Please notice, some Items that are not longer in game have been excluded from the list below.
Please also notice this list is on going and is subject to change at any time.
Thank you!

Sheducat Food and Treat

A. B. C. D. E.  El Clasico Hardy El Clasico Perfect balance El Clasico Deft El Clasico Perfect StrideF. G. H. I.J. K.Kilimanjaro VolantKilimanjaro EndurantKilimanjaro RecoveryKilimanjaro SeniorL. M. N.O. P.  Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z.


A. Alaska OilB. C. ClawpolishD. E. Elastic BandsF. Fly SprayG. H. Hardy's Transportation Magnetic HoodHardy's Transportation Magnetic RugHardy's Traveler SetHardy's Leg Protection BootI.J. K. L. M. N.O. P.  Q. R. S.Silk BrushSweeties Pheramone Enchanced TreatsT.Touch Up Spray U. V. W.Wax MeltreX. Y. Z.


A. B. C. Crafting LicensesI LevelII LevelIII LevelIV LevelSilver LevelGold LevelPlatinum LevelD. Damage TokensTrifling ScratchMinor Injury/Minor Scar BadgeModerate DamageSerious DamageFatal Injury E. F. G. H. I.Import Change TokenJ. K.Kilimanjaro TicketL. M. N.O. P. Perspective BeastQ. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z.


A.Antibiotic OintmentVet Wrap and Anti Inflammatory MedsRigid Splint and Antibiotic ShotB.Basic First Aid KitMini First Aid KitStandard First Aid KitEmergency First Aid KitC. D.DrugE.  Elsevier Veterinarian Care Lvl 1 Lvl 2 Lvl 3 Lvl 4F.Field Medicine KitG. H. I.IV Fluids, Injectable meds and Hospital careJ. K. L. M. N. O. P. PainkillerQ.  R. S.Soft Splint and Antibiotic PillsT. U. V.  Vet Revival Attempts Veterinary Labor AssistanceW. X. Y. Z.