Truck Accident Attorney San Antonio

Truck Accident Attorney San Antonio

Being involved in an auto wreck can have serious consequences. Those consequences can be made worse when, at the time of the crash, the other party is driving for a business. The size of the impact in these wrecks may be greater because, often, commercial vehicles are larger than other vehicles. The large force of these impacts may cause severe or even catastrophic injuries. While an investigation is always important after a car wreck, it is even more important when a commercial vehicle is involved. The insurance carrier will get its experts and attorneys involved quickly. The goal of these efforts will be to limit your recovery which makes it vital for you to have a Truck Accident Attorney San Antonio

Having the right attorney is always important. However, it is even more important to have the right attorney when involved in a crash with a company vehicle. An experienced commercial accident attorney will start an investigation immediately following the wreck. The investigation to determine whether rules and regulations that are unique to commercial drivers were followed. For example, maybe the company is forcing the driver to work long hours without a break. Moreover, an experienced attorney will investigate whether the vehicle involved has been serviced regularly or did lack of vehicle maintenance create dangerous conditions leading to the crash. These aggravating issues can add substantial value to the case. Additionally, an experienced attorney can work to find out how much insurance coverage the company vehicle had. Finding out how much liability insurance there is, can be especially important if the injured person is dealing with life-long injuries. At the Echavarria Law Firm, our experienced auto accident attorneys can handle these complex matters to ensure you get fair compensation for now and in the future.


Why are commercial trucks so dangerous? While carrying a full load, commercial trucks and big rigs can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. This means that the force with which they hit an object, like another vehicle, can be devastating. Additionally, even when the brakes are applied on these vehicles, the load they carry, along with their size, makes it much harder for the commercial vehicle to come to a complete stop.

These issues are compounded because the reward system for drivers incentivizes speed of delivery. The truck driver is expected to meet their delivery deadline, regardless of traffic, personal issues, or other accidents. Often drivers who deliver before their deadline are rewarded with bonuses. This creates a dangerous incentive system that puts lives at risk. Fatigued and drowsy drivers often miscalculate their own speed and timing. Ultimately, commercial trucks often cut corners for economic gain, leaving the lives of those they injure changed forever. Let the experienced lawyers at the Echavarria Law Firm take care of you. Call (210) 320-5633 or contact us at See Also rideshare Accident Attorney San Antonio