Best Car Accident Lawyers San Antonio, TX

Robert C. Alden

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University of Texas at Austin School of Law

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Scott DeShazo

TX Bar Association Status


Year Admitted to TX Bar


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Texas Tech University School of Law

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Marc E. Gravely

TX Bar Association Status


Year Admitted to TX Bar


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St Mary’s University School of Law

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Randy Howry

TX Bar Association Status


Year Admitted to TX Bar


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South Texas College of Law

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Stephen F. Lazor

TX Bar Association Status


Year Admitted to TX Bar


Law School Attended

University of Texas at Austin School of Law

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Fidel Rodriguez, Jr.

TX Bar Association Status


Year Admitted to TX Bar


Law School Attended

University of Texas at Austin School of Law

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Daniel J.T. Sciano

TX Bar Association Status


Year Admitted to TX Bar


Law School Attended

St. Mary’s University School of Law

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Michael L. Slack

TX Bar Association Status


Year Admitted to TX Bar


Law School Attended

University of Texas School of Law

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Laura G. Tamez

TX Bar Association Status


Year Admitted to TX Bar


Law School Attended

St. Mary’s University School of Law

Why They Made Our List

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Shalimar S. Wallis

TX Bar Association Status


Year Admitted to TX Bar


Law School Attended

South Texas College of Law

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Robert C. Alden



University of Texas school of Law

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Scott DeShazo



Texas Tech University Law School

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Marc E. Gravely



St. Mary’s University School of Law

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Randy Howry



South Texas College of Law

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Stephen F. Lazor



University of Texas School of Law

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Fidel Rodriguez, Jr.



University of Texas School of Law

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Daniel J.T Sciano



St. Mary's University School of Law

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Michael L. Slack



University of Texas School of  Law

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Laura G. Tamez



St. Mary’s University School of Law

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Shalimar S. Wallis



South Texas College of Law

Key Takeaway:


In the legal world of car accidents in San Antonio, TX, it is crucial to have the best car accident lawyers by your side. These professionals specialize in handling car accident cases and have a deep understanding of the legal complexities involved. With their expertise and knowledge, they can guide you through the process, ensuring that you receive the compensation you deserve.

With a focus on professionalism and expertise, the best car accident lawyers in San Antonio, TX are dedicated to helping their clients navigate the often challenging aftermath of a car accident.

Understanding Texas Laws and Statute of Limitations

Understanding the Legal Framework and Time Restrictions in Texas

Texas laws and the statute of limitations are crucial aspects to grasp following a car accident. Having a comprehensive understanding of the legal framework and time restrictions in Texas can significantly impact the outcome of your case. It is important to be aware of the specific laws that apply, as they vary from state to state. Additionally, being mindful of the statute of limitations is essential as it determines the timeframe within which legal action can be taken.

When it comes to car accidents in San Antonio, TX, understanding the applicable Texas laws is essential. These include laws related to negligence, liability, and insurance requirements. For instance, Texas operates under a "fault" system, meaning that the party at fault for the accident is responsible for covering the damages. Familiarizing yourself with these laws can help you navigate the legal process more effectively and ensure that your rights are protected.

Equally important is being aware of the statute of limitations in Texas for car accident cases. The statute of limitations sets a specific time limit within which a legal claim must be filed. In Texas, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases, including car accidents, is generally two years from the date of the accident. Failing to file a claim within this timeframe may result in your case being dismissed by the court.

Now, let's consider a real-life scenario to shed light on the significance of understanding Texas laws and the statute of limitations. Sarah, a victim of a car accident, suffered severe injuries. Initially, she was hesitant to pursue legal action due to a lack of awareness about the laws and time restrictions applicable in Texas. Upon consulting with a trusted car accident lawyer in San Antonio, Sarah gained a better understanding of her rights and the importance of timely action. Utilizing this knowledge, Sarah was able to file a successful personal injury claim within the statutory deadline and secured the compensation she deserved.

Having a firm grasp of Texas laws and the statute of limitations following a car accident can make a substantial difference in your case. It is crucial to seek legal guidance from experienced car accident lawyers who can navigate these complexities on your behalf, ensuring that you receive the justice and compensation you rightfully deserve.

Determining Fault in Car Crashes

Determining Responsibility in Vehicle Accidents

When it comes to determining fault in car crashes, a crucial aspect is identifying who is responsible for the accident. This process involves gathering evidence, analyzing witness statements, and examining applicable traffic laws. Insurance companies and legal professionals play a significant role in this investigation to ensure a fair outcome.

To determine responsibility, various factors are considered, including the actions of each driver involved, traffic violations, weather conditions, and any witnesses or video footage. Experts may also be consulted to provide insights into accident reconstruction and analyze the sequence of events leading to the collision.

It is important to note that determining fault in car crashes is a complex matter, dependent on the specifics of each case. However, with the assistance of experienced car accident lawyers in San Antonio, TX, individuals involved in these accidents can receive guidance and support throughout the legal process.

In light of the importance of addressing fault in car crashes, it is crucial for those involved to seek legal representation promptly. Waiting too long to take action can lead to missed opportunities for gathering evidence and building a strong case. By consulting with skilled car accident lawyers, individuals can ensure their rights are protected and increase their chances of obtaining a favorable outcome in their claim. Don't delay seeking legal assistance in determining fault after a car crash; take action now to secure the compensation you deserve.

Benefits of Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer

Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer: The Advantages

Car accidents can result in physical injuries, emotional trauma, and financial burdens. Engaging the services of a car accident lawyer can provide numerous benefits. These legal professionals have in-depth knowledge of personal injury laws and will navigate the complex legal processes on your behalf. With their guidance, you can focus on recuperating while they handle negotiations with insurance companies, collect evidence, and build a strong case.

Additionally, a car accident lawyer will ensure you receive fair compensation for medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering. By entrusting your case to a skilled attorney, you increase your chances of a successful outcome and avoid the stress and confusion of pursuing a claim on your own.

An experienced car accident lawyer understands the intricacies of insurance policies and will work diligently to maximize your recovery. They have the expertise to assess the value of your claim accurately and will fight for your rights against aggressive insurance adjusters who may try to diminish your compensation. Furthermore, these legal professionals have access to a network of medical experts, accident reconstruction specialists, and other professionals who can provide invaluable testimony to support your case. By leveraging their resources and connections, they can strengthen your position and improve your chances of receiving the compensation you deserve.

In addition to legal expertise, car accident lawyers offer emotional support during a difficult time. They understand the stress and trauma that often accompany car accidents and will provide compassionate guidance throughout the legal process. Their empathetic approach helps alleviate client concerns and fosters a sense of trust, allowing injured individuals to focus on their recovery. By having someone who genuinely cares about their well-being, victims of car accidents can find solace in knowing that their interests are being fiercely protected.

One such case involves a client who was involved in a severe car accident and suffered life-altering injuries. This client sought the assistance of a car accident lawyer to navigate the complex legal landscape and hold the responsible party accountable. The lawyer meticulously gathered evidence, interviewed witnesses, and collaborated with medical experts to build a solid case. Through relentless negotiation, the lawyer secured a substantial settlement that covered medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and future care needs. This victory not only provided financial relief but also brought a sense of justice and closure to the client.


In summary, the best car accident lawyers in San Antonio, TX have been discussed in this article. These lawyers specialize in handling car accident cases, providing legal advice and representation to their clients. They have a deep understanding of the legal system and are experienced in negotiating with insurance companies. Additionally, they offer personalized attention and prioritize the best interests of their clients.

By seeking their expertise, victims of car accidents can ensure that their rights are protected and that they receive the compensation they deserve.

Five Facts About Best Car Accident Lawyers San Antonio, TX:

FAQs about Best Car Accident Lawyers San Antonio, Tx

What is the statute of limitations for filing a car accident lawsuit in Texas?

The statute of limitations for personal injury claims in Texas, including car accidents, is two years. This means that you must file a lawsuit within two years of the accident in order to be able to sue.

Are there any specific notice requirements for filing a car accident lawsuit involving an Austin city employee or vehicle?

Yes, if an Austin city employee or vehicle was involved in your car accident and you believe the employee was at fault, you have to provide notice of your intention to sue within just 45 days.

What are the minimum insurance requirements for car drivers in Texas?

Texas requires all drivers to carry insurance. The minimum requirements for each type of coverage include $30,000 per person for bodily injury liability, $60,000 per accident for bodily injury liability, and $25,000 per accident for property damage liability. It's important to note that having less coverage than this may prevent you from registering your car in Texas and could result in being cited for being underinsured.

Is it legal to use a cellphone while driving in Texas?

Cell phone use is legal for Texas drivers who are over 18, but they are prohibited from reading, writing, or sending text messages or emails while driving.

How is fault determined in car accidents in Texas?

Texas follows a fault-based system for car insurance, which means that the driver who causes an accident is held liable for the damages. Fault is determined by the insurance companies based on evidence such as police reports and vehicle damage.

How can a car accident lawyer help after a car accident?

An experienced car accident lawyer can handle communication with other parties and insurance providers, protect your rights by assessing fair offers and ensuring deadlines are met, and represent you in negotiations or court if necessary.