Searching for Perun

Anna Kurkova

Watercolor studies, 2023

Searching for Perun encompasses research into mythological manifestations of chaos and human attempts to reign it in.

 The collection of ten watercolor studies are preparatory works for larger prints and paintings on wood and aluminium panels. Artist combines anthropology and visual representation to examine weather extremes, pagan divinities, and ritualistic practices that defined and contextualised the relationship with nature for Slavic people before transition to Christianity in 988AD. The images tackle a broad range of striking scenes – comet falling, volcanoes erupting, man jumping over a fire in a midsommar ritual, palm trees bending in a storm, horse and a rider galloping in the night. The project asks how attitudes toward the natural world evolved to reverence to commodification in the anthropocene age as we achieved a more sophisticated understanding of natural processes.

Locate: Building C3, 1st Floor, Next to Office 167

about the artist

Anna Kurkova is an artist of Belarus heritage living in the UAE. Kurkova’s work bridges the gap between symbolism and reality and explores imagined landscapes against sensory reality. Her work touches on themes of primordial mythical harmony of man and nature through the context of the Anthropocene age. Kurkova’s studio practice includes sculptural installations that combine unexpected materials and techniques, but also traditional methods such as darkroom photography, printing making, and painting. Kurkova exhibited in galleries and museums in the UAE and beyond. She is the winner of Christo and Jeanne Claude Art Prize 2017. She holds an MA in Art History (Sorbonne University), and a BA in Visual Arts (New York University), and she works as a Mixed Media Arts Instructor at the New York University Abu Dhabi.