Medical Education Scholarship, Research, & Evaluation

What is MESRE? 

Watch this < 4 minute video created by our AAMC MESRE Leaders! 


CGEA MESRE Virtual Office Hours - 2024

In an effort to promote medical education scholarship, the CGEA Medical Education Scholarship Research and Evaluation (MESRE) group provides MESRE Virtual Office Hours for CGEA members. The virtual office hours provide consultations and mentoring for CGEA members (especially early career) who plan and conduct research or innovation projects in education. If you ever have some questions like those below, we can help!

●       Incubating a project idea. Is this project idea making sense? Is this something that people would like to know in the field?

●       Identifying a question: What specific question should I pursue to conduct a research or program evaluation study?

●       Literature review: How can I strengthen my rationale for the study? What theoretical or conceptual framework should I consider for my study?

●       Study design: What methodology should I consider for my project? How can I do the data collection and analysis process? What should I consider for methodological rigor?

●       Dissemination: What journals/conferences should I consider for submission? How can I address reviewers’ comments on my manuscript in a revision?

●       Other: Any questions about medical education research and scholarship. How I can start with medical education research?

CGEA MESRE virtual office hours will be available from 11 am-12 pm (Central) on selected Mondays and Fridays beginning January 22, 2024. We have scheduled one hour each month. If more times are needed, we can schedule them.  Please sign up in advance (click here)

After signing-up, send a brief summary  (up to 300 words) of the project idea and/or consultation questions to Jan Hanson ( and Rachel Moquin ( before the consultation meeting. Then we will send the applicant a zoom meeting link for the consultation. Jeffrey Cheung (CGEA MESRE Chair) and other CGEA community members are also available as consultants, so we have consultants with a wide range of research expertise.


Jan Hanson,

Past CGEA MESRE Chair 

Rachel Moquin

CGEA member


Jeffrey Cheung


CGEA Call for Mini-Grant Proposals!

The Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA) seeks proposals that will promote scholarship in medical education and advance the community of scholarship within the Central region. A maximum award of $7,000 is available for multiple-institution projects and $5,000 for single-institution projects. Projects must address the education of medical learners; mini-grants will not fund patient/parent education. The CGEA welcomes proposals for any systematic scholarship project, including scholarship of discovery (traditional research that discovers new knowledge) as well as projects with systematic approaches to the scholarship of teaching, application, integration, and/or engagement. This includes scholarly innovations. Consistent with the requirements of scholarship, all funded projects must be collaborative and investigatory in nature, and their results must be made public, available for peer review, and freely available for others to build upon.

We will post an announcement when the next call for proposals is open! 

All other inquiries about the mini-grant program should be addressed to the MESRE Chair, Jeffrey Cheung ( AND the CGEA Chair Kamran Mirza (

CGEA Team Up Initiative - 2023 

CGEA MESRE has run a program called Team Up for Scholarship Collaboration for the last two years. Based on members’ support and positive feedback, we will run the program again. Given the collaborative nature of medical education research and scholarship, including innovation and the importance of social networks, the program aims to facilitate research or innovation project collaborations among members. This year, we extend this program to include any GEA members (NEGEA, SGEA, and WGEA). The program aims to provide opportunities:

We have reached the SECOND part of the process. If you submitted an idea, you should have received a message from Heeyoung Han to set up a short meeting to discuss. Please see your email messages for a subject of: "Team Up fo Scholarship Collaboration." 

The program is following several stages as below: 

1. Any GEA members have submitted research ideas. 

2. CGEA MESRE (Past Chair, Current Chair, and Chair-Elect) provided MESRE consultation through CGEA Virtual Office Hours to help the project idea providers refine their project ideas. 

3. Once having a list of project ideas, CGEA MESRE Past-Chair (Heeyoung Han, PhD) sent out a sign-up form to the CGEA members. Then,GEA members signed up for a project group(s).

4. A formal announcement of research teams will be distributed as soon as formed. Once groups are formed, each project leader contacts the members to proceed with the project idea. 

5. CGEA MESRE consultation will be provided through CGEA Virtual Office Hours for teams’ project progress. 

All inquiries about this initiative should be addressed to the CGEA MESRE Past-Chair, Heeyoung Han ( Thank you. When then next Team Up is available, we will post updated dates and instructions/links! 

Newest Publications from CGEA Members

A Systematic Approach to Provide Feedback to Presenters at Virtual and Face-to-Face Professional Meetings

S. Beth Bierer, Anna Cianciolo, Heeyoung Han, Janice Hanson, 2022

Link to full-text article in MedEd Portal

Medical School Without Walls: 50 Years of Regional Campuses at Indiana University School of Medicine 

Paul M. Wallach, Deborah R. Birnbaum, Elizabeth R. Ryan, Brandon T. Pieczko, Jay L. Hess, 2022 

Link to full-text article in Academic Medicine 

Please Share Your Scholarship, Innovations, and Research to our CGEA Community Virtual Bulletin Board