The Science of Success

by Amos B Robinson

 The thoughts your think, what you frequently say, what you come to believe and the actions that you take based upon that belief, determine the measure of success that you will experience in your life.

In order to adapt ourselves to life's many changes we must first learn to get along with others.  Things can't always go our way, benefit us the most, put us in the limelight, or only advance our careers.  The "me-first" attitude does not serve a person well for very long.

Negotiation take patience and expertise, and can be elevated to an art form.  When done correctly, our long term success depends on it as much as we depend upon the water to drink and the air to breath.  Teamwork is a step on the ladder to success.

You must let go of the desire to be right and autonomous every step of the way.

In pursuing success, it is wise to remember that a very real ingredient of success is the ability to get along with and to be liked by others.

The universe rewards a giver

Ultimately, you are the recipient of the good you put out there.  Start a ripple of giving right now, and watch out for the wave of goodness you will have soon created!  Remember, "what goes around comes around".  Make what comes around to you only good by starting the ripple that creates the wave.

Being able to think from the inside out, rather than from outside in, enables us to block out external distractions that can impede our performance, such as environment and economic conditions, and instead allows us to tap into the infinite potential in our own soul and spirit.

Too often when an assignment is given, the recipient of the assignment stalls while questioning the assignment.  This not only prevents the assignment from being accomplished, but removes the opportunity of success for the recipient.  This could be what regrets are made of -- not accepting your unique mission that only you can accomplish in this lifetime.

I have often considered a quote that says something like "God would not give you the desire if you did not possess the talent to fulfill it."  God provides the necessary components for each of us to succeed at a goal, mission, or definite major purpose that we decide is our definite chief aim in life, but He does not walk the path for us.  The is what we have to do.

You have probably heard the quote, "God is in the details", too.  Well, maybe your detail is your homework assignment on this planet.  Why not get about following your divine orders and see what lesson you learn.  You never know until you accept the mission.  Whether or not you decide to fulfill your God given mission, is how you will ultimately be evaluated.

The man who knows the value of dependability in those he works and associates himself with, and refuses to settle for anything less, is bound for success.

 Amos  B Robinson resides in Nashville, TN with his wife and family.  He works as a Business Intelligence Manager / Data Scientist and you can learn more about him by clicking LinkedIn.  You can reach him via email at or by phone at 615.440.6377