The Science of Success

by Amos B Robinson

 The thoughts you think, what you frequently say, what you come to believe and the actions that you take based upon that belief, determine the measure of success that you will experience in your life.

Having an attitude that is positive or negative affects more than just you.  It affects your work, customers, clients, co-workers, and everyone you come in contact with.

Mac McGee

As we verbalize the images on the inside of us, we are only a few short steps away from manifesting what it is that we want to have happen in our lives.

Every thought you release comes back greatly multiplied, to bless or curse you.  Watch your thoughts and be strive to send out only thoughts that have positive expectations.  Thoughts are transformed into words when we verbalize what lives in our heart.

Good words fertilize good attitudes

Be positive and learn to customize your verbal and non-verbal communication for your greatest potential reward.

Believe in the power of the spoken word and see to it that you speak no word which does not harmonize in every respect with your positive expectations.

The greatest mischief maker is the human tongue.  It is not only what we say that counts, but how and when.

Tactfulness will never dethrone the ego from its pedestal.  Measure your words with the yardstick of courtesy, sentiment and gratitude.

To prevent fault finding and bickering, invite criticism, give merited praise, quickly admit guilt and do not hesitate to say, "I'm Sorry".  Settle disputes as quickly as possible.  Every moment of delay adds coals to the fires of dissension.

How to have a successful conversation

When something is written down, it serves as  a contract between yourself and the written page.

 Amos  B Robinson resides in Nashville, TN with his wife and family.  He works as a Business Intelligence Manager / Data Scientist and you can learn more about him by clicking LinkedIn.  You can reach him via email at or by phone at 615.440.6377