
Salama Nasser

Metal, aluminum wire, fabric, 2023

We might think that trees create messy tangled branches, however, when observed closely, some tree branches grow in a sequenced pattern. The main trunk will grow two branches each will then stem into two more branches and the pattern will continue in this sequence. Translating this unique pattern into a sculpture, the branch-like patterns are arching downward like roots, creating a spatial environment with interplay between light and shadows reminiscent of the experience of walking under a tree. Branch explores the creation of space that prompts connection to nature and people.

Locate: Building C3, Ground Floor, Under the stairs near the Cube

about the artist

Salama Nasser is a Junior double majoring in Interactive Media and Visual Art at NYUAD. She experiments with various mediums including painting, sculpture, and photography. Her primary focus revolves around the connection between people and nature, specifically drawing inspiration from unnoticed aspects of nature.