Crisis in the Ukraine

As a citizen of the United States, I am terrified for the citizens of the Ukraine. With many fleeing from their homes and finding their way to Poland's border, I cannot help but feel that an impending World War is going to occur. I felt that as a podcaster, as well as someone who tries to understand and educate others about culture, food, and human interactions, I wanted to put this website to good use. This war is beyond heart breaking.

Children, parents, and pets are holding on for dear life, and are thankfully being taken in by citizens of other countries. But for those who are unable to escape or find haven , are stuck in the war torn zone. As I was searching the internet, I have found a few articles on ways we can contribute to those in need. Many are in need of food, water, and medical supplies. Ukrainian soldiers, pregnant women, and young children who are being treated are in dire need of the medical supplies as well. We can do our part. Below are some articles I have gathered from mainstream news sites here in the United States.

I will be posting links on how to help Ukrainian civilians here on this page, as well as our page on Facebook. I will however not be contributing to the news columns on Facebook. In order to keep up with live, accurate events that unfold, please visit your locally trusted news outlet (of your choosing). We do not want to disclose any sensitive materials, nor spread any inaccurate information. These operations for civilians may change from day to day, so we will do the best we can to update on the situation.

ABC News:,and%20economic%20assistance%2C%20according%20to%20the%20organization%27s%20website



Children Are Bearing Brunt Of Intensifying Crisis Ukraine | UNICEF USA

Give to International Medical Corps

How To Donate To Relief Efforts In Ukraine – Forbes Advisor

Ukraine Humanitarian Fund •

HUMANITARIAN CRISIS IN UKRAINE | International Committee of the Red Cross (