Bayun Shedu Cats

Bayun Shedu cats are hybrid creatures. Result of one of Eden Islands project.

Bayun cats are extremely strong and enduring creatures. They are unpredictable and smart. Often lives as solo hunters. Does not do well in large groups. These animals are very dangerous and must be tamed at the very young age. It is almost impossible to tame adult Bayun cat.

They are very smart creatures and inherit their vocal way of communication from Djibbs rather then ordinary Shedus. They can produce a whole range of different sounds from growling, meowing and purring to some sort of howling and hyena-like shouting. In spite of preference to live solitary lives, mother stays for long with her cubs.

Sometimes the family group can consist of mother and cubs of different ages. Bayun cats recognize their blood relation during whole of their lives. It seems they even understand death of each other on the level close to elephants and orcas. Bayun cats are territorial animals. Territory of males can overlap with areas, that belong to females.

Bayun cats are not really aggressive and often try to solve all of arguments only with intimidation. They often “howl” and roar to check borders of territories of each other. So evening hours might be pretty scary, filled with growls and howls of “chatting” Bayun cats. 

HEIGHT: 61 cm - 300 cm ( desired ; 180-240 cm )
Bayun Crosses ; 61 cm - 250 cm ( desired ; 160-200 cm )

WEIGHT: 200 kg - 2250 kg ( desired ; 1000-1500 kg )
Bayun Crosses ; 100 kg - 1900 kg ( desired ; 800-1250 kg )

TYPES: Bayun / Bayun x Any Classic / Bayun x Fenghuang ; Physical Traits.

COAT COLOURS: Shedu cat coat colors

MAX SPEED: registered record - 80 km/h
DIET: Carnivore
CHARACTER: Varys between cats. Desired one is calm, friendly and obedient. 

PROLIFICACY: 1-2 cubs ( rarely a third, always deformed or stillborn  )

BREEDING LIMITS: Every cat must have their SPC or PBB or FP also known as breeding papers to be able to breed.

- Females start with 3 breeding slots. More may be achieved through AP or as prizes in different competitions.
- Females can be bred only once per breeding season. ( up to twice per season with medical supplements )

- Males start with 5 breeding slots. More may be achieved through AP or as prizes in different competitions.
- Males may be bred several times during one breeding season.

INBREEDING: Is not forbidden.
- Though Different levels of inbreeding can bring up variety of health issues and mutations.
- Read more about inbreeding and its consequences here: INBREEDING



COMMON LIFESPAN: 20-60 years

ORIGIN: Bred in captivity by humans with help of genetic engineering 

MAIN USE: Military service, endurance races, surviving tests.


- All, that are ok for heavy or warmblood horses.

- Multi-purpose. Guarding, Search and Rescue. Also, can be used as mount or burden animal.