The Science of Success

by Amos B Robinson

 The thoughts you think, what you frequently say, what you come to believe and the actions that you take based upon that belief, determine the measure of success that you will experience in your life.

What are the dominating thoughts that you allow to playout in your mind?

If we place the best moments of our lives on our memory playlist, just imagine how we could color our attitude with hope and encouragement.  Likewise, if our memory playlist includes all the darker moments in our life that have transpired, our dark shadows will overwhelm us.

Which playlist do you choose to have playing in your mind?  Only you can decide.

What are the battles that you have to fight in order to get better?

Struggle , as biologist, sociologist, philosophers and historians know, is the principle way that we grow and get stronger.  It is the only way that man on earth will be able to improve upon himself and his condition. If we will let God help us in this struggle of life, he will help us to reach maturity as we walk out our life's purpose.

How do you look at obstacles that come up in your life?

There are no obstacles that can prevent us from achieving the success in life that we so deeply crave, if we approach it with hope and positive expectations.  With the full knowledge that any stumbling block can be turned into a stepping stone to greater heights of achievement.

This is the first concrete step that you can take to success in your life

Pray and seek God for what is it that he has purposed for your life.  What is it that he has given you as your life's mission in your personal life, family life, professional life and community life.  Then start to develop goals in these areas of your life.  Write these goals down and commit them to memory.  Put together a vision board with these goals and keep them in front of you.

As you work toward achieving these God given goals for your life, he will start to present you with steps that you can start to take to move you in the direction of achieving these goals.  Take the time to do research in the goal areas that you seek to accomplish.  As these steps are discovered by you and presented to you, write them down.  Let them grow into plans for accomplishing the goals that he has given you.

You won't be able to stumble your way to success

Don't expect to stumble your way into the success that you want to achieve in your life.  It just won't happen.  Success must be achieved on purpose.  Once you have the goals and plans, back them with your faith and action to bring them to fruition.  You have to be determined.

What are you planting in your garden of life?

Our life is like a garden.  What are the word seeds that you are planting in your spirit or sub-conscious?  If seeds (words) of negativity are planted, then ultimately you will grow a crop of negative actions that choke out your success potential.  We must eliminate these negative seeds (word choices) before our garden can produce the best harvest.

 Amos  B Robinson resides in Nashville, TN with his wife and family.  He works as a Business Intelligence Manager / Data Scientist and you can learn more about him by clicking LinkedIn.  You can reach him via email at or by phone at 615.440.6377