
Sittius - Keystone


arma virumque canō, nōn ipsa anima eius cum ōpus

dēbet factum esse eum requiēscere sīnere potest,

namque intrā eum mīles fratrēs quaeret in bellum

dēfendentēs, pugnātōrēs iungere eum.


Mūsa, mihī cane Lucius Marius Sittius ūnus,

quō pactō ipse erat quī dēfensam condidit Hartstone,

componens armāmentam exercitātiōnemque

atque novī dēfendentēs committere dūcēns,

pugnat et rēgī et patriae aciē Ethelmārcis.


Mūsa, mihī cantā dē Sittius, namque Ethelmārcis

tōtus cantābit dē eō hāc ante Kalendas

Iūlius diē quīnta factō inductō lapidis angularis ōrdinis,

mandato Timotheī, rēgis tōtae Ethelmārcis,

et Gabriellae, rēgīnae nōstrī nōbilis

industriōsā baroniā dē Thescorre, annō societātis quīnquāgintā,

apud Pax Interruptus.



I sing of arms and a man, whose very soul,

When work must be done, cannot let him rest.

For the warrior within him seeks brothers-at-arms,

Fencers and fighters to join him in war.


O Muse, sing for me one Lucius Marius Sittius,

How it was he who founded fencing in Hartstone,

Finding gear and arranging practice,

And drawing new fencers to fight.

Sing how he fights for Crown and country in the army of Æthelmearc.


Sing, Muse, of Sittius, for all Æthelmearc shall sing of him,

who this 5th day before the Kalends of July (June 27th)

is made member of the Order of the Keystone,

by decree of Timothy, King of all Æthelmearc,

and Gabrielle, Our noble Queen,

in the industrious Barony of Thescorre, A.S. 50, at Pax Interruptus.


(based on the beginning of the Aeneid)
Calligraphy and Illumination by Boghda Altan Arsalan