Have you ever wondered where your food comes from? Did you cook more once the COVID-19 pandemic hit? Have you ever been curious about other global dishes? Look no further! Here at The Ethnographic Eater, we strive to break down any and all questions you have about food, food systems, and the cultures they may derive from.

We long to inform people about food in regard to culture, economics, psychology, and history. We have so many things to unpack!

A brief history

Hello! Welcome to The Ethnographic Eater podcast. This podcast first began in 2020, and is currently being relaunched in 2022. I first began this journey during my senior year of college. We were asked to complete a printed thesis, as well as provide a visual aid. I majored in Psychology and minored in Media Arts, so I decided to explain my research using my media broadcasting skills. Between my main courses, I was able to pick up courses in Food studies and Global Economy. This is where more podcast episode ideas would later stem from. My psychology research primarily focused on Cognitive Framing and how it influenced shoppers' likelihood to purchase brand name food products versus their generic counterparts. Once my thesis was turned in and I was free from my Bachelors responsibilities, I began building The Ethnographic Eater with help from colleagues of all walks of life. This includes you!

This podcast would also not exists without the wonderful input, and assistance from the Fall 2020 "Eating Through the Pandemic" class at Allegheny College's school of Global Health.