Baketora Shedu Cats

*Artist Note: Baketoras are built like Tigers.

Baketora Shedu cats were the results of a scientific project to "resurrect" the the Sabertooth Cat as part of a recreational study. They are results of second "attempt", that was made right after Komainu project was cancelled.

(Komainu project started in one of the private ecological parks at the Chinese border. Though, military forces got into the project and it quickly turned into another secret military program. It was called, Beasts of Givaudan project. Instead of using the typical lionesses or tigresses, they used heavy built Shedu cats as surrogate mothers to bear the genetically altered embryos of the sabertoothed cats. The program was shortly banned after the first results came to life. As this project was running to its end of the contract with the Elseviers, they were able to claim their rights to the resulting cubs.)

Baketoras were result of second take on this task. Yet it was made without any permissions and fully illegal. As government refused to help bring justice to the situation, Elsevier family hired "professionals" to steal cats back to them.

This operation was proceeded successfully. And Elseviers got that what belonged to them.

HEIGHT: 45 cm - 300 cm ( desired ; 190-220 cm )

WEIGHT: 40 kg - 2300 kg ( desired ; 800-1400 kg )

TYPES: Reijin / Kenpachi / Komainu x Baketora ; Physical Traits.

COAT COLOURS: Shedu cat coat colors

MAX SPEED: registered record - 95 km/h
DIET: Carnivore
CHARACTER: Often stubborn, competitive, non-tolerant to other cats. With humans there are almost no problems, if cat was raised properly from very young age.

PROLIFICACY: 1-2 cubs ( rarely a third, always deformed or stillborn  )

BREEDING LIMITS: Every cat must have their SPC or PBB or FP also known as breeding papers to be able to breed.

- Females start with 3 breeding slots. More may be achieved through AP or as prizes in different competitions.
- Females can be bred only once per breeding season. ( up to twice per season with medical supplements )

- Males start with 5 breeding slots. More may be achieved through AP or as prizes in different competitions.
- Males may be bred several times during one breeding season.

INBREEDING: Is not forbidden.
- Though Different levels of inbreeding can bring up variety of health issues and mutations.
- Read more about inbreeding and its consequences here: INBREEDING



COMMON LIFESPAN: 30-85 years

ORIGIN: Bred in captivity by humans with help of genetic engineering 

MAIN USE: Military service, endurance races, surviving tests.


- All, that are ok for heavy or warmblood horses.

- Multi-purpose. Guarding, Search and Rescue. Also, can be used as mount or burden animal.