Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due

By Sporting Chance Farm

Choosing a Program

There are a lot of great free and low cost photo editing programs out there. You just need to know what you are looking for and what you expect to get from the program. I have listed several available programs to help you with your digital journey. I personally use Affinity Photo. It is very reminiscent of Adobe Photoshop but without the high price tag. I believe it is normally around $50 usd but I got mine on a sale that they occasionally run and got it for ½ price. I love it and it also has companion programs that can also be purchased to help with your artistic needs. ~ SCF

Free and Low Cost Digital Editing Programs

Listed in no particular order

I picked a program so now what?

Now that you have selected an editing program, we can pick an image. We will use a free stock photo today from Unsplash for our exercise. Unsplash is a free stock source and a great place to find stock for your HEE art adventures.

Let’s find an image of a cat.

Okay… we picked a picture, what next?

Now that we have picked a program and a picture we are going to open that image in our program. This should be very similar for most programs.

My program is Affinity Photo so I will use these steps:

  1. Open New document

  2. Select image size 300px x 300px (this is a HEE stable avatar size, you can use whatever size you need for YOUR project).

  3. I keep it at 300 dpi and click CREATE.

Our open document

Your blank document should look similar to this.

Importing our image

Note: If you do not need a specific size for your image you may just OPEN it and you can adjust the original dimensions.

Crediting our image

We got this image off of Unsplash and the person who took the picture is Manja Vitolic.

We create a text box and select a font and size, and enter the credits as such.

Credits may be placed wherever you feel acceptable…but should be readable.


You now have a properly credited image to use for your HEE purposes. Please do pay attention to stock restrictions on programs like DeviantArt some of this is only for use on DA or you must post your work back to the original stock provider. Also if you are creating a manipulation, you will have to credit each stock source. Hope this has simplified the mystery of crediting artwork and images.