Number of Minor and Forming Political Parties Jumps

March 10, 2020

Thus far this year, Thaecia has seen in incredible increase in political parties, notably small and forming ones.

This is likely due to the declining strength of the previously most powerful parties, the Thaecian Progressive Union and the Unity Party of Thaecia. Here is a guide to the new parties and where they stand in terms of membership and growth:

Progressive Parliament- Outlook: Very Strong

This 5 member minor political party has quickly ascended to a position of power winning two seats in the House of Commons and two seats in the Senate in the last general election. Additionally, their party chair, Rayekka, was unanimously elected Speaker of the House.

Solidarity Party of Thaecia- Outlook: Strong

This minor political party with 6 citizens as members (and one non-WA Waived member) has retained one seat House of Commons in the last general and have been making gains in name-recognition and membership.

Liberty Party of Thaecia- Outlook: Promising

This forming political party is set to launch on March 17th and has not yet made it's full membership numbers public. However, it has a lot of promising political capital and experience on board. The biggest challenge for this party will be overcoming it's lack of any elected officials thus far with the next general election being almost four months away.

Social Democratic Party- Outlook: Weak

This forming political party with one member has been in existence for 27 days and counting and is yet to gain a member. It's founder Norgaardia made an unsuccessful bid for the presidency winning 4.3% of the vote. Other than that the party hasn't done anything notable to advance it's name recognition or standing in the region.

Liberal Forward Party- Outlook: Uncertain

This forming political party with one member has been in existence for one day and so far it's founder, Pap Sculgief, has only come under fire for forming the party after winning election as an independent. In a statement he said "[I am] going to complete my elected term as an Independent, keeping the party closed until the next election." It is some uncertainty as to whether or not the party will end up being recreated in two months, but Pap Sculgief assured The Thaecian Journal that" it will definitely be reopened, it just depends when."

DISCLAIMER: Terentiland is a co-founder of the Liberty Party of Thaecia.


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