Nuzha (Nez)


Smooth be the seas and gentle the tide which has brought our most capable Lord Torbjorn here before us today.

Many are the deeds that he hath wrought; Numerous the hours that he has toiled. One may not hear the clamor of his works, but know that he has labored years in silence. We have seen the fruits of his endeavors, and We would have it known the face that brought them to you; The arms that have carried our part and parcel; The mind that has stood unwavered by the Great Plague; The heart that beats to the drums at the center of our ever-growing Dream. Know that the beauty of our Kingdom is paled without a presence such as his. Know that our Dream would not grow without such quiet, steadfast care. For all that he has done, these many years and more, would We induct our most gentle Lord Torbjorn into Our Order of the Keystone, this 9th day of October AS 56 At Our Crown Tourney in the Industrious Barony of Thescorre.
(Calig and Illum by Gwen Cooke)

Ragnar inn Raudi
Raven's Feather

It is said that a sapling cannot grow in the shadow of a mighty oak. But what of those that do? What of those that outshine their youth with acts beyond their age?

As a man grown, Ragnar inn Raudi labors and gifts our Barony with courtesy and competence. None must tell him what is needed for with insight and with willing hands, with strength and care, he builds kitchens, hauls equipment, and then stays to create culinary delights with his own sense of artistry. He sets up spaces to house our royalty or populace. As a fighter, he battles honorably and ably to bring us renown. When day is done, he tires not, but with equal care, takes down and packs, checks the site that we may be respected by our hosts. Thus do We, Eldjarn and Dubheasa, induct him into our Order of the Raven’s Feather. Done this 4th day of July, AS 55, in Our Industrious Barony of Thescorre.
(Written in collaboration with Baroness Sadira; Callig and Illum by ??)

Arinbjorn Lodenhodi
Raven's Feather

Within the youngest of our flock may be found the most precious of treasures. Gifts of labor, love of service, and arts done by hands not aged by time, but work. We search for gentles such as these, that they may be the future that we would hope to create. And with them, we can entrust Our Society and Our Dream. To Labor out of love, To feed others out of Joy, To Defend Us with Passion. THESE are the traits we wish to be remembered. These are the gifts that are brought to Us by Our Arinbjόrn Lodenhodí. So would We, Baron Eldjarn and Baroness Dubheasa, welcome him into our Order of the Raven’s Feather that others may, too, see Our future in his eyes. Done this fourth day of July, AS 55, in Our Beloved Barony of Thescorre.
(Written in collaboration with Baroness Sadira; Callig and Illum by??)