aexodius, Islamic County of Honour). But in the March election, Unity only got one seat. How did this happen? Well it happened because of multiple things, but here are the 3 biggest reasons.

The decline of the TPU

You would think the decline of the UNI’s long time rival the Thaecain Progressive Union (TPU) would help UNI. But you would be incorrect, see UNI was never designed to govern. UNI was designed to be an opposition to the mighty TPU. When the TPU became less mighty thanks to a mix of the rise of the Phoenix Coalition of Thaecia (PCT) and general distaste with the party. This made the TPU much weaker. This was probably the least of the factors because UNI then adjusted as a reform party.

Adaptation of Ideas

Here is a list of UNI ideas that either every party has or is in effect

  • Thaecian Military

  • Absolute free speech as long as it doesn’t violate the NS rules

  • Unicameralism referendum

  • Separation of government and role play

  • More immigration

  • Greeting new visitors

There isn’t anything new UNI can bring to the table, other than letting the reformists back in or supporting unicameralism.

Too much talent leaving

Another big reason why UNI is on its deathbed is because UNI has a bad habit of bleeding prominent figures in Thaecia. Here is a list of people that are or were prominent figures in Thaecia that uses to be a members of UNI:

  • Former Congressmen, Former Electoral Commissioner Terentiland

  • Former Senator Islamic County of Honour

  • Former Foreign Affairs Minister and Senate Chairman Levantx

  • Former Congressman and now Senator Marvinville (previously Marvinton)

  • Senator Brototh

  • Former Senate Chairman and Congressman Cerdenia

  • Former Speaker of the House and now Senator Fishergate

  • Former Congressmen and now Senator Snowflame

  • Former Congressmen Aexodius

All of these people are talented and well known politicians that would benefit UNI if they were still around. Why did these people leave? Well it’s a mix. I interviewed 4 people I mentioned earlier and here are their responses:

“I left Unity because it came to a point where I was sure I could do more good for the region outside of the party than within; namely by working for the electoral commission." - Terentiland.

"That's a good question. Well as I'm sure everyone knows, I had the honor to serve as chairman of Unity, but UNI then is different from what UNI is now. When I left Thaecia, I received messages about Unity dropping in membership and apparently attempting to force unicameralism through Congress. I was very disappointed." - Snowflame.

"I left UNI because I wanted to run for President as an independent candidate. The goals I set out to achieve had I been elected as President required, in my opinion, complete political impartiality." - Fishergate.

"I felt as if the party's change is policy was going towards a different direction to what we intended when the party was founded, no longer felt represented within the party." - Cerdenia.

As you see, 2 people have said they left UNI because of the party and the other 2 left for political ambition. This shows a decent picture in why people left UNI.


The headline of the March general elections shouldn’t be who won the most seats in Congress or who had the most votes, it should be the fact that UNI is on life support.

DISCLAIMER: Catlin is a member of the PCT another political party, and several of the leaders mentioned in this article are affiliated with The Thaecian Journal.


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