Let's Get Tip-sy

Hints, Tips & Tricks
For Playing HEE

Art Tip of the Month:
Found the perfect stock, but the horse has tack on?

  • Make a layer, and right click on it, and select create a clipping mask.

  • Then, use the Clone Stamp Tool.

  • Ctrl + click similarly colored/shadowed parts of the horse, and paste them on the new layer, until your tack is covered.

  • Then, use soft dodge and burn tools to edit the new layer to blend better.

  • Layers are your friend so if you mess up, you don't ruin the original image and have to start over!

Art Tip By

Arcturus Centre

Genetics Practice Game Help

Genetics Practice - More like Alphabet Soup!

If trying to sort out all the potential genotypes of possible foals between two randomly picked Mares & Stallions makes your brain turn to mush. Check out Kalarhi Haven Hills's Genetics Game Guide!
A thorough guide that explains exactly how to get 100% Correct Answers! Kalarhi breaks down the complicated coat colors into easily understood bite size pieces - and helps to sort out what each gene can have for outcomes.

Sven - the Sexy Gnome
Buy him in the Eden Store for just
100,000,000 EBs!
Give y
our new Foal a BOOST!
Adds +2 to ALL Traits when used in the Breeding Center