Car Accident lawyer New Braunfels

Car Accident lawyer New Braunfels

Hire a Car Accident Attorney – New Braunfels Victims Can Fight

If you or a loved one were in a New Braunfels car accident, it might not be easy to determine the responsible party. Sometimes, getting fair compensation is hard without a legal team to assist.

Car accident victims should call a law firm to help them with their car accident cases. You gain an advocate who is always on your side to check the facts for your case and help you make appropriate decisions after the car collision.

Our firm handles various cases throughout the state of Texas. We’ve got the experience needed to fight for you to get the compensation you deserve. Please contact us to schedule a free initial consultation or to ask our team questions.

Why Do You Need an Attorney After an Auto Accident?

While you might think that your motor vehicle accident was minor, you aren’t sure when a New Braunfels law firm can help. New Braunfels car accidents can be quite challenging to understand, and here are just some of the ways our team can help:

  • Speak to insurance companies on your behalf while advocating for you and guiding you through this confusing process.

  • Use our experience to gather evidence, evaluate police reports, and talk to witnesses.

  • Estimate fair compensation based on your injuries, the damage severity, and your pain and suffering.

  • Ensure that you’re getting the best deal.

  • Take accident claims to court when necessary.

Should You Wait to Talk to Insurance Companies Until Retaining a Lawyer?

It’s always a good idea to hire a personal injury lawyer as soon as you can after the auto accident.

The insurance company of the at-fault party is likely to contact you immediately for your statement. It doesn’t have your best interests in mind. In fact, the representatives do everything possible to not pay out what you deserve.

Instead of dealing with the insurance company alone, it’s best to consult with an attorney at our law firm before giving a statement. The New Braunfels car accident lawyer can deal with the insurance company to maximize your recovery and protect you from any unfair practices.

You’ve got two years to file a personal injury claim in Texas. The statute of limitations restricts the time you’ve got to file a lawsuit. Once the two-year mark passes, you can’t recover compensation for any personal injuries.

The sooner you call a lawyer after a car accident, the sooner they can begin filing the claim. Though two years seems like a long time, it goes by fast when dealing with severe injuries.

Can Lawyers Help with Medical Bills Reimbursement?

Yes, New Braunfels car accident lawyers can help you get repayment for any medical bills you received because of the injury.

We don’t charge you unless we win the case, meaning there is no risk to you. There are no legal fees or costs to pay back if we don’t obtain compensation.

Our law firm covers the upfront costs and can help you with medical bills and much more. In fact, our experienced personal injury attorneys can walk you through the process without you incurring out-of-pocket expenses. We want to ease your concerns and deal with your burdens so that you can recover from your soft-tissue injuries. Schedule a free consultation today!

Why Choose Us

Choosing an attorney is critical for personal injury cases. Though it seems overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be. Victims of a car accident in New Braunfels, TX, should look for a lawyer who has these characteristics:

  • Compassionate – You’re in a stressful and painful situation, so you need someone who is sympathetic about your state and understands your suffering.

  • Responsive – The attorney you choose must be focused on your case. Though they have other personal injury cases to deal with, they need to respond quickly to concerns and questions.

  • Involved – Attorneys must be involved in each area of your case. They don’t pass it off to a legal assistant or paralegal. Everyone within the law offices works together to get you what you deserve.

  • Experience – Your attorney must have a successful track record against the auto insurance companies. Make sure they’re experienced with handling cases like yours.

  • Positive reputation – Look at the testimonials section from current and past clients. Do they recommend the law firm?

Types of Auto Accidents Our Team Can Handle

Car crashes occur every day in the US, which can lead to catastrophic injuries. There are over 200,000 injuries each year in Texas because of motor vehicle accidents, which is about one injury every two minutes.

Insurance adjusters rarely have your best interest in mind and dispute whose fault it was. Therefore, they could deny the claim. It’s crucial to have an experienced car accident attorney to fight for your compensation rights and stick up for you.

How Is Fault Determined for a Texas Car Accident?

Texas is called a “fault state,” which means that the at-fault party must compensate the injured person. Whoever causes a car wreck must pay relevant damages. These include economic (medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, etc.), non-economic (pain and suffering), and other punitive damages. Sometimes, it’s easy to determine liability in motor vehicle collisions (drunk drivers), but it could be much harder.

Evidence is crucial to prove fault.

If the at-fault driver admits that they caused the accident, and it’s on record, you should easily win the claim. However, they may not admit that they are guilty. To determine fault, insurance company statements, authority statements, photos, and witness interviews must be used. It’s up to insurance firms to look at the evidence and decide who is responsible. If they deny liability, your only option is a lawsuit to get restitution and justice.

Common Car Accident Injuries

The most common injuries from car accidents include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries

  • Spinal cord injuries

  • Neck injuries

  • Burn injuries

  • Limb injuries

If a loved one died in the car crash, we can help you fight for restitution.

What to Do After a New Braunfels Car Accident

Here are the steps to take after a car accident in New Braunfels, TX:

  1. Call 911 to report the accident if you can and get medical attention for serious injuries.

  2. When the police at the locations arrive, tell them what happened, giving as much detail as possible for their accident reports. Include everything, such as if you smelled alcohol or if you believe the other driver might have been using their cell phone.

  3. Don’t give any statements to anyone (written or recorded) about the automobile accident, including the insurance company of the other driver.

  4. Get the insurance information and contact information from potential witnesses and the other driver.

  5. Take photographs of your injuries and the scene and traffic control devices

  6. Request a copy of your police report to ensure accuracy.

  7. Get legal representation from one of our New Braunfels car accident lawyers.

Contact an Experienced Attorney Today

Personal injury law can be confusing. If you were injured in a New Braunfels car accident, your world is likely turned upside down. Regardless of when the accident occurred (if within the statute of limitations), you don’t have to deal with the insurance firm by yourself.

If you suffered a spinal cord injury or brain injury, you need an experienced auto accident attorney on your side. Our law firm is in New Braunfels, TX, and can assist with trucking accidents, motorcycle accidents, and much more.

Car accident attorneys are the best way to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve. Please call to request a free consultation and get legal counsel. Injury victims don’t have to suffer alone.

At The Echavarria Law Firm, we take all auto accidents seriously. The insurance company will actively work to pay you less than what your case is worth. They will do everything they can to pay less than what is fair. Our Firm will listen and counsel you as to the best path forward to a successful recovery. Call us at (210) 320-5633 to discuss your case and set a plan of action to get your life back on track.

The car accident attorneys at The Echavarria Law Firm cover the New Braunfels area and all of South Texas. We can handle any case such as:

• Car Accidents

Commercial Truck Accidents

Motorcycle Accidents

Rideshare Accidents

Bus Accidents