
Written by Adam Rutkowski, September 2020
Antisemitism was rife when the Djaments were growing up. Culminating in the holocaust during World War II meant that "being Jewish" was something that would only be known to relatives and admitted to close friends only. This extended to the post-war years, especially in Poland. "Being discovered" could affect one's education opportunities, job and career prospects. This "secret" was closely guarded even from one's children. I vividly remember that whenever my parents and friends were discussing some other family, one question was always asked "I czy są jednym z nas" - "are they one of us ?" meaning of course "are they Jewish ?". Wanda in particular was extremely fearful of being "found out" as this, would also extend to her son Adam D. and affect his prospects. This fear continued even after she and Janek were safely in the USA and she kept it a secret. (When the cousins reconnected in the 1990s and later, we often wondered whether Adam D. "knew". I think Frank or Vlad spilt the beans at some stage).
Consequently their daughter Eve was not allowed to communicate with her cousins But our father never forbade us to communicate, and Alice corresponded with Eve when Janek and family were in India. The subject however was never raised. In 1974 Sue and I travelled to the US, and when in Columbus I wanted to see Stefan and Natalia however they were away somewhere. I managed to see Frank and Maureen for a very short time as they were about to leave on a biking trip. Subsequently I met Frank when he spent time in Australia in 1976 and when he visited Sue and I in Hong Kong in 1977.