The Science of Success

by Amos B Robinson

 The thoughts your think, what you frequently say, what you come to believe and the actions that you take based upon that belief, determine the measure of success that you will experience in your life.

What would it feel like to be the richest man in the world?  Ask yourself that question with a notepad in front of you and a pen in hand.  Now, write down a listing of what you would experience if finances were readily available.  Consider first what makes you happy now because of your interests, values and beliefs.  They probably wouldn't change all that much even if you acquire the money.

As you write the list, notice which ones on your list are contingent upon having finances, and which ones bring you inner contentment in and of themselves.  It's been said that our attitude creates our altitude.

You see riches are inside each and every one of us if we know where to look for contentment.  By locating and treasuring what you love about each and every day of your life, you will increase your personal net worth held in your Success Account.  It is not the value in your checking or savings account, but the value in your heart that makes you the richest person in the world.

Too often in our own lives we forget to celebrate the small successes which are the stepping-stones for greater things to come.  Take time to nurture your dreams and speak life to them on a daily basis.  It is vital that we all learn the power of speaking words of love and life over every situation in our lives.  Every word you speak has power.

Loretta Levin

Nature and the universe are organized and ordered.  This order, or reliability, of nature simplifies life.  It is not necessary to understand all of the laws and order of the universe to make them effective in our lives.  They operate whether or not they are known or understood.

But where there is order, there is predictable action and reaction.

Time, space, energy, matter and intelligence are natures building blocks from which all things are created.

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Psalm 19:1

 Amos  B Robinson resides in Nashville, TN with his wife and family.  He works as a Business Intelligence Manager / Data Scientist and you can learn more about him by clicking LinkedIn.  You can reach him via email at or by phone at 615.440.6377