
Rough timeline of sessions and re-caps
These sessions are usually pretty silly so if they sound wild they were haha

Victoria Nims - November 1st Chronicle

Easter Event (All clans)
Two cats from each clan are tasked to kill a large jackalope type creature that showed up around the train station/ Church
The clans are not working together, but almost like a challenge to see which clan will defeat the monster (for prizes and bragging rights)
Mystic clan - Marshstalk / Ambertree
Shiver - Frozenbush / Leopardsoul
Snake - Briarslip / Shadefang
Poppyclan - Shortbranch / Berrythorn

Both Mystic and Snake head for the church and meet Cheeseballz for the first time.
A large orange cat who is willing to give advice but only in return for food.
Marshstalk/Ambertree start to fight in the church
Snake clan leaves
Mystic clan brings him food in re-turn for a hint on how to kill the monster (Two-leg poison in a bottle ((whisky)))
Poppy clan runs into some dogs and get pretty injured (OUT)
Marshstalk fits a small black kitten all alone in a tree, falls in love and offers to take him home after they are done.
Shiver clan wonder around the train area but give up after some time ( OUT)
Snake Clan quietly stalks Mystic Clan
Mystic clan find a sleeping two-leg next to a fire and some items (whisky/marshmellows/roasted fish)
Both Mystic and Snake make a scramble for the items, waking up the old two leg man.
Mystic clan grabs the whisky bottle while Snake grabs the marshmellows and fish.
Snake clan is happy enough with their prizes and heads home (OUT)
Mystic-clan finds the creature, they throw the bottle at it (missed) when they were supposed to put the liquid on the ground to attract it but players never do what I plan so its ok
Ambertree has the final blow and defeats the creature, Marshstalk adopts the kit and names them Lostpaw.
Bringing the kit home he convinces his mate Rosewater to raise him with their own two kits (Petal/Grub)
She does not want to but agrees.


Starclan's Wrath

Starclan's Wrath (Mystic Clan)
PT 1
In this session Mystic clan is being attacked by ghost like creatures.
Mapleshade is found dead in Moonstar's den, on the wall is written " Hellclan"
Moonstar explains she needs to travel to the glitter cave (abandoned mines) to speak with Starclan.
Stagpelt agrees to travel with her, along with Quietspirit, Marshstalk, and Ambertree.

Rosewater and Koistorm stay in camp with the kits ( Fawnpaw/Reedpaw/Duskpaw/Crypaw/Petalpaw/Grubpaw/Lostpaw)
Along the way they fight different ghost animals (Cats/Crow/Wolf)
Ambertree and Marshstalk leave the group to investigate a strange scent.
They meet a non-hostile glowing cat that offers to give them a item thats very effective on ghosts in return for holywater.
Ambertree/Marshstalk agree and head to see Cheeseballz, a rouge that lives in an old church.
Cheeseballz only will give them holywater in return for an apprentice he can raise.
Marshstalk has the idea to give Cheeseballz one of his own kits.
Marshstalk/Ambertree head back to camp to try and convince Rosewater to give them Grubkit to take on a walk.
Rosewater only agrees if they take all of the kits, so she can take a nap.
Marshstalk / Ambertree take all of the kits out of camp and leave them all but Grubdirt, taking him to Cheeseballz.
Grubpaw is very excited about his new mentor, not realizing what a horrible dad he has.
Marshstalk gives him the name Grubdirt before leaving with the holywater, trading for the weapon and meeting back up with the others(Stag/Moon/Quiet)

PT 2
Moonstar/Stagpelt/Quietspirit/Ambertree/Marshstalk make their way to the glitter cave and before they can enter are approached by glowing starlcan cats.
Starclan demands the sacrifice of Moonstar, explaining she has been dabbling in Hellclan ways.
They promise Stagpelt he would have a good leadership and they would bless his clan.
Ambertree fully does NOT support this but Stagpelt agrees and Starclan takes Moonstar away.
Ambertree begins to pick a fight with Starclan, questioning if they even had real power.
Starclan proves their power by exploding Quietspirit.
The walk home was silent until they come across two small dead bodies, (Reedpaw/Fawnpaw)
Taking them back at the camp Rosewater is furious, blaming her mate Marshstalk for the dead kits. She assumes Grubpaw was also dead/not found.
Ambertree argues that all of this is Stagpelt's fault and they should not believe Starclan.
Stagpelt becomes Stagstar and convinces the tiny clan that he will bring Mystic Clan back, stronger then ever.
He names Marshstalk as deputy only because his other option is Ambertree (yikes I know)


The Vision - Mystic Clan PT 1

-Koistorm has a vivid vision, starclan orders the clan to seek out an item that will reveal a great truth and dark secret about the clan.
- Stagstar takes the vision very seriously and sends the following cats. New deputy Marshstalk, Ambertree, Koistorm, Duskpaw and Lostpaw.
Marshstalk and Ambertree insist on wasting time with a local rouge named Cheeseballs for half of the session.
- Along the way Duskpaw see's his dead brother Reedpaw, Lostpaw freaks out and seems terrified
- Koistorm refuses to open his eyes and ignores Reedpaw's voice, upset by it.
Eventually the group makes their way to the train station, Ambertree has a feeling about one of the trashcans.
- Ambertree gets his ass kicked by a old rouge hiding in the trashcan.
Marshstalk found the item (a glowing stone) from the vision in a very oddly cold trash can outside the station, and the party camped here.

The Vision - Mystic Clan PT2

-As the party wakes up Koistorm again hears Reedpaw, this time opening his eyes and can not believe he is really here
The sky darkens and the party begins to encounter small hostile shadow cats attempting to stop them from going home
They continued to fight shadow cats and got super close to death. Got saved by cheese balls who made a deal that we must find missing grub dirt for him.
Lost paw seemed weirdly strong against the shadow cats
-The final boss appeared, a large demon cat, they defeated it
Ambertree got bad vibes about going home because the shadow cat said the "truth would be revealed." And amber tree don’t want none of that shit. So he just. Fucked off. Later he returned and tired to play it off like he was there. He wasn’t.
Starclan revealed that Koistorm was actually the father of Lostpaw. Koistorm admitted his affair with a blind rouge cat.
-Starclan offers a trade, they will remove Lostpaw in return for letting Reedpaw return to the clan.
-Marshstalk (the cat who found and adopted Lostpaw) argues. Against. Everyone. And rosewater physically fought him, while Stagstar and Koistorm watched up close but looking away specifically.
- Marshstalk is out numbered
All of mystic clan (except amber tree) pledged to the starclan religion together. Lost paw was taken.
Stagstar leads all of the clan into the water, to be cleansed of sin and gain the power of Starclan (except Ambertree)


Fading All Away - Poppy Clan

One day I will finish

Session re-cap

- A few Poppy clan cats awake in a cave (Ripplechest / Berrythorn / Thundermud / Doepaw /Anisepaw(Ripple/Berry's daughter)
- Ripplechest does her best to lead the clan out of the cave only to stumble upon a dead body.
- The dead body is Asterlight their deputy.
-They mess around in the cave for a little, typical DND dougen crawl type stuff.
- Most notably had a discussion over killing a rat that they realized had a family (lol)
- Eventually they find themselves on a ledge with no where to go but jump down
- Ripplechest, Berrythorn and Thundermud jump first
- Thundermud rolls a 1 and is impaled by a stalagmite, dying
- Everyone freaks out but
within moments Mistsmell (Ripplechest's older daughter appears)
- She is standing at the top with Anisepaw and Doepaw, screaming about a vision that there was an evil cat in the clan, someone must die
-Then Falconstorm (Mistsmell's brother) appears in the shadows and attacks Berrythron
- Doepaw (who happens to already hate Mistsmell) attacks her and they both fall to the ground. Anisepaw follows
- Ripplechest jumps on her son Falconstorm and tells everyone to just wait a moment
- She pleads with Mistsmell to knock it off and show them the way out
- Mistsmell says no, the voices tell her someone must die, makes a comment that it could be Ripplechest
- Scared, Ripplechest turns the clan on Berrythron, convincing them that it must be him
- She rolls super high and well the whole clan begins to gang up on Berrythorn attacking him
- Berrythorn is knocked out and 1HP away from dying when Mistsmell runs off, revealing the exit
- Ripplechest orders Falconstorm to pick up Berrythorn
- They all travel back to camp
-Berrythron survives but has permanent 1/2 stats
- Shortbranch asks what happened to his mate, Thundermud. Most cats ignore him but Anisepaw explains
-Ozonestar appoints (his ex) Ripplechest as deputy

We cry for Shortbranch but at least he has a daughter (Quiverpaw) to help him and let his mate live on through her

Gift art by @bakedbohnen

Who actually designed Berrythorn ♥
