Teacher Feature

Mr. Feldpausch was nice enough to allow us to interview him. Here are some things he had to say.

Teachers are very inspiring. There are many cool things about teachers we don't know, things such as what their favorite colors are or what their favorite food is.

My name is Kaylynn H. and I got to do an interview on Pikeland Community School’s music teacher, Mr. James Feldpausch. I want to thank him for giving me time to talk to him face to face and letting me write a piece on him.

K.H: “ So, why exactly did you become a teacher?”

J.F: “ So when I looked at your question, I thought to myself I don't know, this is something I enjoyed doing.”

K.H. “ How long have you been teaching?”

J.F. “ 16 almost 17 years.”

K.H.” WOW!! That is a long time.”

K.H. “How long does it take to prepare a concert and a solo contest?”

J.F. “ We are constantly preparing for chorus contests, with solo contests we prepare for about six weeks.”

K.H. “What is your favorite part about teaching?”

J.F. “ Students!!”

K.H. “ Can you give me a few things you have learned over the years of your career?”

J.F. “ I have become much more patient and I realize it takes time, and also we should all try to motivate people.”

K.H. “Can you describe what high school chorus is like?”

J.F. “ Same thing but a different level, some of them are ready to be out on their own and others you kind of have to remind them they are still in school.”

I want to thank you again for your time and giving up some free time to let me do an interview on you.

Mr. James Feldpausch

Chorus teacher