Starclan's wrath

This is a re-cap of a DND/tabletop session me and my roomates had

Moonstar was taken to the abandon mines to face Starclan's wrath. Escorted by Stagpelt (deputy), Ambertree, Marshstalk, and Quietspirit. She was called out for dabbling in Hellclan magic and well starclan was pissed.

Starclan quit literally took her. She was lifted off of the ground and taken to starclan, bye girl.

Ambertree is furious and begins to pick a fight with Starclan, asking why they would do this and just being rowdy.

Starclan looks over at Quietspirit and she begins to glow as Moonstar is being taken up to starclan.

Starclan explodes the poor warrior :C pour one out for our girl Quietspirit


Ambertree is pretty messed up by whats going down, realizes he caused the death of his clanmate.

Starclan explodes the poor warrior :C pour one out for our girl Quietspirit

Walking back to camp, Marshstalk and Ambertree remember they forgot to bring the kits back to camp. (LONG story short) they left all of Mystic clan kits outside of camp and two ended up dying (they where attacked)

The two kits are Fawnpaw and Reedpaw

When u and ur bro remember and poor stagpelt seeing his dead kits (he lost his whole first litter poor guy)

Stagpelt has no idea what happened and is sad :C brings them back to camp

Back in camp!

Rosewater is PISSED. She knows her good for nothing mate had something to do with the dead kits, but also just happy both of hers are okay.

Koistorm is super sad because Reedpaw was his medicine cat apprentice

Duskpaw and Crypaw are sad and confused about their siblings.

Ambertree is lurking and judging bc he is an asshole

Ambertree does not trust Stagpelt and calls him out for trusting starclan, just being an insensitive prick.

Ambertree does not approve of Stagpelt becoming leader but screw u ambertree

Stagpelt becomes Stagstar, gets a cool star marking :)
He appoints Marshstalk as deputy (there isnt very many cats to choose from...) and that makes Ambertree even more mad because he has a weird bromance with Marshstalk.

Spooky starclan watching !
They did bless the clan with like good things (in game stuff like higher fertility and attacks for new kits born)

Extra info/pics about this session !