Rules and Guidelines

General Rules

1. Only people in the Amino, CS threads, Discord, and/or TH World for The Celestial Council can participate in the ARPG

2. Do not claim TCC as your own

3. Nothing unrelated to the Species/ARPG is allowed to be posted in the TCC Groups unless it is a part of a character's Profile or a part of an Art Piece or Story

4. Follow the rules for the ARPG

5. You are allowed to use Kahvs outside of the ARPG but they must stay in the ARPG too

6. There is a limit to how many Kahvs you can own at a time, it's based off of your Level (the higher the level the more Kahvs you can own)

7. You can own up to 2 Packs but no more than that and you can only start your second Pack after your first pack is Level 30 or higher (may be changed in the future)

8. Staff Members are the only people allowed to own Kahvs that are in The Celestial Council (government body, which shares the same name as the ARPG)

9. If you aren't interested in the Species anymore and you're leaving, you can either sell/trade/give away all your Kahvs, hand them over to the staff, or transfer them out of the Species and ARPG and they'll be removed in the Archive

10. Do not attempt to guilt trip anyone for anything

11. Don't steal other people's stuff

12. All characters must be added to the Archives

13. Certain Punishments for Rule Breaking may limit the Rarity/Type and amount of characters someone can own

14. Certain Punishments for Rule Breaking may bar people from entering Staff Member Try-Outs, entering Community Helper Try-Outs, and obtaining Rights

15. Kahvmas can only be sold/traded/gifted to other people in TCC

16. Sexual/NSFW content is not allowed in any of TCC's groups

17. Keep swearing to a minimum in the Amino and Discord, and don't direct it towards others/use it to hurt others.

Rarity/Type and Design Rules

1. You must get your Kahvs approved by a Staff Member when using a MYO or making an Adopt or Custom

2. You are allowed to transfer the Designs of your characters to Kahvs if the character is owned by you (or it's owned by someone else and you're transferring it for them, with their permission, and won't be keeping the character -- you have to have Rights in order to do this) and the original designer of the character is okay with it. 

3. When transferring Designs you are not allowed to add certain physical things (ex. different ears, body parts made of water, segmented/cut up/floating body parts, etc.) to the Kahv version that the original character had unless the Rarity/Type allows it and there are mutations available for the trait you want to add, otherwise those can not be added to the Kahv version. Things like scars, missing limbs, and certain genetic mutations (ex. leucism, albinism, melanism) are fine though. If you aren't sure if it would be okay you can contact a Staff Member and ask.

4. Hybrids between Rarities/Types are not allowed unless the Kahv has an Unseen Mutation

5. Hybrids between Kahvs and other Species are not allowed

6. You can not create subspecies, variants, or hybrids of Kahvs, especially if you're claiming they are a different Species/your own Species

7. You can not to add, create, or design new Rarities/Types, Mutations, or Diseases. You can suggest potential ideas to the Staff and become a Species Helper if you'd like a chance at them being added, but you can not add them on your own

8. You are not allowed to make any changes to the Species Information

9. Kahvs must have the same colors and patterns for their eyes, gem, and mist (visual guide)

Adopt Rules

1. Adopts can only be made by Staff Members, Artists, Guest Artists, and people who have Rights

2. Read the artist's ToS if they have one

3. You can only get an Adopt when you have an open Slot in your Pack

4. Founder Adopts are Adopts anyone can get as long as they have an open Slot in their Pack and these Adopts can be used as founders for people who are just starting out

5. Normal Adopts are Adopts only people who are Level 1+ can get, must have an open Slot in their Pack

6. Adopts can only be sold/traded/gifted to other people in TCC

MYO Rules

1. You can get 1 Free MYO/Custom as a Founder to start off your Pack

2. Your Founder MYO/Custom expires once you have a Founder

3. You can only use a MYO when you have an open Slot in your Pack

4. All MYOs must be approved by a Staff Member before they are official

5. Regardless of the MYO type, you can use any Non-Rarity mutations you'd like

6. You will need a Mutation Ticket in order to use any General or Specific Mutations

7. Unseen Mutations cannot be used, only Staff and Artists with permission can use them

Custom Rules

1. Customs can only be made by Staff Members and people who have Rights

2. Read the artist's ToS if they have one

3. You can get 1 Free MYO/Custom as a Founder to start off your Pack

4. Your Founder MYO/Custom expires once you have a Founder

5. You can only get a Custom when you have an open Slot in your Pack

6. Customs can only be made for other people in TCC

Nursery/Breeding Rules

1. You must have a Breeding Ticket in order to breed your Kahvmas

2. You can either design the kits yourself or get an Artist/Guest Artist to do it

3. Do not harass Artists/Guest Artists over their slots if you're looking to get someone else to design the Kits for you

4. You can only get 2 breedings per month

5. Kahvmas have 5 breeding slots each

6. You must wait 1 month before you can breed the same Kahvmas again (cooldown starts when kits are designed and approved)

7. Kahvmas can only breed with the opposite gender

8. One breeding will result in 1-4 kits

9. Rarity/Type and Mutations will be rolled for based on certain percentages

10. Kahvmas are not allowed to breed with others from the same bloodlines

11. Kahvmas must be at least a Young Adult (51-200yrs.) in order to breed and they can’t breed anymore once they’re an Elder (501+yrs.)

12. You may not breed Kahvmas from past breedings unless they have already been grown and reapproved

13. Kits can be grown 1 month after being designed and approved

14. You are allowed to breed with other people's Kahvmas but you must have permission from the owner of the other Kahvmas

Rights Holder Rules

1. Rights can only be obtained from buying them or as Prizes from Events, Contests, and Raffles

2. Rights Holders can make what their Rights say they can

3. Rights Holders can make unlimited Kahvs for themselves as long as they have an open Slot in their Pack

4. Rights Holders can make an unlimited amount of adopts/customs

5. Rights can be stripped from people for breaking the rules (depends on what rules + if they broke any in the past)

Shop Rules

1. You can resell, trade, and gift most shop items. Shop items can only be resold for what you paid for them (ex. if you purchase a Tikry MYO Ticket for 200 Gems it can only be resold for 200 Gems, if you got the Tikry MYO Ticket for a 50% discount it can only be resold for 100 Gems). Shop items that cannot be resold or traded are: Tikry Rights, Sivk Rights, Rih Rights, Quetil Rights, and Unlimited Rights. These items can be gifted, but only if you tell Staff and Archivists when purchasing the item.

2. Starter MYO/Custom Tickets cannot be sold, traded, or gifted.

3. Other currencies can only be converted to Alexandrite Gems at any of the official threads/channels/posts for the Shop. You cannot sell your Alexandrite Gems or trade them for things that aren't in the approved section of this list. You can gift your Alexandrite Gems to other users.

Alexandrite Gem Trades

Approved Trades

Banned Trades

Lore/World Based Rules

These rules are based on the world info/lore for TCC. These are not optional just because they're world/lore based and will be enforced.


1. Founders must be at least Young Adults (51-200) or 3 years within that range -- Founders can be 48yrs. or older

2. 2nd-in-Commands must be at least Young Adults (51-200) or 3 years within that range -- 2nd-in-Commands can be 48yrs. or older

3. Healers must be at least Teens (26-50) -- Healers can be 26yrs. or older

4. Members can be any age

5. You can rename your ranks, add new ranks, or remove ranks as long as you still keep a list available to the public of your Kahvs in the system established ranks (Founder, 2nd-in-Command, Healers, and Members -- and Rogues if you have any)


1. Kahvmas with Nychta Disease are not allowed in Aligned Packs

2. Kahvmas with Nychta Disease are allowed to be Rogues or in Rogue Packs

3. Kahvmas with Figurine Disorder are allowed in Aligned Packs

2. Kahvmas with Figurine Disorder are allowed to be Rogues or in Rogue Packs

Community Helper Rules

These rules are specifically for Community Helpers. These do not apply to people who aren't a part of the Community Helpers.

Artists Rules

1. Artists can not enforce rules and make changes to the Species/Community

2. Artists can only be added after their 5 Adopts if the Staff Members deem them fit for the position -- this may change based on the agreed upon individual terms and responsibilities of their position.

3. Artists must make at least 1 Adopt a Month -- this may change based on the agreed upon individual terms and responsibilities of their position.

4. If an Artist gives the Owner a notice stating that they can't make this months adopt and a brief overview of why (ex. busy with work/school) then they will be excused and can miss that months adopt without penalty. If this rule is abused or the position doesn't seem like a good fit anymore they may be removed from this position.

5. Artists can not make Customs.

6. Artists will receive payment, typically after every 3-5 Adopts. Payment will vary based on what is agreed upon.

7. Artists can make Tikry, Sivk, Rih, and Quetil Kahvs, make Healthy Kahvs, use Non-Rarity Mutations, use Uncommon and Rare General Mutations, and use Tikry, Sivk, Rih, and Quetil Specific Mutations 

8. Artists can not make Infected of any kind Kahvs, use Legendary Mutations, and use any Infected Specific Mutations 

9. Artists can not use Unseen Mutations without permission

Guest Artist Rules

1. Guest Artists can not enforce rules and make changes to the Species/Community

2. Guest Artists can only be added by trying out/signing up for the position

3. Guest Artists can create up to 5 Adopts and no more -- this may change based on the agreed upon individual terms and responsibilities of their position.

4. Guest Artists can become Artists after their 5 Adopts if the Staff Members deem them fit for the position, or they can try out/sign up again if they only want the position to be temporary -- this may change based on the agreed upon individual terms and responsibilities of their position.

5. Guest Artists can not make Customs

6. Guest Artists will receive payment after they make their 5 Adopts. Payment will vary based on what is agreed upon.

7. Guest Artists can make Tikry and Sivk Kahvs, make Healthy Kahvs, use Non-Rarity Mutations, and use Uncommon Mutations

8. Guest Artists can not make Rih and Quetil Kahvs, Infected of any kind Kahvs, use Rare and Legendary General Mutations, use Tikry, Sivk, Rih, Quetil, and any Infected Specific Mutations, and use Unseen Mutations

Species Helper Rules

1. Species Helpers can not enforce rules within the Community

2. Species helpers can only make changes to the Species/Community when they have an Owner/Co-Owner's direct permission

3. Species Helpers can keep their position for as long as they want as long as they still make suggestions when they have ideas and/or are active in the community

4. Species Helpers will be demoted if they go inactive for too long without warning

5. Species Helpers will receive some kind of reward for their work (what they receive depends based on what they've done and how much they've done)