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green SQSH logo

Peer Support Volunteers

More Info & Application

purple SQSH logo

SQSH Project Team

More Info & Application


If you enjoy the services we provide to the Greater St. Louis community, please consider a donation. Any amount is welcome and equally appreciated.

We take payments through Venmo, GoFundMe, Facebook Donations, Cash, and Personal Check (addressed to "St. Louis Queer+ Support Helpline"). We welcome in-person donations when we table at community events.

Go fund me
Facebook donations

Information for Potential Donors

We deeply appreciate your donations, and we take them very seriously. We believe in accountability to those that put their trust and support in us, which is why we are providing the following information.

Click on the links in this section to learn more about the financial and operational structure of our organization. If you would like more information, or have a question, please contact us.

Helpline Project Documents

Explore the links in this section to learn more about the origins of this organization and the long term goals your donation is helping to support.

If you’re interested in funding SQSH but would like more information, please contact

Community Partners

Our community partners help us do the work that we do. They include the Metro Trans Umbrella Group (MTUG), Trans Education Service (TES), Black Pride, NCCJ St. Louis, the National Council for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (NCADA), Behavioral Health Response (BHR), Provident Crisis Services (PCS), and others.

If you or your organization is interested in partnering with SQSH, please complete an application and we'll be in touch.

metro trans umbrella group logo
trans education services logo
black pride logo
NCCJ logo
NCADA (national council for alcoholism and drug abuse) logo
behavioral health response logo

Spread the Word

There are more ways to get involved besides volunteering. Any help spreading the word about who we are and what we do is both valued and appreciated.

Also, don't forget to keep up with us! Follow us and share our stuff on social media.

Feel free to download or print our flyers below. Put up a SQSH flyer in your workplace, school, or community space to raise visibility for LGBTQIA+ resources, and let the queer folx in your lives know that they have a listening ear available to them!

Our Helpline

Local | 314-380-SQSH (7774)Toll Free | 844-785-SQSH (7774)

Our Hours

Friday - Monday 1 PM-7 PM

Support Us


About Us

We connect the LGBTQIA+ community in Greater St. Louis with peer-support services, including a volunteer-run phone helpline and private chat, public resource manual, and resources for the queer+ community and their allies.
SQSH logo