What Weather Conditions Cause the Most Car Accidents

Even if you’re a careful driver, you still need to be on the lookout for many other variables as well as other motorists. Many motorways and roads have red flags showing where inclement weather is most likely to occur.

Hillsides, abrupt curves, and rougher surfaces may all be found in these dangerous regions. In fact, inclement weather accounts for 11% of all fatal crashes.`

Driving in Rain is Dangerous

Traveling in a rainstorm is extremely dangerous because of a few variables. It was established by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) whether sorts of conditions had “operational implications” on the route.

Vision, surface roughness, and traffic blockage are all affected by wetness, mainly including rain. Motorists might have difficulty operating their vehicles as a consequence.

“Evacuation decision support,” driving abilities, roadway management approach, traffic signal synchronization, speed limit regulation and may all be affected by moisture, as can automobile performance.

Driving in a rainstorm or on slick roads might result in a severe weather-related auto crash for such reasons. As per the Federal Highway Administration, more than two-thirds of weather-related collisions happen on wet roads.

Type of Weather Conditions Affecting Your Car

Hot Weather

There is nothing wrong with a small amount of sunlight, but extreme heat may also be dangerous. That’s the time of year when the temperatures mostly around our vehicles rise.

When you’re detained in transits for an extended period in warm temperatures, keep a close eye out for any hazard lights and, notably, the temperature gauge.

à Crosswinds

When you primarily drive in crosswinds, make sure you are ready and only do so when necessary. This problem is worsened by overtaking a large vehicle, such as a truck or bus, and may worsen in outdoor areas.

Even though gusty winds might come out of nowhere and inflict a complete lack of control of an automobile, always be ready and respond appropriately.


For people hauling trailers or operating a heavy-duty vehicle (HGV), wind gusts may be very dangerous. You may effectively defend yourself against a high breeze by driving at a reduced speed and avoiding wide open areas, overpasses, and arches, which typically encourage high winds.

Bright Sunshine

Even if it’s a lovely sight, traveling while facing the sunlight from sunup to sundown can lead to an unfortunate accident, so be careful.


Fog is among the most dangerous weather situations to ride in, especially when everything is uneven and gives you only a few seconds of visibility at a time.


Whenever ice or snow starts melting, or whenever the ice continues to solidify again, the roadways become their most dangerous.

When driving in the snowfall, it is recommended that you use low gear. Don’t put too much on a gas pedal when you discover yourself in an uncontrolled slide and spin the main tires in the same manner as the slide.

Icy Weather

Driving in ice conditions may increase braking distance by up to 10 fold, which we’ve seen, yet only a third of motorists are aware of this, much alone prepare for it.

Additionally, collisions are likely to occur if cars exit the grated roadways into the side streets, which have not.

Wet Conditions

More than twice as far away from a stop as in dry weather. Also, visibility is significantly diminished. Highway navigation may be dangerous with the addition of such factors, plus the spraying from oncoming traffic, huge buses, and trucks.

Rainfall and drizzle are the most dangerous times to drive on the highway. Therefore, you must reduce your speed as soon as possible.

What You Can Do to Prevent Car Accidents in the Rain

To safeguard yourself and your loved ones safe throughout these upcoming months or two of traveling in the rainfalls, you don’t necessarily have to avoid driving at all. Our automobile accident attorneys have compiled a list of rain-related safety recommendations below.

  • Withdraw your foot from all controlling pedals, keep the steering column level, and avoid any rapid steering motions till your wheels recover grip with the highway.

  • You should never abruptly slam on the brakes. It’s possible to cause your car to skid unpredictably by aggressively braking.

  • Whenever you wish to change lanes, engage with your turn signals and side mirrors earlier. This would give fellow drivers adequate time to respond if required to do so.

  • Slowly speed up. This prevents your car from skidding.

Hire a Car Accident Attorney!

Even though you take all reasonable efforts to avoid an automobile accident resulting from adverse weather, the insurance provider might still be able to compensate you for your losses.

Fines might be sought against the irresponsible motorist when the collision was induced by the other motorist who did not drive appropriately in adverse conditions. Contact a reputed law firm for legal advice after an automobile accident.